View Full Version : lcd screen

29-10-2010, 6:08pm
hi all
i was hoping someone can help
i am starting to get patches of white and patches of black flashing on and of the screen when i am, viewing photos on the 50d
has any one else had this problem
cheers macca

29-10-2010, 7:03pm
I don't have the 50D Macca, but it almost sounds like clipping - over and under-exposed areas. Is there a setting on the camera that you can turn on or off for this?

29-10-2010, 7:09pm
thanks for that cheryl i shall look for the setting and try to find the manual and see if that fixes it
cheers macca

30-10-2010, 7:51pm
On the 7d it's highlight alert under the blue menu

30-10-2010, 7:58pm
Blinkies are a good thing, leave it on

30-10-2010, 9:35pm
i still have not aclue what is was
i reset the camera to factoy settings and all is well i will just start again
cheers macca
whats a blinkie kiwi

31-10-2010, 10:53am
So cool,never used this function but can see how it would be very useful.

Dave C
08-11-2010, 11:18am
"Blinkies" - i think he is using the term to decribe what you are seeing . ie blinking pixels. These are highlighting areas of you photo that are either under or over exposed . therfore highlighting areas of you photo that there is too liitle or too much light and therefore have issues if you want to PP (Post Process) or may also have issues on printing