View Full Version : Buying a point and shoot

29-10-2010, 4:19pm

I am sure I have seen these threads pop up from time to time, but buggered if I can find one!

My wifes poor old olympus has finally died, so its time to replace. I have been doing the old DPReview thing quite a bit today and am at my wits end! To be honest and maybe this is the joys of having DSLR's (and even, heavens forbid, shooting film), the sample of everything I have looked at leave a lot to be desired....... I find it totally idiotic that they try and cram 14MP into a sensor the size of your finger nail

Anyhow, this is getting way off subject, as we are talking P&S cameras and I shouldn't expect DSLR and bridge capabilities. Does anyone have a preference for a P&S compact, with a modest zoom (5x minimal would be good up to 10x) that they are happy with. Absolute maximum price is $400.


29-10-2010, 7:56pm
not up with the compacts Hoffy, but I think I'd be looking for a good secondhand Panasonic LX-3 or Canon G9/10.

29-10-2010, 7:59pm
I can recommend the Canon G11 or the newer G12, they are a great mid compact with alot of capabilities and works well in point and shot mode but can be placed in full manual mode as well.


7D user
29-10-2010, 8:26pm
I think you should be able to find a good second hand G9 on the Bay that won't dissapoint at all.

29-10-2010, 9:51pm
Don't be afraid to look at the Richo offerings, The CX3 and 4 look pretty good

30-10-2010, 3:44pm
Thanks for your replies guys. Richie, the GS range are a bit too bridge like (ok for me, but wifey wanted something a bit smaller) for the intended purpose. Mark, Ricoh hey? I wish as 10MP sounds much better then 14, but I couldn't get my hands one one in the required time frame (Tues is the wifes Birthday). In the end, I found a superseded Fuji F200EXR, that fared much better in reviews then ANYTHING in the same price range that has come out in the last 12 months.

MP has a new meaning.....Marketing Ploy.

31-10-2010, 8:08am
Having used a G9 for the last few years as my point and shoot, I'd happily say the G11/12 is a great investment.