View Full Version : Advice needed

27-10-2010, 1:15pm
Hi guys,

So I have a little work function on this Friday and to my surprise I have been approached to be the photographer for the evening.
Now at first it was a bit daunting but I'd really like to give it a go. Its not a huge formal function, more of a get together so I don't need to be a professional:th3:

Now my problem. I have no flash (other than that on my D3000 which is not that great).
So I'm looking at some advice before I commit to the task.

My setup is pretty basic. D3000, 18-55mm lens (I believe this will be good enough?).

I've been looking at the SB-600 but it is very expensive in Canberra. Ted's want $450 for it! So I'd like to know if it is worth it or should I look somewhere else.
Also would I need a diffuser?

I will be shooting in dark lighting (ie in a club) and it would be mostly close up portraits (shoulders +heads) to maybe some group shots (5-10 people). And this is also what I would focus on in the future.

So any advice would be greatly appreciated :) The more the better.

Thank you,

27-10-2010, 1:58pm
You can get a SB 900 delivered for $486 from DWI. ;)

SB600 is under $300. May not help for this Friday but if you are looking at getting a flash it pays to look around.

Ozzi Paul
27-10-2010, 10:46pm
If you get a flash, get a diffuser to use with it, if you don't get one you may be able to get a small flash diffuser that will work on your cameras built in flash. The Metz 48 AF-1 & 58 AF-1 flashes are pretty good and would probably cost less than the Nikon flashes.

28-10-2010, 6:28am
If you get a flash, get a diffuser to use with it, if you don't get one you may be able to get a small flash diffuser that will work on your cameras built in flash. The Metz 48 AF-1 & 58 AF-1 flashes are pretty good and would probably cost less than the Nikon flashes.

Thanks for the info. I'll have a look around.

02-11-2010, 10:26pm
Hey Chris, how did your shoot go in the end? I always find functions to be the worse situation in terms of lighting, even with flash. Any tips that you learnt from it?

03-11-2010, 10:12am
I knew there was something I forgot to do! Stuck right in the middle of exams at the moment so my head isn't really in the game. :o

I ended up with the SB600 and glad I did, really happy with it.

As far as the function went I got some good photos. The lighting was extremely tricky for my first time. Function started during daylight hours and finished after dark which meant I was constantly changing settings at first (light outside deck and darker inside). It was also the first time I had used ISO1600 (photo's where only going up on fb etc so I didn't need high res copies.)

A couple things I did learn was that the the shutter speed was a really quick and easy way to change the exposure on the fly (ie, under bright down lights the subjects heads where over exposed so needed less ambient light) and that made it very easy for me and not a pain to get the subjects hanging around for me to get the photo right :p.
Also that this kind of photography is very tricky! Especially with the long shutter speed for the ambient light. A few of my shots where blurred which was a shame but the effect looks really good when you get it right.

Here are a couple of my shots.

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4152/5127383865_ea8cb8801f.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5127383865/)
4 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5127383865/) by liverpool107 (http://www.flickr.com/people/53837141@N02/), on Flickr

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1199/5128100092_579c1dc793.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128100092/)
76 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128100092/) by liverpool107 (http://www.flickr.com/people/53837141@N02/), on Flickr

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1378/5127492667_579d4ecebe.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5127492667/)
52 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5127492667/) by liverpool107 (http://www.flickr.com/people/53837141@N02/), on Flickr

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4042/5128098240_d8f423232c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128098240/)
51 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128098240/) by liverpool107 (http://www.flickr.com/people/53837141@N02/), on Flickr

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1228/5128100336_2018964c67.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128100336/)
79 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/53837141@N02/5128100336/) by liverpool107 (http://www.flickr.com/people/53837141@N02/), on Flickr

Criticism most welcome

03-11-2010, 3:09pm
I reckon you've done very well Chris, I was in the same situation, A mate wanted me to do his son's Wedding !! As it turned out the whole Wedding was indoors because of rain, I bought a Marumi D728-AF , Dedicated , I used a Yongnuo soft box on the flashhead Set the ISO to 320.F7.1, 1/200th shutter ,Colour Temp 4900 seemed to work well , Half Power and bounced every shot off the roof and walls , I amazed myself :) just thought I'd put my settings up as well , It may help to stop the motion Blur, I found leaving the shutter speed and adjusting the Aperture and Flash Power worked for me , Also keeping a good shutter speed - Well done -Bill :cool::th3:

03-11-2010, 3:39pm
That's for posting your settings, Bill. The settings I used for most of the night where ISO1600, F/4, 1/4 shutter and SB 600 with softbox. It was hard to get the nice coloured ambient light to fill the background if I stepped up the shutter though, which is why I had such a slow shutter speed. The fastest ss I could get with good results was 1/50. Being in a nightclub probably didn't help with lighting though ;).

I didn't think I would be really into this kind of photography but after seeing the results it makes me want to do more! :D:D:D


03-11-2010, 3:49pm
Same boat Mate !! It Has me interested as well, All I need now is a Pocket Wirard and a second flash :D;) This is one of mine , First time with a flash , Remember , I'm usually a Seascape person :)

03-11-2010, 4:04pm
Great shot, the vignette gives it a nice touch.
The one thing I find difficult at the moment is judging the brightness of the skin tones in camera. Sometimes I think it will be fine but then it will be a tad to bright or vice versa. I think I need to practice some more. Just need to find some willing subjects!
Its amazing what you can do with a flash. I've also already volunteered my services at any other functions that may be held in the future:cool:.

03-11-2010, 4:16pm
Chris , I don't know what file you shot at , But I do all my Function'ey shoots in RAW , it is a lot more forgiving on that special day ;)