View Full Version : 7D question

27-10-2010, 10:00am
I have just been viewing some of my images with zoom browser and noticed that some of them have no red square indicating the focus point, just the 19 squares in black, then there will be many where the focus square is in red indicating the focus point with the other squares in black. I have been using the single point focus mainly, and some single shot and some AIservo. I have the camera set to use the AE lock button to focus, and then AF on button to lock the exposure.
Just wondered if not having a red square indicated that I had not actually achieved focus, when I thought that I had.

27-10-2010, 11:53am
Hey agb....

I have a 500D.....and have never struck this. I however, have never used AI servo. The only other thing.....were you using manual or auto focus.

I had a trip into Westmorland falls last week & took a couple of snaps using manual focus. I will check tonight & let u know what i find.....:D


27-10-2010, 1:23pm
Would you believe I think I have it worked out, it's when I have locked focus ( or I hope thats what I am doing) and then recomposed, so there is no red square showing the focus point.

27-10-2010, 1:39pm
Would you believe I think I have it worked out, it's when I have locked focus ( or I hope thats what I am doing) and then recomposed, so there is no red square showing the focus point.

That would make sense.

Is there a reason you use a button to lock focus before recomposing, instead of just half pressing the main button and holding there while recomposing the shot?

27-10-2010, 1:49pm
I have set my camera up in a similar fashion to this one, http://www.deepgreenphotography.com/blog/?p=226. I thoought that I would just give it a try and have found that it is very easy for me to use this way. I focus with the AE lock button with my thumb . I do the exposure lock with the thumb on the AF button and then recompose if necessary and press the trigger. Whether or not I use single shot or AI servo depends on what I am shooting, but the suggestion was to use AI servo and simply press and release for single shot, press and hold for a moving subject. I am at a very early learning stage though, no photography to speak of for years and have just started agian.