View Full Version : Photography Resume

25-10-2010, 10:53am
Hi guys,

I was pleasantly surprised to stumble over the fact that a photo I submitted to National Geographic a while ago was featured in their photo of the day in May, and currently seems to be the headline photo for their travel guide to New Zealand



I'm not a photography pro by any means, but in my field, demonstrating interests outside professional work is always a bonus so I was keen to include this on the bottom of my CV.

I know it's not that impressive in the grand scheme for a pro photographer, but I was wondering whether anyone tends to put things like these on their resume, how to format it, and how you retain a record given that it won't always be up there on the website.

25-10-2010, 11:22am
To get a record of it being there, do a screen dump (windows PC : Alt + PrtCr)

Then go into your editing software, create a new document and generally you will be asked for size, from the drop down, choose 'clipboard', when you have your new blank document, go Edit > Paste : A copy of the screen will now be your document. Save as you wish.

Note that this is effective fairly much on any website, but be aware you could be breaching copyright be doing so. Certainly if you do a screen dump of another person's photography, and use it for any purpose, you are breaching that photographers copyright, so use at your own risk!

26-10-2010, 1:43pm
Thanks Rick

Wasn't entirely sure how legit a screen grab would be.

Anyway I took on your suggestion, but found some firefox plugins that allow you to capture the entire page, even if off screen (screengrab, pearl crescent). The other thing I tried was print to pdf, but it came out all jumbled due to php


27-10-2010, 12:05am
A screendump is okay I guess, but you can always save a link to the right page in the wayback machine (http://waybackmachine.org/).

05-11-2010, 9:20am
Tomtom, I just followed your link to the Nat Geo site - incredible image! Must be a good feeling to have it published in such a magazine!

Hey I was looking at the nat geo website, and couldn't seem to find instructions on how to submit photos for their photo of the day... where did you go on the website to submit?



05-11-2010, 10:52am
impressive enough and they must obviously think so too. So, take all the credit you can from this in whatever way you can - you have earned it.

05-11-2010, 5:54pm
Check out 'Your Shot'. There's a daily dozen that they choose and publish, and out of these one winner a month actually gets printed in NG.

By submitting photos through this competition however, you give NG free reign to use your photos in their publications, but for me it's NG so they can go for it!

Through this, I've had another photo accepted into the National Geographic Stock Collection. Being put up for POTD and on the travel guide came out of the blue and they didn't contact me, I found out quite randomly. I'm quite sure it got a guernsy as they didn't have to pay for it!