View Full Version : White squares in photos

18-10-2010, 8:53pm
I recently noticed that my pictures have white squares in them. These squares are very small and only visible when the photos are viewed at their original size or bigger. Does anyone know what the white squares are? They all are perfect squares and they even have a black border around LOL .. They are in the same spots on all pictures. I tried 3 different lenses and the squares are still there so I guess it's the camera doing it, not the glass. Why is the camera doing it? It's driving me crazy. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

18-10-2010, 10:03pm
If you google dead pixels, that's what I reckon

Dust on the sensor is the only other thing, but, that's usually round

19-10-2010, 5:35am
I agree dead pixel. Not unusual. Depending on your camera, some have a menu item called 'pixel mapping', check your manual, follow the instructions, run it, and they should go away.

19-10-2010, 6:41pm
oh, is your camera still under warranty? ask the seller to check maybe

19-10-2010, 10:03pm
Thank you guys for the hints and advice... My camera is OLYMPUS E-420. It is not under warranty, unfortunately.
I've done as told.. read about dead/stuck pixels - I think that's them.
I've ran the pixel mapping function in my camera but it didn't help. I took more pictures, on different backgrounds, different shutter speeds and they're still there. I have 3 of them in total - on every picture in the same spot.
As they say.. There's always something good in everything bad - it looks like I'll be getting E-5 when it finally comes out. :)
Thanks guys a lot... Never before have I heard about dead/stuck pixels on the camera's sensor.

20-10-2010, 5:22am
at least they are easy to get rid of. Cause they appear in the same spot every time (as dead pixels do), just clone em out. Depending on your editing software, you can create an action to do it automatically (also depending on your skill level at editing and creating actions etc).

05-11-2010, 8:15am
pixels will die with age/heat. denser sensors like yours will be prone to more of these
when you upgrade you may want to consider a 1.5x crop camera.