View Full Version : Critique my 'Business' Card:::

15-10-2010, 1:50pm
Hi guys,

I'm looking at getting myself some Business cards done up.

Now I don't actually have a photography business and I don't think I'll be selling any of my work anytime soon... but when people see me out and about with all my gear they often ask if I have a website they can look at.

I'd like to be able to give them a card to direct them there.

What do you think of my design? I don't really have an 'arty' bone in my body and haven't ever done anything like this before, so am after some honest opinions and ideas on how to make it better.


Thanks very much for any help

15-10-2010, 1:53pm
Just looking at it again...

Maybe I should swap my name and website address around and make the address more visible (make it white)?

15-10-2010, 1:57pm
You need to make both your name and the web address bigger. Phone number ??? Maybe move the fly to the left and put all your contact information in the box so it's all together.

15-10-2010, 2:00pm
Ok, I will give that a go.

I wasn't going to put a phone number on there as it is mainly to get people to go to my website and take a look at the galleries etc.

15-10-2010, 2:13pm
Ok, made my name and address bigger and put them all in the box.

I moved the box over to the left to balance it out a little more.


Ot this one... but am not sure if the red works (I'm colourblind with green/red so really have no idea what it looks like to a 'normal' person :) )


15-10-2010, 3:08pm
I don't think you need to say Australian Nature Photography twice, just the once in the URL is enough and drop the www. The URL is the most important thing on the card because that's where you're sending the recipient to. You could also lose the 'By'. I also preferred the version where the text box was coming in from the side probably from the right, as it interferes with the fly less.

15-10-2010, 3:15pm
Good point about only saying Australian Nature Photography once.

My fiancee says that I shouldn't use the fly image as people (non-photographer people) won't warm to it very well. My idea was to have something different that people won't have seen before.

She prefers something like: (But definately with your 'only once' idea applied and the writing probably in a different colour)


15-10-2010, 3:43pm
I actually prefer the fly, stronger colours and detail most people wouldn't consider. I'm not a fan of the scripty typeface you're using, but that's more a personal thing.

15-10-2010, 3:45pm
Yeah I like the fly much better too.

Scripty typeface has gone, I don't like it either :-)

The latest versions:



15-10-2010, 3:53pm
Nailed it. Send to print.

15-10-2010, 5:59pm
Why not do a 2 sided card with both versions?

15-10-2010, 6:08pm
I like the fly
You need to put your name, phone and email address on it to be useful as a business or contact card....not everyone has access to a computer and you can then also use it to drop into competitions, give to aunty etc

15-10-2010, 6:23pm
If you don't mind chucking a raw version of the fly, I'll have a tinker if you like.

15-10-2010, 8:06pm
There is a high res jpg of a very similar photo of mine here:

Fly (http://www.australiannaturephotography.com/misc/080220_085047.jpg)

Feel free to have a play :)

16-10-2010, 2:10am
Okay here are some rough designs. I tried to keep with your general idea and aim for a clear and minimalistic design. Done in photoshop but if you decide you like one I can redo it in Illustrator so the printer doesn't crack a shit at you.

I spread changes over the variations so you can pick and choose what you like.





In a former life I used to do this kind of thing as a business so even if they aren't what you want I was happy to kick the dust off.

Time for sleep now =)

16-10-2010, 6:39am

Use the same font on business card as website.
If you use the fly shot, consider changing you website background to green

16-10-2010, 8:17am
G'day all

Nice to see this co-operative project developing ...
I suggest that the name be increased & the phone number reduced in size - make them equal perhaps
Your name is important - that's what you want people to remember - so make it a bit more prominent

Q- do you want to see other APers business cards as comparisons????
Regards, Phil

16-10-2010, 8:37am
Thanks for the efforts guys!

I really like #3 TaintedSoul. That's a really nice font as well!

I'd love to see other APers business cards for comparison.

One suggestion that I got from another person was that using an image as the full background doesn't look very professional. I'm not sure I agree with that (but don't have any experience in the business world...so don't really know much!). What are you thoughts?


16-10-2010, 8:47am

Use the same font on business card as website.
If you use the fly shot, consider changing you website background to green

Generally I've only seen people concerned about continuity when it comes to company logos/fonts etc. I personally never had to colour match to a website though I can understand the concept and it makes sense.

After a quick look at the website, no font is defined. Didn't think about looking at 2am in the morning :D

G'day all

Nice to see this co-operative project developing ...
I suggest that the name be increased & the phone number reduced in size - make them equal perhaps

I've always done layouts in following order of importance:

1) Business name - The most important thing. Even if they lose the card, as long as they remember the name they can track you down.
2) Contact details - If they cannot contact you, then you will get no business
3) Personal name - Often not even included depending on circumstances. The business itself is more important than the individual as the business is the 'brand'.

That being said, this is my first design for a photographer and I realise their personal name/brand can be more important than the business.


When I get a chance I'll try to incorporate the above into another draft. Just woke up so priority is to feed the worms :p


Thanks for the efforts guys!

I really like #3 TaintedSoul. That's a really nice font as well!

Thanks. #3 was my personal favourite.

One suggestion that I got from another person was that using an image as the full background doesn't look very professional. I'm not sure I agree with that

It depends. I'll admit this is my first attempt at a photography business card, however while I was doing this as a business my personal card was a full photo/image with text overlaid. I never got comments about it looking unprofessional.

Your business card is designed to promote your business and your business is photography.


For a little bit of morning humour, this is what happens when you get too pedantic about your business card -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoIvd3zzu4Y =)

16-10-2010, 9:19pm
G'day Paul

So that this thread does not get overdone with other business cards ????? I will post to a new thread, hopefully others will post to it as well

Regards, Phil

16-10-2010, 9:44pm
Thanks Phil!

All advice is certainly welcome.

After reading these threads that I should try to create more of a 'brand' that I can also put on the card.

So now I am in the process getting a logo designed for 'Australian Nature Photography' to try and create an easy to recognise 'brand' that I can also add to the business card.

I will post back when I get a logo and will see if I can add it to the designs suggested :-)


16-10-2010, 10:17pm
Just a few quick tips about fonts/typefaces:

don't use lots of them -- use only one or two at most; and
avoid 'amateurish' and highly decorative fonts, as they look tacky or busy, which may not gel with the perception you wish to create.

26-10-2010, 7:46pm
Well the logo design for Australian Nature Photography is pretty much complete now so I thought I'd have another go at the business card..

I've gone for a much more simple look this time. I thought I might put an actual photo on the back of the card.... probably not the fly one though as I got a few people commenting that they thought it was for a pest control company :rolleyes:

My email address will also be on the front, but haven't put it on there just yet



26-10-2010, 7:57pm
Very nice. Simple and neat.

Not sure about the black background but it does look pretty good overall. With all the space you could probably afford to make the logo and title text larger.

26-10-2010, 8:08pm
This looks much more business like and has a touch of National geographic about it but i'd ditch the nature photographer line and replace with a mobile number. On the back you can put your email, photo and possibly specialises in wildlife photography or words to that effect.

26-10-2010, 10:27pm
That's nice. I like the logo. With the soft glow around it and the black background it has a 'classy' look. Uncluttered.
I also agree with taintedsoul that you could afford to make it a bit bigger. I also agree with flame70...ditch the nature photographer after your name, after all it is already there twice and it is obvious that it is you. Replace it with your mobile number. Give them some way to get in touch.

28-10-2010, 6:27pm
very nice, not sure how black works on real card.
may be hard to read for some.
or rub off!

28-10-2010, 8:49pm
G'day Paul

Nice one - coming along very well
suggestion - leave the back of the card empty for the recipient to make notes
I started with double-sided cards and found too many times that people wanted to make a qwik note with me about something, and they couldn't do it
Following batch of 1000 cards were single-sided and work quite well

Regards, Phil

29-10-2010, 1:48pm

but that fly shot is amazing, i would use it on my card if it were mine... and i was into that sort of thing...

i have a car on mine and i still give it to wedding couples... as cars is what i do (and events)



29-10-2010, 2:00pm
Well the logo design for Australian Nature Photography is pretty much complete now so I thought I'd have another go at the business card..


Great work. This is a very striking business card, and it oozes professionalism. It conveys the message that you're a skilled photographer who knows what's he's doing, as opposed to just a guy with a camera and a business card. I say this as someone who is not at all familiar with your photography.

I like it. Well done. Simple, elegant, striking, consistent and visually appealing. Less is more.