View Full Version : built-in sensor cleaning

15-10-2010, 12:55pm
as kyou are prolly aware i now have upgraded from a d40 to d90... i notice there are various built-in sensor cleaning settings....

for those with this camera or another with sensor cleaning does it work well? what setting do you use?

15-10-2010, 1:16pm
I've set mine to clean on start up and shutdown. I figure it can't hurt to clean as much as possible. I haven't noticed any dust in my camera after 2 years, but I tend not to shoot stuff that is likely to show it up. I am meaning to get it checked out on the next bright blue day.

I @ M
15-10-2010, 1:20pm
It definitely works better than not having any cleaning. :D

I have it set to operate at camera startup / shutdown but there is still one large bunny that it hasn't removed.

15-10-2010, 1:34pm
ditto, works too (but not a really sticky or big bunnies)

15-10-2010, 1:43pm
I leave it on all the time.:D

15-10-2010, 1:59pm
I have it on at startup (Pentax have a similar cleaning system). I also use it as a first resort (manual mode) when there is a bunny. I then use a blower if needed.

16-10-2010, 3:07pm
Funny, I've had my D90 (& D300) for some time now.. and I've rarely used this... never had the need, however may just go back and take another look :)

17-10-2010, 6:29am
G'day all

Can I pose a Q to Ving & others here ...
To get the camera to do its sensor / dust self check operation ... does your camera give the same results with lens cap 'on' as when shooting a white screen??

Regards, Phil

17-10-2010, 6:42am
ditto, works too (but not a really sticky or big bunnies)

Agree but it is heaps better than nothing.

17-10-2010, 7:36am
Sensor cleaning is not the same as taking the dust reference photo

Sensor cleaning just does a ultrasonic shake of the sensor

The reference photo that you can Then look at in post I think can be taken with lens on or off

G'day all

Can I pose a Q to Ving & others here ...
To get the camera to do its sensor / dust self check operation ... does your camera give the same results with lens cap 'on' as when shooting a white screen??

Regards, Phil

17-10-2010, 8:13am
Thought it was a gimmick when I got the D300 but it definitely works. I have mine set to clean at shutdown only.


17-10-2010, 5:27pm
I have my D300 set to clean on startup & shutdown, never had a problem as yet.

17-10-2010, 8:48pm
Thankyou Kiwi

I'm not sure whether this really should become a new thread ...
but the Q remains:-
[quote] To get the camera to do its sensor / dust self check operation ... does your camera give the same results with lens cap 'on' as when shooting a white screen?? [quote]

I guess what I'm querying is that some users talk about shooting a white wall/card etc to determine dust spots, other cameras talk about ain 'internal' self-check of the sensor to do the same thing ... and I'm wondering about the 2 approaches

This help at all??
Regards, Phil

17-10-2010, 9:10pm
Yes, it is