View Full Version : Do you watermark images you sell?

13-10-2010, 10:06pm
Pretty straightforward, Do you put watermarks in the corner of an image that you sell to a client?

13-10-2010, 10:12pm
For large prints, I emboss the bottom corner. That way if they have a guest looking at the picture, they may decide to google search my name. Easy to do, not distracting from the image either.

14-10-2010, 5:29am
Prints, no. I have a sticker that gets placed on the back of the print, or if framed, also on the back of the frame. Digital files, yes and no, depending on what the purpose/agreement is for the use of the file.

14-10-2010, 6:41am
When I sell my first image I'll let you know!

14-10-2010, 9:24am
What Rick said :)

14-10-2010, 9:28am
If a client purchases the digital files then I provide them without a watermark but I also provide them with a web res and watermarked file for them to upload to FB or email etc.

14-10-2010, 9:30am
absolutely not...if you are going to watermark on a finished print Id only ever put a stamp on the back. Anything on the print itself, even if it's discreet I think is a bit off in my opinion, they are not paying for you to advertise yourself.

David Kembrey
14-10-2010, 11:33am
Same as Rick, tend to just put a label on the back of print etc, with my contact details and the location or title of the photo. Only watermark my photos when I place them on Facebook or Photobucket.

14-10-2010, 2:31pm
absolutely not...if you are going to watermark on a finished print Id only ever put a stamp on the back. Anything on the print itself, even if it's discreet I think is a bit off in my opinion, they are not paying for you to advertise yourself.

To be honest, the advertising is actually a bonus, the main reason I emboss is because when I send work out which I'm proud of, I want my name on it, much like a painter using a signature.

But here's a true story, a good mate of mine was clearing out his fathers house after his parents were killed in an accident, he found a framed picture in the garage of his parents. He was able to track the photographer by googling the name which was embossed on the print, the photographer still had the pictures and my mate purchased more copies. This is where I got the idea!

14-10-2010, 2:40pm
I think its more standard practice though to as said have something on the back of the print

14-10-2010, 3:03pm
I'd be interested to see if you can get acid free stickers?

14-10-2010, 4:26pm
I sign my prints but never watermark anything. The incidence of watermarking seems to be inversely proportional to the need for it. :p

14-10-2010, 4:32pm
I'd be interested to see if you can get acid free stickers?

You can certainly get acid free stickers - you can also print your own acid free ones - try any craft store that sells scrapbooking materials

14-10-2010, 5:17pm
Thanks guys certainly some interesting responses. I think I'm with Kiwi on this one, they are paying for an image, not paying to advertise you. In the field I am in (dog event photography) just about all of them watermark their images with a small name somewhere on the pic, often not even in the corner but just below the dog! It is common practice to them, but I wasn't so sure. So I was interested to get a cross section of views.

I think at this point, I will watermark images I do for free, but any that are purchased I will not (and same for prints) and I like the idea of putting something on the back of prints.

Keep the thoughts coming, it's an interesting discussion. ;)

14-10-2010, 6:28pm
Not saying it's right, but you'd be surprised how common it is... In fact, the standard AIPP contract has a clause which says that large prints will carry the photographers mark/logo.

14-10-2010, 6:45pm
That's interesting, thanks. I'm not sure I'd di it though, but, who knows

14-10-2010, 7:04pm
Not saying it's right, but you'd be surprised how common it is... In fact, the standard AIPP contract has a clause which says that large prints will carry the photographers mark/logo.

Thanks for this.

Maybe as some middle ground I should create a small discreet but recognisable logo for the corner.

15-10-2010, 3:47pm
As above, the label on the back, for all the reasons above and, don't take it personally, but I think watermarks, drop shadow frames, etc are a bit naff. Never seen any of those sort of things on high end images in galleries, etc.

16-10-2010, 5:41pm
I agree with rick. Label on the back is a nice option.

16-10-2010, 6:22pm
Thanks all, Remember I'm thinking about digital images as well here, not just prints.

17-10-2010, 12:41pm
absolutely not...if you are going to watermark on a finished print Id only ever put a stamp on the back. Anything on the print itself, even if it's discreet I think is a bit off in my opinion, they are not paying for you to advertise yourself.


I wouldn't buy any print that had some sort of writing or watermark on the front....and probably not on the back either.