View Full Version : Very annoyed 24-105mm L lens

12-10-2010, 6:37pm
I have had this lens, now out of warranty, for a while now and have been extremely happy with it.

However, it is now suffering from what I now know is a fairly common issue. That is, Error 01 - clean lens contacts. I have taken it to 2 camera shops (who agree with me) and researched its symptoms on a few camera sites.

It is now bleeding obvious the problem is an internal flex circuit ribbon that stretches along with the barrel during zoom. This is prone to become brittle then crack.

I took it to Canon at North Ryde today, prepared to pay not only the cost of a new ribbon but, the cost of labour too (of course).

However, Canon tell me that you can not simply fix/replace this part. They want to replace (and charge) for the whole apperture assembly at $600-700. I know the apperture blades are not sticking (as Canon tell me it must be) because, with the setting of f22, I press then release the DOF preview button over and over while watching the blades sliding freely in and out.

This, to me, seems akin to a car company wanting to force me to replace the whole front end of my car because a headlight blows.

Before exploding, I will email Canon corporate to ask them if the replacement of the ribbon is possible, without replacing all the other bits that are fine.

Has anyone else had this, or a similar, problem? What satidfaction did you receive?


I @ M
12-10-2010, 6:43pm
Simple, get a quote from a reputable but non Canon specific repair centre.

12-10-2010, 6:51pm
There's one near St James Stn, in Castlereagh St. I will PM you the link. If I can post it here I will. Had a similar prob with such a ribbon in my (humble) P+S, though the camera was in grey market warranty.

12-10-2010, 6:59pm
Yes please, send the link.

I have emailed Canon and will see if they come to the party but, I will love you always :pif you could send that link.

12-10-2010, 7:10pm
Scotty. This could be a timing thing but I pee-emmed the link already. Am.
PS via Edit. If you're allowed to list it here, pls do.

12-10-2010, 7:23pm
Scotty. This could be a timing thing but I pee-emmed the link already. Am.
PS via Edit. If you're allowed to list it here, pls do.

Na, no PM yet.

But, is it the one at 203 Castleraegh St (I googled)?

12-10-2010, 7:28pm
Cripes, now I'm confused. I think I just replied to your message in the Positive, but then I lost the screen and can no longer tell if I did.
Unit 1/203 C'reagh St is the place alright.
You didn't get my PM and I can't see this thread in my "Posted Ins"
??? Am.

Dang it all. Here's the link

12-10-2010, 7:31pm
it could be possible that the ribbon isn't actually available as a spare part item from Canon. Though this would seem odd. It's like when a focus motor cog strips out in a P&S camera. They will replace the whole lens assembly as it is one part in itself. At least a non-Canon service centre will go looking through part books and let you know, or they might have one from another lens etc

12-10-2010, 7:32pm
I think you think you PM'd me but I didn't get it - LOL


I emailed the guy and will see what he says.

Hopefully, I can support this small business rather than the mega corporate giant :P

12-10-2010, 7:59pm
Try Camera Service Centre and ask for Richard.
They are sponsors of Camera Market.
I use them and they are one of the best in customer service. First floor, beside the Scientology Centre building.
(I have absolutely no confidence in Canon service North Ryde. My imagination as to the corruption that happens inside that building is unprintable)
Mods can erase the last sentence, which is my opinion, and does not reflect AP in any other way.

12-10-2010, 8:20pm
Try Camera Service Centre and ask for Richard.
They are sponsors of Camera Market.
I use them and they are one of the best in customer service. First floor, beside the Scientology Centre building.
(I have absolutely no confidence in Canon service North Ryde. My imagination as to the corruption that happens inside that building is unprintable)
Mods can erase the last sentence, which is my opinion, and does not reflect AP in any other way.



I guess you're entitled to express your opinion without specific allegations.

But, I agree to this extent, they really do seem to have a take it or leave it approach to customer service. No attempt to find out what you need - they do seem more interested in making you pay for repairs that you don't need so that it is good for them.


12-10-2010, 8:44pm


I guess you're entitled to express your opinion without specific allegations.

But, I agree to this extent, they really do seem to have a take it or leave it approach to customer service. No attempt to find out what you need - they do seem more interested in making you pay for repairs that you don't need so that it is good for them.


The nice thing about independent camera repair services like CSC is you get to talk to the actual technicians and interact with them. It's a great experience visiting their shop. They will tell you as it is, what is wrong with any camera or lens problems. :)

12-10-2010, 10:38pm
Hey Scott, just had this exact same problem ( error 01)repaired under extended warranty except on a 17-85mm kit lens, while not sure of the price there are some numbers at the bottom of the invoice that seem to indicate a repair price 97.9 + 377.1= 475. Had to sent the camera and lens to Adelaide for the repair, 2 and a half weeks, and not even a post card. Only got it back yesterday afternoon and all seems well again.

12-10-2010, 10:59pm
Ouch - I had a fleeting thought of getting this when I could not locate a tokina I was looking at. Fortunately I was able to secure the Tokina. For the price paid for the L glass it really should be bullet proof and be functioning for years. I can feel the frustration! I have lots of Canon gear - I did have a video camera repaired under warranty once and here in Adelaide they were great, friendly approachable, expert in recognising the problem and repairing in a reasonable time; I think it was about a week because they had to get the part in. They rang when it was ready and had it at the desk for pickup. No I don't have anything bad to say about the crowd here in Adelaide. Good luck though. (Idon't have shares in canon and I don't work for them by the way)

05-11-2010, 8:21pm
I just realise i forgot to update you guys.

Despite twice emailing Canon, they did not so much as acknowledge my email (beyond an auto 'your custom is important to us' response) - let alone actually pretend to care about my problem.

I in fact, did take it to the guys on Castlereagh Street, Sydney.


Had it back in about a week, fixed, repairs warranted for 6 months all for about 1/2 of Canon's estimate.

So, if Canon's alleged service centre gives you grief, try one of the small guys.


fairy bombs
05-11-2010, 8:36pm
An interesting thread to read,very pleased Scotty72 got his pride and joy back,and working well.

Always a worry,with all this gear-if something goes wrong where to go?

I will make a note of Scottys' repairer,(hope I never need it).

Thanks for the thread. FB

05-11-2010, 8:42pm
I'll pass this on to a friend as the same thing has happened to his kit lens and he was just going to throw it away- Cheers

05-11-2010, 8:45pm

it is exactly as RaoulIsidro has said. Mongo has used them once or twice and found them to be quite down to earth reasonable and I have no complaints. You can also get a quote from Whilton Camera Service around the corner in Elizabeth street (very close).

05-11-2010, 9:08pm
Thanks Mongo... will note that.


05-11-2010, 9:14pm
Thanks for the thread and links guys, I have the 24-105 and so far so good but will keep the link just in case:)

06-11-2010, 3:26pm
I hope that's only a one-off problem and not a recuring one for that type of lens. I've got one, so I think I shall also keep the link as well.
So far I really like that lens it is normally found sitting on my camera

06-11-2010, 3:33pm
Maybe we should try to tempt these guys into advertising on here - sounds like a very useful contact

07-11-2010, 12:24am
Me too. I tend to consider it my DEFAULT lens. :P

Phil Mac
09-11-2010, 10:33am
I was just wondering how long the lens was out of warranty, and if you may be able to invoke statutory (warranty) rights with a lens that Canon markets as a professional unit (L series). In other words, even though the lens is out of warranty, you are entitled to consider that this sort of problem would not occur in a that timeframe.

Another thing to consider is that purchases made on some credit cards may include extended warranties - eg like those made with gold credit cards.


13-11-2010, 12:05am
Naaa, I bought it 2nd hand.

01-01-2011, 10:25am
I had the same problem with an EFS 17-85. The ribbon and apperture is all one part. Cost of repair through an independent repairer was $250.

01-01-2011, 10:38am
Good that you were able to dodge the Canon service centre bullet :th3:

01-01-2011, 7:51pm
I was just wondering if you know how old the lens is and you did say it was a common problem? I am considering an "L" lens but the price you pay for them and if under say 4-5 years of age I would expect nil /none problems. You could buy 3-4 cheaper brand lens if you could get the IQ and throw them away when they break? cheers Brian

01-01-2011, 9:37pm
At that time, it was just over 2 years old (I think)

01-01-2011, 9:39pm
Btw: when I say common, it's not every lens by any means. I mean that it is a common fault (not unheard of). Most lenses will give many years of trouble free service.

01-01-2011, 9:41pm
A friend of mine has just had the same repair on her 24-105 ??

01-01-2011, 10:02pm
I have several Canon lenses. How does this problem manifest itself, to the user ?

I love my Red lens it's such a lovely piece of glass ..... it was most definitely worth the cost :D

01-01-2011, 10:09pm
You'll get an error; The aperture becomes sticky and you'll appear to lose a few stops of light. It seems to disappear when the barrel is fully retracted (at 24mm). At first, the prob may come and go.