View Full Version : Used Nikkor lenses, Sydney

11-10-2010, 4:47am

I'm wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to a good source of used Nikkor glass in Sydney? Aside from the obvious retailers known for their new gear, are there any second hand stores worth visiting or markets where photography gear is known to be available from?


11-10-2010, 7:14am
There is a regular Camera Market fete near Chinatown or Darling Harbour. They usually advertise on that bright yellow covered Camera Classified magazine available in newsagents. Other sources are the numerous pawn shops around Metro Sydney like Cash Converters, but you have to regulary visit to spot a nice find. Big names are stores like Photo Reisel and Nikon on Broadway, but you ought to call first and query them about what item you are after.

11-10-2010, 12:20pm
Try European camera specialists, they have 2nd hand nikon lenses.

11-10-2010, 12:33pm
Try European camera specialists, they have 2nd hand nikon lenses.
Good gear here, haven't found anywhere else with a good solid range of SH nikon lenses. Avoid Grace's at the Cross, under 'nurtured' and over-priced.

11-10-2010, 9:09pm
Whilton Camera in Elizabeth st.

Big Pix
11-10-2010, 9:27pm
Try European camera specialists, they have 2nd hand nikon lenses.

....... used them a lot

12-10-2010, 6:25am
Thanks all, I recently shopped at ECS for my 70-200, they didn't have a 20mm prime at the time but I'll keep them in mind.

12-10-2010, 2:34pm
....... used them a lot

I always check them out however the prices are a little outrageous... they currently have a second hand D90 for $925....

12-10-2010, 5:05pm
I always check them out however the prices are a little outrageous... they currently have a second hand D90 for $925....

ECS prices seem to be very inconsistent. They have an idea of the 'value' and stick with it. Some stuff is super cheap and some stuff is stupid - like that D90 pricing when the they were selling the D90 body new for just $100 more after rebate.

They are also very reluctant to haggle - seeming to ignore that the markup on second-hand goods is quite high. I always come away from there with the feeling that they don't care if they make a sale or not.

I @ M
12-10-2010, 5:24pm
ECS prices seem to be very inconsistent. They have an idea of the 'value' and stick with it. Some stuff is super cheap and some stuff is stupid - like that D90 pricing when the they were selling the D90 body new for just $100 more after rebate.

They are also very reluctant to haggle - seeming to ignore that the markup on second-hand goods is quite high. I always come away from there with the feeling that they don't care if they make a sale or not.

Not having had any experience with ECS personally but knowing a couple of people that have bought gear through them I view your post with an element of amusement Peter.

Their doors are still open.
They offer service (quality apparently variable).
They have a large stock of expensive items on hand for you as a customer to view first hand.
They apparently operate in a business like manner that many people on this forum suggest that photographers adopt --- don't drop your prices to match cheap newcomers, maintain your quality and give good service.

12-10-2010, 5:31pm
I have bought a body and three lenses there... As far as the service goes I think that if you ignore the slightly gruff exterior, and once it has been established that you are not a tyre-kicker, then they are very helpful.

12-10-2010, 7:15pm
Whilton Camera in Elizabeth st.

Am agrees with mongo re this place. He has also been there a 2ple of times and has found the inhabitants quite friendly. It is also where Am picked up a Metz CL4 for wa-a-y-y less than a couple of other nearby stores.

12-10-2010, 8:41pm
Not having had any experience with ECS personally but knowing a couple of people that have bought gear through them I view your post with an element of amusement Peter.

Their doors are still open.
They offer service (quality apparently variable).
They have a large stock of expensive items on hand for you as a customer to view first hand.
They apparently operate in a business like manner that many people on this forum suggest that photographers adopt --- don't drop your prices to match cheap newcomers, maintain your quality and give good service.

Don't get me wrong, they probably have the best range of second-hand Nikon gear in Sydney. Unlike most second-hand dealers, they are not overly keen on negotiating.

In one purchase, I bought 3 lenses off them. Two were well priced and one was overpriced so I was looking at the total for the 3 lenses. Unfortunately, I had to negotiate lens by lens rather than a single price for the 3.

As for their professionalism, I think they are very keen about their gear, but they are a little eccentric. For example, the 3 lenses I bought were all of the same make but located in 3 differnent display cases. Furthermore one came with a case. The case was stored separetely in the old bank valut (I guess the place was formerly a bank) while there were multi-thousand dollar Leica lenses lying around on counter tops.

I wouldn't say the service was anything other than very good - just a little unusual. They certainly like to chat about old lenses and gear. I have no idea what the business is like overall, they have a good reputation for mail order. On that occassion, in the 30 minutes or so I was in the shop, they had no other customers or phone calls. I would say the overheads where they are low and they certainly enjoy what they do.

The thing out ECS is that you can score some real bargains there, but other stuff like the second-hand D90 are silly. Stuff that is well priced moves very quickly while other stuff is on hand for many, many months. You need to know the correct values of stuff (as you should anyway). Do your research first before going there.

BTW, Photo Riesel in the city have a good range of second-hand gear but their prices seemed quite high. I have never sought to by any second-hand stuff from them.

Paxtons also have second-hand stuff but prices are also high.

12-10-2010, 9:57pm

I'm wondering if anyone can enlighten me as to a good source of used Nikkor glass in Sydney? Aside from the obvious retailers known for their new gear, are there any second hand stores worth visiting or markets where photography gear is known to be available from?


I have a feeling, with the release of the Nikon D7000, that there will be a resurgence of keen interest to old Nikkor lenses, even dating back to the manual focus era. Nikon has opened up a whole new revitality to it's old MF lenses by configuring it to be able to use Nikkor lenses made as far back as 40 years ago!

13-10-2010, 6:27am
I've had similar thoughts after shopping at ECS. At the end of the day, if you get the gear at a fair price and he's not rude, it doesn't matter too much if he's a bit cold. I've seen another photographic retailer in Penrith who is just as messy and apparently unorganised, but they're business's that are still operating. ECS's prices do seem a bit inconsistent but some things seems as reasonable as anywhere else. If you're keen to buy some second hand gear, I'd go in knowing their stock and prices (check out the website) and know what you're after when you arrive, I don't think he's that keen on telling you about everything he has.

Foto Riesel is a premium supplier. I know someone who bought his whole kit their and got a good deal, but I suspect as he bought a lot of premium lenses, he got a bit of a discount. The instore prices are definately less than advertised on the web.

14-10-2010, 9:16pm
Mongo also thinks ECS are a little expensive by comparision to others and quite gruff in comparision to others.

Foto Riesel also expensive unless you buy up really big and then you might get a half reasonable price.

17-10-2010, 3:32pm
+1 for ECS. Being in Perth the used selection is somewhat limited. I contacted Bruce at ECS and I can't praise him enough. I have purchased a few things from him including a 70-200 VR1 and a TC-14IIE. The TC arrived in the box but didn't have a bag (like the 35 f1.8 comes with). I contacted Bruce asking if there was such a thing available to buy, and about a week later a new one arrived in the mail - at no cost to me! Yes their prices do appear all over the place, but their service is second to none. If you are buying new their prices seem to be the cheapest from a proper shop front (rather than an internet based seller). I refer to their list of used gear weekly hoping for something I need (no... "want" says the Mrs).

Welcome to the forum Ben! Are you a local in Sydney now or just visiting? Caught up with Lance yet?

18-10-2010, 10:14am
Hi Gordon,

Good to hear your good experiences with ECS and thanks for the cheerio.

Yeah I've been back in Sydney (well, Blue Mountains) nearly a year now. Have caught up with Lance a few times, swapped info and thoughts on our new gear. He's of course had his Nikon gear for much of this year, just bought in myself. I'll keep an eye out for your images Gordon, they're always impressive :)


18-10-2010, 11:10am
Re- ECS/variable pricing. I think some of their reportedly variable pricing comes from the possibilty some of the stock might be on 'consignment', so it's what the seller may be asking for, regardless of 'market' value. But given that lenses, well kept and cared for, don't neccessarily wear out as such. If it produced great images to start with, it should still do so, whether it's the 'it' lens of the moment or not.