View Full Version : Macro Lens and other things

10-10-2010, 10:07am
Hi everyone,

I own a Nikon D3000, and am wanting a macro lens, and tubes..so i am just wondering, if anyone knows where i could get cheap ones from, or if anyone is willing to let me borrow there's..

10-10-2010, 12:19pm
OK, for a D3000, I think the two best options will be the Nikon 105VR or the Sigma 150/2.8 Macro.
Don't quote me on this, but I think Sigma recently introduced an OS(optically stabilized) version of the 150mm f/2.8 macro lens recently.. I just can't find the new info at the moment.

What I can tell you tho, is that the non stabilised Sigma 150/2.8 lens is sharper than the Nikon 105VR lens.

If you want to do true macro images, then the 150Sigma wil be the better option due to the slightly nicer IQ AND the fact that it has a tripod collar(very helpful on a properly set up tripod).
if you want to "chase bees around the garden" then the Nikon105VR with it's VR will be immensely helpful.. but remember if the Sigma does also come in an OS version, then this lens will be the better option overall.

I don't do much macro photography, but for the little bit that I do do, the Nikon 105VR does an acceptable job... it actually makes a better portrait lens than it does a macro lens!.. I use mine for various reasons, and hence really the only reason I keep it, and not exchange it for one of the Sigmas.

Nikon 105VR sells for approx $800-1K(depending on where you want to shop), Sigma 150/2.8 generally sells for about $600-900(again, depending on where you look)

as for tubes... for now I'm going to recommend that you don't bother with them for now ... unless you provide more info about all your other gear(other lenses, tripod setup, etc.)

10-10-2010, 1:20pm
Buy one from camera house. :D

10-10-2010, 1:46pm
Hi Tamika,
I shoot Canon so unfortunately can't lend you mine..:p
I'm not overly familiar with Nikon lenses but generally I would recommend something around the 100mm f2.8 range. Shorter ones (eg.50/60mm) tend to be a bit smaller, lighter and cheaper but have a shorter working distance (i.e. you need to have lens closer to subject, not a problem with flowers etc. but can be with bugs) longer ones (eg. 150/180mm) tend to be a larger, heavier and more expensive but have a longer working distance and tend to give better subject 'isolation' & bokeh. A popular choice in both camps is the Tamron 90mm really good "bang for buck"! It also doubles as a useful portrait lens. If you want the cheapest option look here http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/product.asp?idProduct=390, they also do Kenko tubes, but as stated previously check first you have a good tripod and preferaly an external flash.


10-10-2010, 1:54pm
you want cheap? tamron 90mm macro. you want cheaper? nikkor 55mm Ai-S micro... thats what i use. search ebay :)

10-10-2010, 2:02pm
problem with the Tamron 90mm is that the older model won't AF on a D3000.
There is a newer version, and the obvious difference between the two is that the newer model has no aperture ring, where the older version does.
Just make sure if you go shopping for the Tammy, that it is the new version.

@ $363 this lens also represents great value for money(probably the best macro lens in terms of value for money)... but I still think the Siggy 150mm may be better in terms of raw image quality.

if $400 isn't too much of a stretch, and $600 is, then the Tammy will definitely be a lot better than a set of extension tubes on not so great lenses... (as yet to be determined by the OP).. that may or may not meters on the D3000.. etc, etc.

10-10-2010, 2:06pm
who AFs macro shots anyway? in the beginners case as long as it meters hey?

10-10-2010, 9:48pm
thanks for all your help people, much appreciated...i will certainly look into it what you all have suggested...and as for ebay Im BANNED lol....so, so much for that!

12-10-2010, 6:42am
Count me in as a very happy Tamron 90mm user. I use 3 x Kenko tubes with it and I NEVER use AF (I mostly shoot flowers/water drops). All depends on your budget, but I've had no complaints with my Tammy and produce some good quality imagery. :)

Lance B
12-10-2010, 8:09am
I know Foto Riesel in Sydney has plenty of ex police forensic Nikon 60mm f2.8 macros for very reasonable prices. It might be worth a cal as they have quite a few in various conditions and they have been looked after. Their number is 9299 6745.

If you like, I can go and have a look at a few for you and pick out one that suits your budget.

12-10-2010, 10:58am
Hi Lance,
that would be great, but only if you get time, time is something i dont get often.. i never knew about the foto riesel..i will definately have a think about it, and may call them..
my budget is $200. nothing more..
thanks again everyone for your very helpful comments :D

12-10-2010, 12:30pm
You could still go an older version of the Tamron 90mm, even if it won't auto focus. They're a really great lens, good focal length. Mine won't auto focus anymore anyway (really old version bought on ebay many moons ago). But when I shoot macro, 99 times out of 100 its manual focus anyway.

You might be able to find a bargain somewhere if you don't want the latest and greatest version.

Just a thought.

12-10-2010, 12:47pm
Just a note on VR with a macro lens...

VR won't really help you when you are at macro levels... The closer you get to 1:1, the less effective the VR becomes. If macro is all you want to use the lens for then I wouldn't pay extra for the VR feature.


Lance B
12-10-2010, 5:17pm
Just a note on VR with a macro lens...

VR won't really help you when you are at macro levels... The closer you get to 1:1, the less effective the VR becomes. If macro is all you want to use the lens for then I wouldn't pay extra for the VR feature.

Yes, this is correct. Having said that, you may get a stop of handholdability instead of the maximum 3-4 that you get at normal distances. It still can be a useful feature, just don't expect it to work miracles and also, as Paul suggests, don't go to the extra expense of thinking you need it if you are on a tight budget.

12-10-2010, 5:21pm
cheers guys :)