View Full Version : Beginner Questions and Equipment Advice

08-10-2010, 2:18pm
Hi Guys,

Just some quick questions - and if these have been asked to death can you point to the right kind of search terms as photography lingo definitely isn't my usual forte!


f/stop and filters - when a ND or Polarizer states it will reduce the light by X amount of f/stops am I to assume this will not affect DOF?
For longish night shots with a f/4-5.6 300mm cheapo lens what would be the ideal aperture for DOF especially when zoomed? I like the time lapse effect caused but want to reduce noise while increasing DOF
And lastly equipment:

Okay I have the D90 with the generic 18-55mm and the cheap AF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 non ED lens and I have a Tokina Macro lens on the way since I love the world up close.

What should I look at buying next? My two areas of interest are Nature and Macro photography - landscape, birds, animals, insects etc.. Should I invest in a flash setup such as the R1C1 or some SB600s etc or should I invest in a more quality zoom lens with ED to avoid chromatic aberration etc which I have already experienced once?

Thanks very much in advanced all.


08-10-2010, 2:20pm
1. Correct
2. F/8
3. Flash will be important for micro....I think a R1C1 is overkill right now, a sb-600 etc with a way of diffusion would be a good choice

08-10-2010, 4:02pm
1. Correct
2. F/8
3. Flash will be important for micro....I think a R1C1 is overkill right now, a sb-600 etc with a way of diffusion would be a good choice
Thanks very much Kiwi - should I go the sb600 or sb700? Would you recommend just one or two or more since they are reasonably affordable? Are there any "good" Aftermarket flashes that are alternatives too?

08-10-2010, 5:01pm
Sb900 if you have the budget, purely because I believe it can act as a commander, start with one flash.

08-10-2010, 5:02pm
Oh, I never recommend 3rd party anything if it's an option

08-10-2010, 5:27pm
Thanks again kiwi! Might look at an sb900 instead - is there any advantage over using the sb900 as a commander instead of the d90's commander system? Also if the budget allowed would there be any benefit in buying the su800 commander unit or is this total overkill?

08-10-2010, 5:34pm
on the topic of 3rd party. i have an old simga ef50 dg super flash on my D90. works a treat. the pop up flash on the camera can work as a commander on the flash too so you dont have to have it attached to the cameras hotshoe!:D
you could pick one up for $100 or the newer version which is even better :)

08-10-2010, 6:11pm
The d90s commander mode is fine and you dont need commander on the flash also.....but for example the d3 doesnt so it's a bit of future protection

The su800 I think is not a necessity... But if you ever go down the r1c1 path in the future it comes with one anyhow

08-10-2010, 6:21pm
Thanks a bunch ving and kiwi!

I think I will go for a sb600 or sb900.

Here's another question: Should I go for the kenko rings for greater than 1:1 magnification on macro or something else?

08-10-2010, 6:51pm
On a 300mm lens, use the smallest aperture available. Larger apertures are recommended for shorter focal lengths, to minimise refraction, but on a 300mm lens with the diagragm set at f22, you have a lens size of about 13.5mm. That's still quiet large. Usually 4mm (give or take) is a good size to aim for, so if you have f32 on your lens, then that would likely be better still. There will always be exceptions however.

08-10-2010, 10:13pm
After you get the SB 600 or 900 speedlight get yourself a good sturdy tripod.

and enjoy your photography. :)

09-10-2010, 2:47pm
Thanks Darey and TOM :) Already have a sturdy Vanguard tripod! Should of mentioned that - it's fairly well built although I'd love a Manfrotto eventually!

10-10-2010, 5:46pm
After many months of practice, practice practice, I think I have mastered the 70-300 Sigma lens.
Try running the camera with these settings on a reasonably sunny day.
ISO 200 - f7.1- Metering Centre weighted, and AF on constant (AF-C)
I was seriously thinking of chucking it in the bin, until yesturday.

10-10-2010, 6:09pm
Hi Guys,


And lastly equipment:


Just go straight for the AFS 600mm f4 VR-II ...... it'll save you money in the long run when you buy many telephotos in the mean time until you realise that you 'need' the 600mm :party7::laughing1:

11-10-2010, 3:26pm
Thanks geoffsta - my lens is the Nikkor AF non ED - it has horrible chromatic aberration when zoomed past about 125mm so I really do need a new telephoto! :( If anyone can recommend a decent quality lens which has a decent zoom + image quality please do!

Thanks NikonUser - I already think I 'need' the 600mm however I also need the 12k it costs :P It's a very hard decision lol! Maybe if one day I begin to profit from photography I will get it!