View Full Version : Taking Photos Of Lightning.

06-10-2010, 3:29pm
Here is the senario...
D90... 18 - 105mm f3.5-5.6 Vr Lens
Remote Timer (Cord type)
Thunderstorms on their way.

I've already worked out that I should have the setting on the camera for the remote set at "Bulb" and the ISO at 200.
What I need to know is the settings on the camera.
White Balance?
Exposure time on remote?
And anything else that might be able to help out...

This might help for anyone else trying to do the same..


06-10-2010, 3:32pm
Ive never done it, but can I play ?

Aperture? F16
White Balance? Cloudy
Exposure time on remote? Expose for the landscape features
And anything else that might be able to help out...dont become a lightning rod

I @ M
06-10-2010, 3:40pm
Aperture and shutter time are going to depend largely on the time of day / night to maintain "ambient" light exposure without blown parts till the actual "strike".

White balance --- hey, it's a Nikon, auto will work fine. :D

Best results will probably be achieved at night time in severe thunderstorm activity when starting out, let me know how you go and I will try it. The thunder and lightning seems to have been a dud at this corner of Gippy. :(

06-10-2010, 4:03pm
Thanks Guys.
I'm hoping they will hold off until tonight...
Checking the radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDR683.loop.shtml
I @ M You should get some good shots with no street lights. If you have a look at the national radar http://www.bom.gov.au/products/national_radar_sat.loop.shtml We could be in for a loud night.

06-10-2010, 4:19pm
F16, Aperture Priority, ( picks its own shutter speed) give that a go, I've had no problems with getting lightning shots with my camera set like that.
oh, and a tripod is a MUST!!!!!
I'm waiting for the storms to hit here, so far we haven't had any, but I got a cracker of a lightning shot last year :D

Duane Pipe
06-10-2010, 4:21pm
Gday Geof you have sparked my interest.:D Here is my first and only attempt, its the best of around 120 exposures.
The data says 4.34 am but it was pm so the exposures were around 2 sec, thats why so many shots.
I focused on the Main area that they were striking, took a 2 sec exposures and hoped I would catch one


06-10-2010, 4:25pm
that is a top shot
that lightning was going everywhere
geoff storms come through bendigo plenty of rain bugger all lightning
a bit of thunder rolling at the minute
they are tipping 20mm here tonight
best of luck with your shots
cheers macca

Duane Pipe
06-10-2010, 4:53pm
WOW Yummy that's a ripper of a shot very good, I recon the thunder would have been like a bomb, I see you are hiding under shelter though. whats the matter, nothing wrong with fried Chikn:D
I have been meaning to ask for advice on how to shoot lightning in safety Geof, I have a great spot but not safe I think.
Its on Mt Tazzy with 360 views

06-10-2010, 5:19pm
Thanks people... And a couple of great shots.
I'll have the camera setup on the back veranda, on a tripod, with the remote shutter, and I have already set the camera to f16.....
Bring it on :D

06-10-2010, 5:30pm
Thanks :) I think it's a ripper too, that one won 2nd prize at the local show :D oh and I wasn't hiding, I was standing on my front verandah cause I wanted to get over the fence lol ;)

06-10-2010, 5:37pm
yummymummy - what a shot! Inspired to try getting a lightning shot now :)

06-10-2010, 6:40pm
yep, if you're doing it at night try to keep your exposures as short as possible to avoid undue noise. Apeture and ISO will depend on the distance you are from the lightning. I try to keep ISO down as much as possible, and apeture around f5.6-f16. Here's some of mine from last year, looks like i'm not going to get any in Inverloch tonight either:


06-10-2010, 6:48pm
Well done ZedEx...
7:45pm and so far just wind and rain... It might be a fizzer.
The whole family has been on the veranda in anticipation.
But it's only early.... So I'm heading back out.

06-10-2010, 6:49pm
Thanks for the tips ZedEx!

06-10-2010, 7:04pm
Fabulous ZedEx, love the shots, everyone seems to have it down pat really, needs to be quite dark and tripod with the legs set pretty short, timer cord and all that stuff.

I use f8 and f11 in Bulb, open the shutter at the point of the last strike, wait for another one and count to 2 after it goes to ground and close the shutter....bit hit and miss but you can get lucky, especially if you don't get hit by the lightning:D

07-10-2010, 4:32am
A Big thanks to everyone for the great advice, and the great photos that were posted.
But it all turned out to be a big fizzer. Despite the weatherman and weatherzone saying it was going to happen.
The only thunder was my wife's thunderous laugh at me, for being like a 5 year old waiting for a lolly shop to open. :(

The good thing is, with what I've learnt from you guys, I'm ready for the next time.

07-10-2010, 4:51am
There are quite a few other threads here too.

I usually set up my tripod and do 15 sec exposures, using a cable release and counting down the time. If the lightning is frequent, I will hold the release until I get one bright or two or three lesser bolts.

Exposure depends on how much background light there is but start at f8 and go smaller aperture (remember, larger number, so f11 and up to f16/22 etc). Some storms are so bright you need to go all the way to f22, but not often. I generally find round f11 gives me good results.

07-11-2010, 10:39pm
Took these tonight. What am I doing wrong?

Shot 1 - ISO100 f/5 34sec 42mm

Shot 2 - ISO100 f/5.6 50sec 42mm

08-11-2010, 12:35am
Foreground is underexposed somewhat, and it looks like the tripod was moving slightly, was it rock solid? It needs to be for exposures of that length. If it is a lens with VR/IS then turn it off while it is on the tripod, and if possible weight the tripod down from the centre column if it s windy.

08-11-2010, 9:56am
There was only a really slight breeze and I think this camera may be a tad heavy for the tripod I have. IS was turned on so will make sure thats off next time round. Other than that are the settings pretty right? The storm was quite a long way off in the distance.

Just need some more lightning now :D

08-11-2010, 11:02am
It must be super dark in that area without the strikes, because at that mid aperture and the ISO, exposures of 30+ secs usually bring in a reasonable amount of light if there is any ambient around. I use either the 17-35/2.8 or the 50/1.4 and an f/stop of between f/8-13 with shutter speed according to ambient as a guide (meter it first before going to manual mode).

08-11-2010, 4:07pm
That looks a little too close for comfort :eek:
You must off got knocked off your feet :beer_mug:
Nice shot though, but life is precious.

09-11-2010, 1:22pm
There was a nice storm over Sydney yesterday so thought i'd take my first swing at lightning shots.

Not the nicest image but I was concentrating more on capturing the lightning than anything else.


09-11-2010, 1:58pm
some great shots there... i will have to brave the elements and give it a shot!

25-11-2010, 8:00am
WOW some great shots & an informative thread, yet another thing to add to my "must try list".

25-11-2010, 11:38am
I tried taking lightning shots this year.. however not many turned out well.. how do you get the focus right on the lightning? do you focus mannually or use an auto setting?

Duane Pipe
25-11-2010, 11:55am
There certainly is some great shots in this thread for sure.
Storms expected today and tonight, at the moment i am making a mount to go on my car window
for added safety, your shot is way to close Wayno :eek:

25-11-2010, 11:58am
What a great shot. Really magic Thank you

25-11-2010, 12:00pm
Great topic & some super shots. I can't wait for a nice big thunder storm. Thanks for posting the topic Geofstar & all the advice.:)

25-11-2010, 5:19pm
There certainly is some great shots in this thread for sure.
Storms expected today and tonight, at the moment i am making a mount to go on my car window
for added safety, your shot is way to close Wayno :eek:

There was some aural pleasure immediately following the zap. Close, but as long as you don't feel it, it isn't too close mate ;)

01-12-2010, 1:09pm
Added to the "to do some day" list...great thread and photos.


01-12-2010, 2:18pm
We have had a few cracking storms past week but I have been at work so no going to play with the storms. it is the start of the wet season and we will surely get a few more good storms in coming weeks, so will try and get out to take a few more.

01-12-2010, 2:31pm
good info here. Duane, crop out the power lines xand you have a winner.