View Full Version : Which is which?

04-10-2010, 8:58pm
One of these photos was taken with a DSLR, and one was taken with a P&S.

Which is which and why?

04-10-2010, 9:03pm
Are you going to tell us which is which Cheryl, because I cant pick them??

04-10-2010, 9:10pm
do we win anything for a correct guess ;)
I'd guess the 2nd one is the DSLR ~ but I've had to stare at them for a while to notice the subtle differences .... but I could easily be wrong :p
When do we get to find out ??

04-10-2010, 9:19pm
Top one DSLR, bottom on P&S. Reasons - more vivid colours suggest P&S. As well, I think there is some movement artifacts in the bottom left (slower shutter speed to get enough light at smaller aperture?) I think the DOF may be shallower in the bottom picture, which suggests DSLR but could also be movement, but everything else to me suggests P&S.

04-10-2010, 9:19pm
Im going to say the second is the P&S. Most P&S are set to saturate the colours more cause the average punter on the street likes vibrancy, even if it is a bit more than real life, so most manufacturers boost the saturation slightly in the results from a P&S.

04-10-2010, 9:20pm
Oh..SNAP Rob

04-10-2010, 9:22pm
Yeah, but your explanation is better :)

04-10-2010, 9:24pm
I will let you know which is which - I'll just let a few more people give it a go first.

04-10-2010, 9:29pm
I will let you know which is which - I'll just let a few more people give it a go first.

Well in that case I will take a "rough stab" at the top one being from the DSLR:Doh:

05-10-2010, 7:18am
Im going to say the second is the P&S. Most P&S are set to saturate the colours more cause the average punter on the street likes vibrancy, even if it is a bit more than real life, so most manufacturers boost the saturation slightly in the results from a P&S.

I'm 100% with this.

05-10-2010, 7:21am
Well in that case I will take a "rough stab" at the top one being from the DSLR:Doh:

I'm going with Richard too, top one.

05-10-2010, 7:32am
I would say the second one is the DSLR as there is more DOF in the bottom left corner. I find with my P&S Finepix that most of the picture is in focus.
Having said that I'm no expert and could be wrong...


05-10-2010, 11:28am
Hmmmmm! Interesting!

What about the following two(not guaranteed to be in the same order as the first two)?

05-10-2010, 11:35am
I think without comparing setting to setting how could you possibly guess? However i think they are both the same camera as how could you get nearly the same shot unless you spend some time in PS which then sort of ruins the comparison.

05-10-2010, 12:23pm
Nope! Definitely not the same camera!

All will be revealed when I get home from work tonight. Until then, guess away!

05-10-2010, 12:34pm
In the first lot I think P&S on top and DSLR bottom.
2nd lot the same. mainly because of the dof

05-10-2010, 1:57pm
wow a second chance guess :cool:
.... I still think the DSLR is the 2nd photo in the second set of pics
Oops, I forgot a reason in the first guess ~
DOF & the clarity (I think the slightly differing colour is misleading) ~

PS.... the spellchecker is in US English :Doh: ???

05-10-2010, 2:11pm
I say the P&S is second image in the first choice. The second one throws me out a bit, looks like the P&S has been desaturated to make it harder?

There's no denying that a P&S can take a great overall photo, but as far as image quality goes at 100% and edit-ability - I'm all for the SLR.

05-10-2010, 3:07pm
Round 1- Shot A DSLR; B P&S - The same reasons by Rob & Rick above.
Round 2- Shot A DSLR; B P&S - Same, better detail in first on areas where colour has saturated on the second shot. Although a more difficult to pick between two with a wider difference between the two f-stops.

05-10-2010, 5:43pm
Okay - moment of truth!

MajickStudio, Kerro and Keith ....... top marks!

As for the rest of you ....... ??? :confused013 Back to school for you lot! :lol2:

It was of course the DOF that gave it away .... or should I say, the lack of depth!

Now, I must admit, I deliberately adjusted both of the first set of photos to make them look the same colour as much as I could, and I deliberately blurred the bottom left corner of the first shot where it's showing the fence - but I left the leaves alone!

The second set of photos I thought would have been a dead give-away! These shots were "as shot" with the exception of a curves adjustment in each and (the same amount of) sharpening after they had both been reduced to the same size. I should also add that both are a crop of the original photo - but that was only to ensure each covered exactly the same area (and I didn't do a perfect job there as the DSLR shot is a few pixels wider than the P&S!).

If you look at the first photo of the second set and compare it to the first photo of the original set, you can see where the fence has been blurred quite easily.

In the (almost) unadjusted set, I can quite clearly see the difference in colour - with the P&S looking a bit on the orange side (possibly due to the automatic flash!). The DSLR is much closer to the "real" colour of the red leaves.

I guess the point of all this is to show how far P&S cameras have come. Provided you don't pixel-peep, they do a reasonably good job, and fool even the seasoned veterans! ;)

Just to prove I did use different cameras, here is the first set of photos again, this time, side-by-side, and with exif intact!

http://i512.photobucket.com/albums/t322/SylphCB/AusPhotography/Compare1.jpg http://i512.photobucket.com/albums/t322/SylphCB/AusPhotography/Compare2.jpg

Shot 1: Panasonic DMC-TZ10, 1/40 @ f/5.0, ISO400 (with flash - because I hadn't figured out how to turn it off at that stage! :rolleyes:)
Shot 2: Canon 40D, 100mm Macro, 1/50 @ f/5.6, ISO400 (no flash)

05-10-2010, 6:39pm
Cheryl, that was a very good exercise.

I have a Canon A550 PowerShot, 8MP P&S, which continues to amaze me with what it can produce.

I must admit, without sounding like I'm skiting, that I picked the difference first up. Better IQ, more DOF and generally a sharper image for the DSLR.

As you pointed out, unless you are a 'pixel peeper', the P & S can give you very acceptable results.

Maybe in the foreseeable future you won't have to cart around 4 or 5 Kgs of gear to get great shots.

Well done.


PS: I'm surprised you didn't have a comeback on the addition to my 'Sub-Continental Aphrodisiac" post.

05-10-2010, 6:54pm
I still don't get it :confused013 :wd:

I @ M
05-10-2010, 7:01pm
I picked the Canon shot from minute #1 ( soft, out of focus and suffering decentreing effects ) but never got around to posting my thoughts. :rolleyes:

05-10-2010, 7:07pm
I still don't get it :confused013 :wd:

No....neither do I....:action:

05-10-2010, 7:37pm
I picked them in the right order but I was too shy to post!

05-10-2010, 9:01pm
OK,I got it wrong - should have gone with DOF, although I think the "deliberate blurring" in the first set was cheating :). Stupidly, I also assumed that the colours were straight OOC. Other than that, I can only agree with I@M :)

05-10-2010, 9:23pm
I picked the Canon shot from minute #1 ( soft, out of focus and suffering decentreing effects ) but never got around to posting my thoughts. :rolleyes:

Nah ...... that's just the photographer! :p

OK,I got it wrong - should have gone with DOF, although I think the "deliberate blurring" in the first set was cheating :). Stupidly, I also assumed that the colours were straight OOC. Other than that, I can only agree with I@M :)

Now, where did I say I wasn't cheating?!! :D Of course the colours were straight out of the camera ...... straight onto my PC and "calibrated"! :lol2:

05-10-2010, 9:51pm
Woo Hoo :efelant: ..... Thanks for the challenge Cheryl !
insert a little Happy dance here :party6:

& for those who say they got it right but didn't comment ... do we really believe them ???
shyness is not an option for a photographer .... so dive in next time ppl ;)


07-11-2010, 8:01am
I'm a bit late but I would have said that the one on the left was the p & s because it loaded quicker on my screen. Does that make any sense at all to anybody else. The OP didn't say whether they ajusted the pic size or res to match each other.

09-11-2010, 6:36pm
I'm a bit late but I would have said that the one on the left was the p & s because it loaded quicker on my screen. Does that make any sense at all to anybody else. The OP didn't say whether they ajusted the pic size or res to match each other.

Well that doesn't make sense, because they are both around 240-250kb! :confused013 Can't explain that one I'm afraid!

As to size, I did mention in one of the posts that I'd resized them both to the same size! ;)

13-11-2010, 6:55am
My apologies I didn't read all the posts correctly. I have always wondered whether it is often better to take my S3is rather than the 50D when going out to take some pics. I'll have to take both in future.