View Full Version : Help with writing email

02-10-2010, 1:42pm
Hi guys,

As a favour, I went and did some shooting for a local councillor today at her latest dog in the park breakfast event, and whilst I was there, a couple of people (from businesses) asked for my details and whether I could send through some of the photos of them and their dogs.

Now I have no issues with this, my only concern is if they use the photos for their websites/newsletters/advertising, without my approval or giving me recognition. They will not be getting hi-res images either. That said, like every amateur photographer, any recognition/exposure I can get would be amazing.

Can anyone help me out with how to write an email to go with the photos reminding them that I have ownership over the photos and that any use apart from personal, means that acknowledgement will need to occur.

If this is an unreasonable request please let me know, as this is the first time anyone has actually asked me for some of the photos I've taken.

The local paper's photographer didn't turn up like he was supposed to, so there is a chance that my photo's might also end up in the paper so might need to do an email up for them as well.

Any help that can be provided would be much appreciated.

02-10-2010, 1:46pm
Smack a great big watermark across the photos and only send them reasonably small files.

Then in the letter state "A reminder that under the Copyright Act, use of these photos for any purpose without the express written permission of the photographer is illegal"

03-10-2010, 12:43pm
Also, request for a by line on the photo, if to be used on a publication or local paper. This is fairly standard in today's publications. Look at any image on a local paper and you will generally find a by line on the bottom right of the frame.

Duane Pipe
03-10-2010, 1:58pm
Smack a great big watermark across the photos and only send them reasonably small files.

Then in the letter state "A reminder that under the Copyright Act, use of these photos for any purpose without the express written permission of the photographer is illegal"

HaHa Good one Rick:th3:

03-10-2010, 2:16pm
Firstly, what's your arrangement with the local councillor? Obviously you have this in writing seeing that she asked you to shoot the event. Any councillor I know would want exclusive use of the commissioned photographs and wouldn't be too happy about you milking others for extra dollars, innocently or not.
Of course, if your arrangement with the councillor was completely informal then it doesn't matter a hoot, scramble for whatever you get. In the end if you make a $100 you've done well but hardly enough to defend copyright litigation if you had to. Take the money and run and let them do what they want with the photos. There were probably dozens of other photographers there anyway to compete with.
As far as the media is concerned if they didn't turn up themselves they won't want the photos anyway. Local media pay $5 per photo (without story) and you need to get it to them which doesn't pay for the phone call.

04-10-2010, 8:16am
Firstly, what's your arrangement with the local councillor? Obviously you have this in writing seeing that she asked you to shoot the event. Any councillor I know would want exclusive use of the commissioned photographs and wouldn't be too happy about you milking others for extra dollars, innocently or not.
Of course, if your arrangement with the councillor was completely informal then it doesn't matter a hoot, scramble for whatever you get. In the end if you make a $100 you've done well but hardly enough to defend copyright litigation if you had to. Take the money and run and let them do what they want with the photos. There were probably dozens of other photographers there anyway to compete with.
As far as the media is concerned if they didn't turn up themselves they won't want the photos anyway. Local media pay $5 per photo (without story) and you need to get it to them which doesn't pay for the phone call.

Arrangement with the local councillor is a favour as my GF works for her. She is free to use any photo I took as part of that arrangment because I will be credited for the work.

I think you're missing the point here, I have no interest in getting paid for this from any party who requested photos. I know I am not at the point where I am good enough to warrant to be paid. All i want is if people use the photos i took, to be credited for them.

As for the local rag, my GF does the Media work for the councillor and normally writes up the releases and sends them to the contact at the paper along with photo's, they then edit and publish from there. Sometimes the photographer turns up sometimes they don't.

Please note i've never said i wanted any cash out of this, and TBH if someone offers i'd be more inclined to decline and just ask for some form of recognition, because isn't that the main thing that any photographer wants - recognition?

Would something like this suffice;

"Dear _______,

Please see attached photos as discussed. These are intended for personal use only. If in the instance you wish to use these photos for any other use, feel free to contact me on the below details.

Please remember, under the Copyright Act, use of these photos for any purpose without the express written permission of the photographer is illegal.

I hope you enjoy the photos.


thanks for the replies so far!

04-10-2010, 8:52am
Shoot met down in flames here if you want, but I think the use of the word "illegal" is over the top in this context. I also think that if you are going to get all antsy about what they do with the photos, you should be willing to charge for them. If you don't think the photos are good enough to charge for, then who cares what use they get put to?

I think a better approach is:

"Please find the photographs we discussed attached. If you want to use these commercially, I would be honoured, but would also request payment - please call me to discuss it if this is your intention. For any other use, please credit me as the photographer and copyright owner."

04-10-2010, 8:57am
Hi, here are the photos I promised. Please credit my name if used in the media. As discussed these are provided for your personal and non-commercial use only.

Have a nice day and please keep me in mind for any future photography"

04-10-2010, 9:02am
Local media pay $5 per photo (without story) and you need to get it to them which doesn't pay for the phone call.

Isn't that the truth, out here, they want you to shoot on spec with your gear, send them the pics, and if they publish any, $5+GST per image is what they want to pay. Oh, and they want full rights and © to anything they pay the big $5 prize for.

04-10-2010, 9:02am
Please note i've never said i wanted any cash out of this, and TBH if someone offers i'd be more inclined to decline and just ask for some form of recognition, because isn't that the main thing that any photographer wants - recognition?

Um - had to answer this question/statement.

In my case the answer is a clear and resounding NO. Simply could not care less. Ego is not my driving force I'm afraid.

And you'll find that in most cases, that most commercial organisations would prefer to pay, as opposed to trying to get the contributor's credit right. Thats the reality.

04-10-2010, 9:09am
Isn't that the truth, out here, they want you to shoot on spec with your gear, send them the pics, and if they publish any, $5+GST per image is what they want to pay. Oh, and they want full rights and © to anything they pay the big $5 prize for.

Thats not bad !

My local area newspaper group _ with large number of titles all over Qld - (so I was told by one of their reporters), that if they publish the (employed) reporter's story, with one of the reporters images, that they pay an additional bonus (ooh sounds good doesnt it - bonus?) - 50 cents extra. Yep, that was just 50 Cents per photo used, regardless of repro size.

04-10-2010, 10:17am
meh i think this is going to end up in the too hard basket and will just stick to only giving photos to family and friends...

i think kiwi's statement sums it up perfectly for what i was chasing.

thanks for everyone's input...

04-10-2010, 10:41am
Thats not bad !

My local area newspaper group _ with large number of titles all over Qld - (so I was told by one of their reporters), that if they publish the (employed) reporter's story, with one of the reporters images, that they pay an additional bonus (ooh sounds good doesnt it - bonus?) - 50 cents extra. Yep, that was just 50 Cents per photo used, regardless of repro size.
Staff reporters on local papers are given a point + shoot now and are expected to do their own photography. If you look carefully they probably do a better job than the regular staff tog or local pro (with exceptions of course). :)

04-10-2010, 11:03am
Staff reporters on local papers are given a point + shoot now and are expected to do their own photography. If you look carefully they probably do a better job than the regular staff tog or local pro (with exceptions of course). :)

BTW, The reporter in question had to supply his own gear, and he has a 5dmk2 and assorted lenses. And FWIW, I wouldnt agree with your last comment.

04-10-2010, 12:39pm
And FWIW, I wouldnt agree with your last comment.
Ha! ha! Not my quote! Straight from the Editor. :D
There are exceptions.

02-11-2010, 4:52pm
I think it's a good thing that someone is interested in your works.