View Full Version : Reveiws of the new Nikon D3100??

Kevin M
02-10-2010, 1:00pm
I am looking for some assistance please, has anyone by seen a review of this new camera yet...I am not looking at purchasing this camera myself, however a work associate has asked me about it and I am unable to locate any proper reviews on this unit (to date).
Anyone who can help point me in the right direction here - will be appreciated.

02-10-2010, 3:07pm
http://www.dpreview.com/previews/Nikond3100/ its only a preview. It takes a while for detailed reviews to happen.

02-10-2010, 4:58pm
Thom Hogan ( http://www.bythom.com/index.htm ) in discussing the sensors Nikon is using in its new cameras states that the rolling shutter problem during video shooting as bad as he's ever seen. Thom is regarded as highly authoratative.
So if video is your thing maybe the D3100 isnot your answer.

Kevin M
03-10-2010, 8:11am
thank you to both you (Kym & Rob)...the work colleague will be particularly interested to hear about the video shooting issue.....

03-10-2010, 5:41pm
Couple of other D3100 links:

ISO Comparison:

Hands on review from a purchaser:


06-10-2010, 4:51pm
Here is a YouTube review by Kai from DigitalRev - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nmK3qrY2NE