View Full Version : Have you read you manual

23-09-2010, 2:55pm
Ok, be honest, do you read your manual(s) that came with your camera and your lenses ?

23-09-2010, 2:58pm
Nope, I couldn't follow the story.

23-09-2010, 2:59pm
I have a copy of my manual on my Ipod...just in case! :)


23-09-2010, 3:00pm
Where's the option for "I read my Manual from cover to Cover" for people like me, who can not buy anything with out reading the owners manual before playing with it.

23-09-2010, 3:01pm
Im not good at poles sorry, I prefer germans, but, yeah, I too read the manual, well, at least the toc

David Kembrey
23-09-2010, 3:16pm
Whats a manual, oh that's what I read after I have pulled my hair out trying to get something to work :)

23-09-2010, 3:28pm
In fact I sometimes download the Manual of something before I buy it to get the details on features etc.

23-09-2010, 3:29pm
Where's the option for "I read my Manual from cover to Cover" for people like me, who can not buy anything with out reading the owners manual before playing with it.

I'm one of the above lol :)

23-09-2010, 5:06pm
The manual is a last resort for when you hit a hurdle.

23-09-2010, 5:50pm
"If all fails, read the instructions".

I must admit tho that when I first got the K20D, my first DSLR, I was totally lost, and without the manual I wouldn't have known how to turn it on.

Once into it, I did tend to 'fast-track' the learning curve, and to date I guess I've looked at about 35% of it. After quickly trying to come to grips with all the new 'bells and whistles' I went to Mexican (Manuel) mode where I was comfortable, and picked up the rest as I went along. I'm still learning.



23-09-2010, 5:59pm
Multiple choice poll, I like that

23-09-2010, 6:29pm
Yep, more than once, was reading it on the weekend actually. I too, like Kym, often download a manual for something before I buy it; it's the best way to understand all the features rather than relying on sales guff.

23-09-2010, 6:43pm
ohhhhhhhh yes - would have no idea how to drive it otherwise. and as for the flash - i have the camera manual in one hand, the flash manual in the other and about three other books open. and i still haven't got it sussed!!LOL

23-09-2010, 10:56pm
My camera manual is about the only manual I've ever read. I continue to refer to it as I learn a little more.

Like a few of the others I like to download the manual before buying. It's nice of work to let me use their printer to run it off in A4 :D.

24-09-2010, 5:35am
Yep, several times!..Stupid poll though!

24-09-2010, 6:22am
Yes. (A bit like Kym, I've downloaded manuals on cameras to check out features as well :eek:)
I've also read the lens manuals (boring - what can they say?) - and I still don't have a solid grasp of VR, but I focus better!

24-09-2010, 6:59am
Yep, I'm guilty as charged. I downloaded and read the Pentax K-x manual long before I actually decided to purchase the camera and accompanying lenses. While it doesn't help me to take any better pictures, I was able understand and set up many of the camera's features and functions (language, date & time, WB setting, AF mode, remote control, etc.) straight out of the box. I'm still learning how to use a lot of the camera's other settings and refer to the manual quite often.

The poll questions could use some work to elicit better & more appropriate responses. :Doh:

24-09-2010, 7:24am
Yep, several times!..Stupid poll though!

stupid ? no more so than usual :D

24-09-2010, 7:29am
I read the manual (and several reviews) before I buy the camera.
I read it again when other features are going to be used that I have never used for a while, to refresh.

24-09-2010, 7:35am
Yep - read the manual of my Bronica S2A - all 32 pages! :lol:

24-09-2010, 8:10am
read it too. once, properly, although it overlapped a lot with the one from my old 20D....

24-09-2010, 8:25am
I tend to read manuals when I can't figure it out for myself.

24-09-2010, 8:25am
yeah have read the D300s a few times now still don't think i understand it all that well:P

24-09-2010, 11:12am
What's a manual?

Is that one of those little booky things that come with your camera with all those funny little squiggly things on it? I think they're called Chineese(or Mandarin?)

24-09-2010, 11:31am
No, it's the little switch, marked "m", I wish I knew how to read what that stands for

I @ M
24-09-2010, 7:29pm
Helps keep my monitor tilted at just the right angle. :D

24-09-2010, 7:41pm
Only if it looks like an Ikea assembly guide with pictures, numbers and arrows, too lazy to read.

24-09-2010, 10:38pm
When all else fails RTFM.
Mine's in the camera bag with me all the time.
Read it once cover to cover and had to wake up several times in between. :)
Now it's a reference material.

24-09-2010, 11:25pm
Nope - all the manuals are still in the boxes. I haven't even opened them.


I do however, read ALOT online about that specific piece of equipment (whatever it is), and often by third party "guides" etc.

I do try and use that information and playing with it (the gear) to become intimately familiar with my gear.

I just find manuals are too much like just a list of settings.... Boring with a capital B... I don't just want to know what settings are, I want to know how to implement them in everyday situations.


Dan Gamble
25-09-2010, 12:40am
Keep em in my bag. Read em sometimes on the train when I don't have a 'tog or PS mag.

25-09-2010, 6:05am
I don't normally read manuals as I'm a learn by fiddling kind of guy.

However, being new to SLRs and only knowing the basic functions of my D90, I read the majority of the manual so that I knew what the settings in the camera did and how to operate some advanced features. I figured it would be a good investment into my photography to do so. I now have the quick reference manual in my camera bag, and the full manual on my iphone for reference (not that I've used either!).

When (if) I upgrade I probably won't bother unless there's a specific function I don't understand.

Allan Ryan
25-09-2010, 6:15am
Tryed reading the book :confused013
like Dan I keep it in the bag - have a look when I'm stuck

have a 380EX flash can't follow its manual either :Doh:

25-09-2010, 8:19am
Yep - read the manual of my Bronica S2A - all 32 pages! :lol:

32 pages! You capitalistic SWINE!!! That's just unnecessary. My Koni Omega was only in the 20 page region

25-09-2010, 9:05am
I'd probably know my camera features a little better if I could bring myself to a) find the thing and b) work through all those boring and incomprehensible pages. I have always had a trial & lots of error M.O.

25-09-2010, 12:44pm
In fact I sometimes download the Manual of something before I buy it to get the details on features etc.

I'm the same. Makes sense to me :confused013
My question would be: If you haven't read or at least used it for reference, why?

27-09-2010, 8:50am
Because the same information is available form other sources in a clearer, easier to read format in a manner that helps you in everyday shooting situations.


As I said earlier, I find camera manuals (generally) don't offer much real world advice, and are rarely much more than a glorified list of features.


27-09-2010, 9:41am
....My question would be: If you haven't read or at least used it for reference, why?


Not that much changes between models and as I use my camera all the time all of my actions are now automatic. The only time I may look would be when I buy a new body and want to set up my choice of custom functions although these can also be found by scrolling thru the menu's.

27-09-2010, 12:55pm
Nearly always in my bag.

27-09-2010, 12:57pm
i only RTFM when i get stuck... thus far i havent had to

27-09-2010, 6:43pm
I like to read the manual for most new things, whatever it is, I keep my flash and camera manuals in my bag, you just never know when you might need them.