View Full Version : E-pl1 wuth FD lens

22-09-2010, 4:10pm
Just bought the E-PL1 to revive all my canon FD lenses. Just find it very difficult to focus using the lcd. Just ordered the VF-2, electronic viewfinder and hopefully that will make the MF easier.

Colour and clarity is excellent with E-PL1, I reckon. Just the VF-2 is a must to operate manuel lenses. It's very expensive. Cost more than half of the camera.:eek:

Anyone have experience to share?

22-09-2010, 9:15pm
I have a similar set-up. I have an FD 50/1.4 and a range of extension tubes I want to use. Even with the VF2, I'm having trouble getting shots as sharp as I know the lens can produce. I haven't put that much time into it yet. Your comment on the VF2 price is spot on. Nevertheless, a little while back them were difficult to obtain, so I guess Olympus would reckon the price is OK! When the cameras were $999 RRP it didn't look so bad, but when they dropped the price to $799.....

Still, I took the camera O/S (got the GST back at least!) and it was great to have as a 2nd travel camera.

I'd be glad of hear of anything you come up with. Thanks.

25-09-2010, 8:54am
Ordered the VF-2 already. Takes a week maybe to arrive. Just tried the E-PL1 with FD 85mm f1.2. Using the lcd to focus is really hard. Esp for those who owns legacy lens, they could not be young. I myself is getting poor in eye sight and hopfully the VF-2 will help.

I enjoy greatly the large aperture of the FD lenses. DOF is all at your disposal.

My VF-2 cost me A$368. Olympus said they have only four in stock.

How much your one cost? Is it good?

25-09-2010, 6:04pm
i don't find it too difficult to focus with the lcd, infact i thought it would be impossible. but i'm normally shooting at f1.4, and it is a lot easier than when i've tried at say f11. for landscape, the infinity focus is just fine, no lcd required.

29-09-2010, 11:41am
Tried the VF-2 already and found it much easier to focus than the LCD. The single lens kit costed me $640, the VF-2 alone costed me $368. But without the VF-2, the E-PL1 is almost useless to me. So, I have no choice.

The picture taken with Canon FD lenses, (85mm f1.2L, 50mm f1.4 ,80-200mm f4L) are excellent. Exposure is spot on with A mode. Spend over a thousand dollars to revive all the FD lenses is still worth it.

03-10-2010, 12:05pm
I think I paid list price for the VF2 ($399). As I was going OS, I was able to get the GST back. Olympus had none in stock initially. I only have the one lens that is still OK (50mm 1.4) but I have a number of extension tubes that I have been trying out. Here's a pic from the other day.

03-10-2010, 6:43pm
That's a really nice shot John. Just out of interest, do you need an adaptor to run the FD lenses with the micro 4/3 bodies or will the just plug straight on?

03-10-2010, 7:17pm
Yes, I am very interested, too. I was on the point of selling my FD stuff, if I can use the lenses I might be interested in one of these.

04-10-2010, 1:59pm
No. You'll need an adaptor. I bought mine on e-bay. You can get them for a range of different lens brands, but some need an optical element (The FD ones don't which is good)! The one I purchased came from 'muchmall' and seems to work fine but I have seen good reviews on DPReview.com for those from 'ciecio7' on eBay as well. Hope this helps.

04-10-2010, 6:07pm
I should clarify that the adaptors that need optical elements are those for using the FD lens on conventional DSLR cameras rather than the mirrorless cameras such as the e-PL1. The mirrorless geometry removes the need which is good.