View Full Version : Trouble re-sizing images

21-09-2010, 10:07pm
I have had lots of problems today with re-sizing my images to the specifications needed to upload on AP. First they were too big. I made them smaller they are now too small. I have not long started out so cannot get Photoshop just yet. I read Rick's tutorial about re-sizing in PS.

I use Picasa 3 as my editor. If anyone else does can you please tell me how to set it for the specs for AP? If not that can you suggest another program which might help please?

I have looked around before just posting but cannot find exactly what I am after. The other problem I had today after uploading the smaller size pics was they were all together. This was pointed out to me by someone CC the pics. I uploaded as normal.

Thank you very much :(

21-09-2010, 10:37pm
This explains it http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=14971

The pixel size is only half the story, also JPEG compression level!

22-09-2010, 5:23am
Not familiar with Picasa But look for an option for Image : Size or similar. Then you need to put the size you want in the pixel field to get it to that size

So a photo that is 3000 x 2000 pixels, you can type 1000 in the 3000 box and the 2000 should resize automatically to retain the aspect ratio. Then you need to save as JPG and make sure it is under 250kb.

Someone familiar with Picasa might be able to provide more. Or you can download "The Gimp" (free and works very similarly to photoshop), or BDSizer (also free and is specifically a photo resizing programme).

Hope that assists.

22-09-2010, 5:51am
just use paint in windows to re-size them ,

22-09-2010, 6:25am
Once you are ready to resize, press the Export tab at the bottom of page and it will then bring up a box with the option of resizing. Choose the size you want then, then choose where you want to save the image. Click Export then your done.

22-09-2010, 7:04am
a quick Google found this
hope it helps:D

22-09-2010, 10:28am
I would like to thank you all very much. I have been messing around all morning trying to get things right in Picasa. I have used it for a number of years without any trouble. I think I may have to remove & re-install. I am familiar with it & have really enjoyed it until now.
Rick thank you for explaining things for me. I am sorry I am having this problem it is frustrating for me to I was going great guns going through the learning tut. This sounds trivial I know & it would to me but in practice it is a pain in the butt.
Macui, I just having a look at Paint now.
debax, thank you also I did that search last night & my copy is just not letting me do that so I will also re-install.
Kym thanks for the link. Everything helps so I hope to get some pics up soon. Ooop's sorry Rod nearly missed you thanks for explaining. I think it is just this copy I am using so will let you all know when I can post.

Thank you all very much.