View Full Version : Looking for another CF Card, Help :)

21-09-2010, 9:24pm
Hey guys and girls,

First may I say I'm only willing to spend about $100 - $120 on a card.

So details are
always shoot in 18mp
always shoot in FULL HD

I have a big job coming up this weekend which is required for me to do 1 hour of continuous filming. At the moment i have only 2x4gb Sandisk EXTREME III CF Cards with FULL HD on i can only squeeze just under 12mins of footage out of them. So I am looking for another card. Preferable a 16gb card.

So far this is the best deal i can find in sydney that i can go pickup before the weekend.

My question is, is this card good enough for what i need or should i go the EXTREME version and also, is there a better deal out there?
I am also considering purchasing this

Thanks :)

21-09-2010, 10:16pm

what about these ones?

21-09-2010, 10:23pm

what about these ones?

Was hoping to stick with SanDisk as i've never had problems with them so far (touch wood)

Although i guess it wouldnt hurt to try Lexar. DO you know of any promotional codes for Cheap Chips. I'd have to get the express shipping also since they are in wollongong!

22-09-2010, 5:27am
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/snoopytas/advertising/cheapchips.gif (http://www.cheapchips.com.au?ref=1157)

cheapchips are a site advertiser, but you need to click through the banner ads, via the sponsors page (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=13499) or the banner below for the advertising to work (it is link based). You still pay the same price, but AP gets a small commission, which helps keep the site online for you.

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/snoopytas/advertising/cheapchips.gif (http://www.cheapchips.com.au?ref=1157)

Lexar have a great reputation, and are probably 2nd place behind sandisk as far as quality and reliability go

22-09-2010, 7:29am
I bought Kingston Elite Pro 16Gb cards from Shoppingsquare (http://www.shoppingsquare.com.au/search.php?q=Kingston+CF).

Currently listed at $52.95 for 16Gb. They read at 25mb/s and write at 20mb/s and have performed flawlessly on my 5DII over the past 18 months.

Whether you need faster cards for sustained high speed shooting I can't tell but they are fine for Full HD on the 5DII.

22-09-2010, 7:38am
Also something to consider. Samsung own the rights to the CF format (they invented it), the majority of the world's CF cards are manufactured at the same factory and are then bought in bulk by the companies. Sandisk, as I understand it, have a manufacturing agreement with Samsung and Sandisk have their own manufacturing plant. Most of the other brands are 'generic' when manufactured and then labelled up. All the cards are manufactured at once, they are then tested for speed and rated accordingly based on how they perform. Cards that are rated below a certain standard are then marked as lesser levels (like Sandisk I / II / III) etc.

Big Pix
22-09-2010, 7:50am
if you have a big job, just get the tools to make the job a success...... forget about trying to save 5 dollars and get a reliable card........ remember a 16 gig card will only give you double the time you now have and will it be enough for a big job......

22-09-2010, 8:04am
I'm glad you're sticking with SanDisk (or lexar). Reported speeds from other brands are very often false (silicon digital, i'm looking in your direction). I sell the SanDisk Extreme 16gb's for $189 from memory. Don't imagine you could find one for $120 as that is quite a lot below cost price. If you can spill your budget to the extreme, I highly recommend it, especially for a camera like the 7D that is able to use the speed :)

22-09-2010, 1:04pm
The only thing is, i have come to relise that after this big job I'd most likely go back to using my 2x4gbs over the 16gb. I was thinking about hiring a 16gb or borrowing one just for this job as i know i won't use it much after this.

Anyone want to borrow me one in Sydney for Sunday :D

22-09-2010, 1:09pm
Ahh screw it, I just went on Cheap Chips (through AusPhoto) and purchased this :


Atleast if I ever have a big job in the future needing this much room I don't have to stuff around buying/borrowing!

Thanks guys :D

22-09-2010, 4:24pm
Ive bought 4 lexars from cheapchips since not long after stumbling over this place, and recently lexar cfs from them for the 50d, not problems ith them as yet, although I am far from a "power user" and a crappy storer, they spend half their time either left in camera, strewn across my desk or god knows where and still work. :)