View Full Version : Photoshop S-Curves

09-10-2007, 8:08pm
Thought this might be helpful.

Many of us use curves and levels on our images. But there is one particular technique using curves that can do wonders - like removing cast, adding punch and optimizing levels in one go.

Here are a couple links to get started:

Tutorial on S-Curve technique (http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/command_primer.shtml)

And some S-Cure presets to download (http://www.outbackphoto.com/workshop/photoshop_corner/essay_17/essay.html) - very handy when your starting out.

Another thing to consider when using curves or levels is the eye droppers for selecting Black, neutral and white areas of your image for greater control. Something to google once your familiar with curves and levels.


09-10-2007, 8:28pm
Sans, thanks for putting that in. Even though I don't use PS I will study it and adapt. I think many people take photos and just post them straight out of the camera when with a little effort they can be so much better. Particularly DSLR images which need some tweeking as unlike P&S cameras, unless you have changes the parameters, there is no in camera adjustments to boost things like contrast, colour and sharpness.

09-10-2007, 8:32pm
Curves are well worth mastering. Other than levels, curves are pretty much the main tool I use to edit shots.


16-10-2007, 9:20pm
Thanks for the couple of links. Still learning PS so I know it will come in handy for me.

16-10-2007, 10:31pm
Thanks for the couple of links. Still learning PS so I know it will come in handy for me.

No worries Jan:)

As Tim wrote 'well worth mastering'