View Full Version : FUJI X100

20-09-2010, 1:48pm
Just when I thought I was saving up for a nice compact for Christmas, along comes this ball out of left field... Gaahh! (me likes!)
(available 2011)


20-09-2010, 7:39pm
I agree this is awesome.. I am also thinking I will use my xmas bonus on it..

I looked at the Olympus and Samsung mirrorless cameras, but they will never replace a DSLR for me (well not for many versions yet) and will cause me to waste money on more lenses LOL, but I would like something small for family outings...

This is really perfect on first look, I will be curious to see how much they charge..

20-09-2010, 7:50pm
that looks pretty cool, i'd also be interested. The Olympus Pen EPL1 that I sell at work is a beautiful little camera, but for me, i'd prefer something more basic. I"m hoping this Fuji will be just that - basic, solid and sharp. Also, I hope that the price doesn't crack a grand. I'm not interested in spending thousands on only a 'sometimes' camera

20-09-2010, 8:18pm

I wouldn't buy it at anywhere near a grand considering for $650 I can get a new Samsung NX10 with proven 30/2 from HK... I assume the Samsung NX100 will reach that price in short time too.. This will have to be cheaper (or at least on par) with the Olympus EPL2 (with 17mm) or the samsung NX series or really why bother?

At around the $600-$700 (grey market from HK) mark I would buy one for sure, any higher I would go for either a samsung or Oly..

20-09-2010, 8:26pm
If the image quality is truly inspiring, I think i'd be more than happy to shell out 800. Would have been nice to see a short, sharp zoom too I reckon. 24-70 f2.8 equiv. and i'd be a very happy man :p Damn limitations of physics!!


I wouldn't buy it at anywhere near a grand considering for $650 I can get a new Samsung NX10 with proven 30/2 from HK... I assume the Samsung NX100 will reach that price in short time too.. This will have to be cheaper (or at least on par) with the Olympus EPL2 (with 17mm) or the samsung NX series or really why bother?

At around the $600-$700 (grey market from HK) mark I would buy one for sure, any higher I would go for either a samsung or Oly..

21-09-2010, 9:19am
Looks very cool, though the reports I've seen are suggesting around $US1500, which will put it out of the range of many.

21-09-2010, 6:28pm
Yeah I have seen the suggested US$1,500 price too.. Think I would prefer an Olympus u4/3 with 17mm or the Samsung NX100 with 30/2 or 20/2.8 for a substantially lower price.

21-09-2010, 6:40pm


I @ M
21-09-2010, 6:45pm
Yep, looks mean heaps when taking photos, spend less on a "modern" camera and put the savings towards something important. :D

21-09-2010, 7:04pm
just want to add the Samsung APS-C compact NX100 pricing has been suggested by Samsung at US$599 (bundled with 20-50mm lens, no body only price yet), sorry Fuji it looks cool but I will just look towards the Samsung, they have the proven 30/2 out there and a 16/2.8 on the roadmap (20/2.8 is there too, they seem to like pancake lenses, like me)..

P.S. They have also said for the next models of the NX series they are working on a new sensor targeted at better low light performance, not more MP..

22-09-2010, 11:13pm
for $650 I can get a new Samsung NX10 with proven 30/2 from HK..


I wouldn't recommend Samsung NX10.
30/2 lens is really nice, but the camera itself is not what I would expect. I bought and a week later returned one. From various reasons. Mainly because of poor quality: The black plastic strip around front lens (18-55) was falling away just as I unpacked the brand new camera.
Images were sometimes blurry, like wavy or something. Dim viewfinder, overall a plastic feeling.

But usually - yes - usually the picture quality was just fine:

23-09-2010, 12:57pm
According to DP Review, Fuji are saying it will be more like $US1000. Still not a cheap jigger, but I reckon they'll sell a few if the image quality is up to snuff. Agree with ZedEx that a little zoom would have been good though - 24-48 equiv, f2.8 would be very nice.

23-09-2010, 6:47pm
why do people find the price of this camera so outrageous? it is an aps-c sized sensor, with a nice 24mm lens that is perfectly matched (with software i suspect) to the sensor, and is likely to produce superb image quality. it looks extremely well built and is a lot cheaper than the leica x1. these mirroless cameras now have a 40% market share in Japan.

23-09-2010, 7:06pm
Bigger is better ?

Id have one

25-09-2010, 8:57pm
lets just see how it is when the reviews roll out next year! id definitely save up to get one if its a good performer. maybe even replace my d60+30 1.4 as my lug around kit :D

09-02-2011, 6:49pm
I've been following the posts about this camera as it really does look like a good little solid travel camera (for those of us that can't afford a Leica).

dpReview posted up another update yesterday with price announced as US$1200 and €1,000. Ouch! I was hoping it would be less than that being a fixed lens.

09-02-2011, 6:56pm
It will be under $AU1000 within a few months after release no doubt. Still a lot of money for a fixed lens camera, but it does have an APS-C sensor. They'll probably sell a few.