View Full Version : I dropped my camera - 50d

Allan Ryan
19-09-2010, 1:00pm

It's still working
it fell from waist high to a concrete pad, everything i checked is still working
very happy it has that metal frame now :)

Does anyone know what i should check - besides my pulse :)

19-09-2010, 1:13pm
Check for any hairline cracks around the impact area. If there is any, a very thin line of supa glue should seal the crack and prevent moisture from entering the body. It will look ugly, but it will be a scar of remembrance.
Check and flip the mirror (without lens) a few times to see if OK.
Check if the mirror is alligned by taking a photo and comparing it with the viewfinder image.
Check if the focusing screen attachment (above the mirror box) is not shakey or loose. The fresnell should sit snug and proper and not move about.
Check all contacts and springs in the battery compartment to see if any are twisted or bent.
Use the pop up flash to check it.
Attach a speedlight and check all functions, esp. ETTL.

Allan Ryan
19-09-2010, 1:46pm
Thanks for the reply
I am unsure of some of the thing you stated but
while looking and check what i could i relised the main impact mark is on the memory card door.
the door seems fine and works well
the flash pops up a works in a dark area
i have a 380EX flash and it's working as well

I think im luky :) to get of lightly

23-09-2010, 1:58pm
Good to hear!

A year ago a friend dropped a less-than-a-week-old, $3000 L-series long lens (I don't remember which one) off the balcony in the back of a church, onto a wooden pew. It was fine! It's comforting to know that we can do some silly things and get away with it, sometimes.

I dropped my 50mm f/1.8 II from about 50cm onto concrete and it broke into a few pieces! I got them back together and it still works, but I sometimes have to hold it together because it won't hold itself together any more!

23-09-2010, 3:04pm
Hope your 50D is OK mate .... it's nearly happened to me a couple of times losing my footing :eek:

23-09-2010, 3:40pm
I dropped my 50mm f/1.8 II from about 50cm onto concrete and it broke into a few pieces! I got them back together and it still works, but I sometimes have to hold it together because it won't hold itself together any more!


24-09-2010, 12:38pm
I am so glad it is still working ok. They are stronger than they look.

I am always scared of dropping mine & put that horrible strap around my neck even at home. I suppose you could fit a second kind of loop or strap that clips to your belt or waist. Hmm somehting I might consider.
Keep a close eye on it & hope it keeps working for many years.

24-09-2010, 1:13pm
:lol: @ Achee, You must love your 50mm 1.8 :) But not that expensive to replace :th3:

24-09-2010, 4:15pm
:lol: @ Achee, You must love your 50mm 1.8 :) But not that expensive to replace :th3:

Yeah, I still use it occasionally! :) I'm glad it didn't cost me much!

Allan Ryan
24-09-2010, 4:53pm
the camera seems fine :)
it's biggest problem in the nut behind the dials :Doh:

25-09-2010, 8:27pm
I know that stomach churning feeling when we drop something dear to us and expensive. I was walking out to take some photos a while back when my Canon 180 mm 3.5L macro lens dropped off the camera and bounced onto the floor. I had been using it with some Kenko macro extension tubes and it had become loose. I think the only thing that saved it was that the hood cushioned the blow. I had only had it a week as well.

28-09-2010, 9:14am
I just had this happen recently to my 2 week old 7D 18-200 and the lens decided to pop out a bit. it slipped right back in and works just like new
My heart skipped a beat it was like something from the movies going in slow motion.

I do get a slight problem with the auto focus when the lens isn't zoomed but I tend to just grit my teeth and make do.

28-09-2010, 2:28pm
You were lucky, I totally smashed my D3000 and lens last weekend :(

Allan Ryan
28-09-2010, 7:04pm
sorry to here that mate
Was it insured?

I think i might look into insurance since i'm heading to Tassy
don't want to loose it - i couldn't afford to replace it...:(

30-09-2010, 10:47am
sorry to here that mate
Was it insured?

I think i might look into insurance since i'm heading to Tassy
don't want to loose it - i couldn't afford to replace it...:(

No insurance on it. Just looking around at the moment for a replacement and deciding what to do about it.


30-09-2010, 12:25pm
Check that you have the neckstrap on it, and the strap first goes around your neck before doing anything else with the camera.

Bear Dale
30-09-2010, 1:41pm
I love these threads....makes you KNOW who not to buy used items off :) :) :)