View Full Version : Purchase of New Monopod

15-09-2010, 4:25pm
:umm: I am looking at buying a monopod, for when I go to China next year, while the Aussie dollar is up. I have a canon 450d + battery grip & my largest lens is 100-400 L series, so I want some thing that will take the weight, & is good quality in build.
I would also like some info, in regards to what type of head I should get for it, or do I really need one.

Your comments would be appreciated as usual


15-09-2010, 6:10pm
I found a Monopod invaluable with my 450D+Grip+100-400mmL,even more so with my 7D+Grip.My 681B+496RC2 ballhead will easily accomodate the weight of your combo,the 681B can take 10Kg and the head 6kg.

15-09-2010, 11:10pm
Hi Rodeo,
Unless you can afford carbon fibre (Gitzo) I'd also recommend a Manfrotto, but the 680B. Similar specs but a 4-section pod. It's almost 6" shorter when collapsed which is handy for travel packing and also if shooting from a vehicle (resting on the seat next to you). You do not need a ball head as the whole pod can simply pivot left/right (some people infact attach the pod direct to camera). I prefer to have some 'tilt' facility plus the convenience of quick connect so use a Kirk MPA-1 (basically a Manfrotto 234 Tilt Head customised with an Arca-Swiss type mount). I've comfortably shot up to the 500f4L on this combo so no problem for your 100-400L.


Dan Gamble
16-09-2010, 12:18am
I've just bumped into this thread and I'd like to ask something if you don't mind. (I'm afraid I don't actually have any input. Sorry Rodeo... I'm one of them noobs. hehe!)

If it's affordable for someone to get a light weight and compact tripod would there be a need, or any other use, for a monopod? Given that you could only use one leg of the tripod if the need came about.

Are monopods primarily used for their ability to be compact and travel well? If not what are their applications? I'm really just very curious.

I don't mind if you wish to PM me and just direct me to more info rather than have me hijack this thread as that's not my intention at all.

Thanks. ;)

16-09-2010, 1:27pm
I Have a monopod a Velbon Geo carbon fibre monopod and a carbon Tripod - the monopod is great for panning at say airshows or motor racing and where the crowd is to thick (in both senses) for you to use a Tripod. Its very portable and light and easy to carry.

Ozzi Paul
17-09-2010, 11:09pm
I have the Manfrotto 679B monopod and find it to be a great size and not to heavy. It has 3 pieces with 2 extending parts and is very sturdy and strong. I have also just got a Manfrotto 498 RC2 ball head for it, great head with pan feature & lock lever and also a friction adjustment and lock lever for the ball, also has the quick release plate that is handy because it fits straight onto my Tripods head. Total height fully extended with ball head is close to 170cm and not extended with ball head is 75cm. It would easily handle the weight of your setup I think, I use it for my K20D with grip and 70-200f2.8 as it does the job nicely.

19-09-2010, 1:59pm
Thank you everyone for your responses, it is much appreciated as usual. I am leaning towards either the Manfrotto 680B or the 681B, in regards the head I have not made up my mind. Also thanks Ozzi Paul, I have not had a look at the 679B, so I will check it out.


19-09-2010, 6:00pm
+1 for the 680B. Well worth the money.

Art Vandelay
19-09-2010, 6:07pm
Just bought the 680B last week.

The fairest deal I found was here on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170520735275&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT)

Aus $125 with the 234RC tilt head