View Full Version : Does your camera strap go "slip slidin' away"?

14-09-2010, 1:33pm
G'day all

It seems to me that every day I'm off walking around with one of the cameras slung over my shoulder, that I am constantly pulling the damn thing back onto my shoulder - as it tries to slide off and go its own way

Over the years, I have tried a number of options to stop the "slip slidin' away" with varying degrees of success, but now I seem to have found one that works... using domestic non-slip material glued to the inner face of the camera strap :)

Stuff needed
a) a strip of non-slip material, about 2cm wide x (from 30cm up to) the length of your camera strap
b) a soft drink bottle (to wrap the strap around)
c) a tube of contact adhesive

Here goes...
1- the inner face of the basic camera strap - woven webbing material

2- wrap the non-slip material around a soft-drink bottle. (Stickytape ends onto bottle to stop it unwinding)

3- use some contact-adhesive

4- wrap the camera strap around the now-glued non-slip material** ps: leave for 24hours to dry completely

5- the completed camera strap with the non-slip material in place

** by wrapping the strap around a bottle, it helps stop the crinkling one gets after gluing two things lying flat, when they are later used with a bend in them

Hope this helps other Apers
Regards, Phil

14-09-2010, 4:54pm
Nice tip.

11-10-2010, 12:06pm
Alternatively you just leave an i-phone in your pocket! Good tip though.

old dog
11-10-2010, 12:18pm
good tip Phil. Might try this on my voyager C strap.

14-10-2010, 6:02am
Every SLR strap I've ever had has had a synthetic suede-like material on the inside of the strap. What camera are you using?

14-10-2010, 7:48am
I never had my standard Canon straps slide off my shoulders, but I have resently bought a Black Rapid strap and love it for just walking around with the camera.
Because I am a little short, I find the strap around the back of my neck a little too long (shortened as much as it can) so it bounces around my waist and I normally end up having to put one arm through the strap so that the camera sits under my arm anyway, so the Rapid strap works well here and I have instant access to my camera without having to unthread my arm again each time I want to take a shot at something.

19-10-2010, 6:56am
nice tip. The Olympus strap that I'd got also tended to slip away from my shoulders!

One of my mates got one of those 'singapore sling' crumpler strap that's really padded and non-slip! Might actually be my next purchase (but currently still shopping around), but again - this post might just have saved me a couple of bucks! :D

19-10-2010, 5:51pm
G'day all ~ thankyou collectively for your comments & responses

In the photog workshops I run I see all sorts of cameras & straps ... sometimes different models from the same maker have different quality straps, also straps seem to vary over the years too - and over time, I see the wear 'n tear and shiny spots on the shoulder-spot of other, well used cameras as well

As to the extra thought about 'keeping the camera close to the body while walking' etc etc, I have had for many years, a second strap with a 'spring-clip' at each end. When bushwalking, I wrap this second strap around my waist and clip each end to the camera's D-lugs, thus keeping it under control, but also at instant ready for use

Regards, Phil

19-10-2010, 5:56pm
i have a smug mug strap a freebie last year and it has really good grip and comfortable to boot but a good tip otherwise :)

01-01-2011, 4:28pm
Like Umajo, I got me one of those SmugMug freebies. It doesn't often leave my dSLR. The other that I'd thoroughly recommend - and similar to the OP's idea, is the Domke Gripper Straps. For a shade over $20 a great investment....especially if you're not fond of brandishing the camera logo for the world to see or judge....especially if you're like me and instantly make an opinion of anyone with "CANIKON" screaming across their neck :D

01-01-2011, 5:32pm
Like Umajo, I got me one of those SmugMug freebies. It doesn't often leave my dSLR. The other that I'd thoroughly recommend - and similar to the OP's idea, is the Domke Gripper Straps. For a shade over $20 a great investment....especially if you're not fond of brandishing the camera logo for the world to see or judge....especially if you're like me and instantly make an opinion of anyone with "CANIKON" screaming across their neck :D

If your biggest worry is a brand label, and what people think of someone with a brand round their neck, then you don't have much to worry yourself with. Get out and take photos, it is much more fun

01-01-2011, 6:25pm
Maybe I should do this to my handbag :rolleyes: