View Full Version : Tokina 50-135

13-09-2010, 10:21pm
I have searched for the Tokina 50-135mm lens (Canon mount) for some time, but it has been elusive. Distributors said it remained in production but would have to be "ordered in" most likely (with a huge mark up!!!). It appears that most of the output is going to Japan/Pentax/? research going into Sony mounts. There are rumours of an IS lens appearing at some stage - but I wonder if this is just hearsay. Because I do a lot informal portrait photography, the range of this lens is perfect and at F2.8 it would be fast enough for low light, with or without IS. I would look at Sigma but it suffers some pretty average feed back from real users.

I do have a Canon 70-200 F4, but is a bit conspicious at times! See what variegate opinions might amass.

14-09-2010, 6:16am
G'day Bercy

As someone who has enjoyed Tokina lenses over the years - good on you for seeking one out
However, as my mum always tells me (even tho she's now 91) - if you can't get it, dear, look for something else

No help for you though ....
Regards, Phil

14-09-2010, 7:07am
G'day again Bercy

Just a follow on from earlier ... ps- don't know how or why the name 'tokina' turned up as red???
I just googled 'tokina 50-135' and got a hit from DWI, price just under $700
This any good to you???

Regards, Phil

14-09-2010, 7:33pm
DWI is a Hong Kong entity, with some tentacles here in Australia. I did actually e-mail them to confirm that they had stock. They confirmed that they did have stock. I put in my order and paid the full amount. I then waited a while and received an e-mail, which indicated they did not have stock and it was put on back ordered. I waited 6 weeks, just to see what would happen. Obviously nothing! I requested return of funds. They repaid in full a few days later. What is odd however, is that I tracked the web site, and not surprisingly, they kept the offer running and even dropped the price on an idem that obviously does not exist, for all practical purposes. What I suspect is they so purvey items but they sure as hell don't mind holding a few hundreds of thousands of Dollars in a cash flow account!

I have seen prices of up to $2,000 AU for this lens, which is a bit silly. I guess I will wait and see if it reappears - as real item rather than an apparition.

Thanks for the feedback.

Old Skool
14-09-2010, 9:05pm
What about this one?

14-09-2010, 10:28pm
Thanks Old Skool - I'll give it a shot!

15-09-2010, 10:01pm
Lucked out.

15-09-2010, 10:03pm
I got it, yippeeee...... sorry only joking

couldn't help myself:o

16-09-2010, 5:33am
G'day again Bercy

Itz a buga to luck out on something that you're after

Plan-B maybe to chase something else
A qwik look at the Siggy lens site shows they have an 18-125 and a 50-200 at reasonable prices

Maybe worth a look :confused013
Regards, Phil

Old Skool
16-09-2010, 7:09am
Sigma also have the 50-150 F2.8 which gets a pretty reasonable review.

28-09-2010, 4:59pm
Addendum: I think (hope - pray) that I will be getting one from Japan. Can't wait to read the instructions! I agonised over the Sigma but was a bit put off by the front focusing issue and variable build quality. I guess this can happen with any lens.

I @ M
28-09-2010, 5:09pm
I hope that the Tokina lives up to your expectations. I wouldn't be so quick to put down Sigma lenses though as all the "focus and build issues " are more internet here say rather than personal experience from actual users.

28-09-2010, 5:41pm
The Tokina 50-135 is worth the extra hassle over the Sigma 50-150 in my opinion, but each to their own ;-)

It is a shame Tokina are getting so hard to get...

I @ M
28-09-2010, 5:46pm
Sorry to take this slightly off topic all but ---

Joele, which particular hassles have YOU had with the Sigma 50-150 opposed to the Tokina 50-135?

29-09-2010, 1:51pm
Thanks I@M - you're right! If you read the internet long enough you are bound to come across one or two sad sacks that have to complain! Its very easy to forget about the 10,000 happy users who are busy taking pictures rather than grinding their teeth and spitting vitriol about the particular lens they bought. I read somewhere that the most important piece of photographic equipment you have resides between your ears. I like photo magazines and a few years back I read a pictorial which was really good, and then you read the camera specs: Fujifilm disposable camera!!!

03-10-2010, 9:47pm
Sorry to take this slightly off topic all but ---

Joele, which particular hassles have YOU had with the Sigma 50-150 opposed to the Tokina 50-135?

No complaints, I have just tried them both and I prefer the look of the images from the Tokina... Thats why I said "each to their own", it is just a preference thing, which is why it is a shame the Tokina's a rare as many people will never even try them..

05-10-2010, 1:47pm
Yippee!!!! Box arrived today with a Tokina Canon mount 50-135mm F2.8 lens! My mother in law was in the house so I shot her first. Then I took some pictures in the garden. I didn't have time to put the pictures up in lightroom because I had to go to work (that work stuff always gets in the way). Boy, does this lens feel good! This lens thing can be a bit ononastic, but it does have a terrific feel to it. I did not think the focusing was at all slow. It has been bolted togather extremely well and reeks of quality - I did not get the feeling there was a short cut or two taken. This lens came directly from Japan. I am really happy with this choice and glad I waited!

05-10-2010, 6:53pm
G'day Bercy

Glad to hear you've got your priorities right ...

"My mother in law was in the house so I shot her first."

I'm sure that the lens will be useful for lots of other things too :)
Regards, Phil

05-10-2010, 8:41pm
Had a look at pictures in light room - colours are so accurate! Bokeh is excellent as well. Nice and sharp!

05-10-2010, 8:57pm
DWI is a Hong Kong entity, with some tentacles here in Australia. I did actually e-mail them to confirm that they had stock. They confirmed that they did have stock. I put in my order and paid the full amount. I then waited a while and received an e-mail, which indicated they did not have stock and it was put on back ordered. I waited 6 weeks, just to see what would happen. Obviously nothing! I requested return of funds. They repaid in full a few days later. What is odd however, is that I tracked the web site, and not surprisingly, they kept the offer running and even dropped the price on an idem that obviously does not exist, for all practical purposes. What I suspect is they so purvey items but they sure as hell don't mind holding a few hundreds of thousands of Dollars in a cash flow account!

I have seen prices of up to $2,000 AU for this lens, which is a bit silly. I guess I will wait and see if it reappears - as real item rather than an apparition.

Thanks for the feedback.

You need to be careful with DWI, they ARE completely honest, I can vouch for that. What one needs to be aware of is that they deal in $US all the time, their web-site in Australia quotes in AU$ so it's necessary to follow the value of our currency VERY closely!

To give you an exaple:- I ordered the Tokina 12-24 Zoom a fair while ago and paid for it via direct deposit, can't remember how much I paid, I got confirmation of the payment from DWI and the following day an email, "out-of-stock....do you wish this placed on back order or your money refunded?" I elected to go with the back-order option and the lens took months and months to arrive which it duly did, when I checked their web-site (DWI) I actually paid about A$70 less for the lens on arrival than their current advertised price at the time. The $A had fallen about four cents in the intervening period, so I got lucky, but they DID give me the option to get out of the deal right from the start.

Lesson:watch that $AU closely and strike when it is high (if you are game enough to try to pick the market:confused013)

06-10-2010, 9:33am
Perhaps it is a bit harsh to suggest DWI is "dishonest" but representing a product as in stock, confirming the product is instock by e-mail, and then after sending the money telling you it is out of stock and back ordered, is a bit ordinary. However to continue to have a website suggesting it is in stock is harder to swallow! Most web sites have automated stock control and will give the actual numbers of items in stock. I appreciate that they did communicate and did refund the money very promptly when the order was cancelled. I would imagine this site is better for popular items. I did secure my Tolina 50-135 from "Japooney" on E-Bay. Despite any language differences he gave excellent instruction and feedback and was absolutely accurate with delivery times, which took about 2 weeks. The item was new as promised and there was not even a dent in the packaging!

07-10-2010, 8:57pm
All that is accepted, it is a big operation and there has obviously been a break-down in their communication system, happens all the time but my point is that, to me, they are entirely trustworthy even though they do hang onto a lot (big $) of peoples money, generally their delivery is very prompt:)

09-10-2010, 8:56am
Thanks Richard, I think readers can be reassured that they are not shysters and can concur on that - given my experience. Interestingly, I also ordered from another Hong Kong purveyor and the same thing happened until I went for the E-bay site I cited. I think we always need to consider how urgently we need teh item, how much advice we need, whether we need to feel and touch first and then decide how and on what basis we interact with purveyors. Hey this is a very good argument for going back to the local dedicated photography store in town!


09-10-2010, 10:09am
I have just made my first lens purchase from DWI, when i was looking around on the site, i thought this was an Australian site and all lenses or goods were from here in oz. I was sent an email with confirmation, and a tracking number.

I placed the order late thursday night, So far the the package is in the air travelling to me, expect to get early this week. I cant believe how quick it has been so far.

I was disappointed when i found out it was coming from HK , where i thought it was coming from australia, So i hope there aint no problems.


09-10-2010, 3:43pm
Hello Kyle - I hope you have a positive experience with your order. The genesis of this thread was all about obtaining an apparently "hard to get" lens, in my case the Tokina 50-135 (worth the trouble!). The trouble with imported or "grey" goods is that warranty issues may require the return of the item to the place of purchase - not uncommonly at your expense. If the item has an international guarantee then it may be serviced locally, one would hope. Nothing is certain in this world ( I know -except death and taxes), and you can have an overseas merchanidser bend over to see that your happy, and equally can get the door slammed in your face by the local shop. I returned a DVD player to BigW for repair or replacement under warranty, and haven't heard from them since (not withstanding that I could give a rats over that!). So althought the thread is taking a little twist - lets hear of your experience. By the way -what lens?

Chees berni

24-10-2010, 6:27pm
I have taken a pic with the 50-135 may as a closure. I am not sure how this opens - but its on a wing and pray - I ahve read rick's mini-tutorial first. and if it does not work I will go back to the drawing board!!!!

28-10-2010, 1:13pm
Just to add insult to injury, I picked up my Toki 50-135mm for $350 from a bloke in Brissy. It's a pretty rad lens, odd bokeh, but for $350 I'm not going to be too critical of it.

28-10-2010, 4:31pm
Lucky you!! I did a few low light shots of a baby, at F2.8 but the camera tended to front focus. I was using a tripod. Sadly I got some great shots of toes. I take a a lot fo shots of children and I think this won't be the best lens for "chasing". The autofocus isn't quick enough. That said I ahve also had some really good shots, using both manual and autofocus. Not at all fussed by $$$ - good on you for scoring a bargain though- but I would be very interested in progess with this lens.
