View Full Version : Pro Magazines

11-09-2010, 12:20pm
What does everyone read (or not read)? Where else do you get good info to assist you running your business?

I find the two Oz pro mags Capture and ProPhoto to be full of adds and of limited usefulness (to me). I find PhotoPro Magazine from the UK to be the most consistent in useful info and a good read. I like British Journal of Photography too.


11-09-2010, 12:48pm
i get the same ones from time to time but now have limited what i get to what articles they have and if its something Im interested in, I agree with UK ones they seem to have a heap of good content, theres are couple of newer (could be new not sure) aussie ones that have a little aussie flag in the top left corner that seem good, ones photoshop and digital photo both seem to have not bad info and also some good tutorials.

Dan Cripps
11-09-2010, 12:53pm
Good magazines (in general) have gone the way of the dodo.

11-09-2010, 3:44pm
DSLR User frommthe UK - Magazines are still great - Can't (or don't want to) surf the web some places...

11-09-2010, 4:19pm
Best mag for me - is BIPP's The Photographer - a BIPP member only mag though.

Other than that I rarely have time to read mags, and tend to source what info I need or want from the net.

11-09-2010, 4:49pm
Good magazines (in general) have gone the way of the dodo.


If you want info then the net is your best bet but it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff. There are squillions of wanna-be's telling you everything there is to know and many are certainly worth listening too, some not so much. I’ve noticed that generally (but there are always exceptions) the loudest voices are those wanting or needing to be heard and they are usually the guy/girls trying to ‘make it’. The net is excellent free advertising. Those that have ‘made it’ generally (but there are always exceptions) have no reason to shout any more, and are usually too busy working anyway. There are lots of good pro's with blogs and what not sharing all kinds of info too (Chase Jarvis comes to mind but there are plenty of others too, depending on your field of interest). I used to buy photography magazines years ago, for info, but I just don't bother any more.

Magazines, generally, make their money from advertising within the magazine. Look at the extraordinarily low sale price of some high volume magazines (not photo mags), some around $1.95! The more popular the magazine (the higher the circulation) the higher the advertising rates they can charge. As much as the magazines do try to appeal to punters they are often at the mercy of the advertisers, some much more so than others with a relatively high 'advertorial' content, and most times they seem behind the times in the info they do have. Sure some times there may be a great article on a huge 'tog that might make an issue worth buying (like Dan Winters in PDN (http://www.pdngallery.com/global/en/professional/features/legendsV7Q1/winters.jhtml)) but in the scheme of things almost all the info is really on the net these days, not the magazines. Unfortunately most magazines have a cookie cutter approach too so you tend to see the same (but different) articles year after year. It gets boring.

PDN is worthing having a look at.


Captured frame
11-09-2010, 6:59pm
I tend to prefer the British mag`s ,British journal of photography,Photo Pro and practical photography, but I will read most others if they have an interesting article.

11-09-2010, 7:22pm
I agree that the nets a great source, but it gets really uncomfy taking the laptop to the "reading room" nothing like a good mag for that ;)

11-09-2010, 9:24pm
rangefinder magazine and national geographic are two great magazines, but they are not the "10 tips to take better landscapes" type magazines.

11-09-2010, 10:58pm
Digital SLR Photography out of the UK. Probably aimed at beginners (like me) but also gives you some good examples of photos to try - which I do - and I find it is helping me to get better. Was buying the mag on a regular basis so have just started subscribing to it.