View Full Version : Are there different 10-22 Lenses?

Allan Ryan
08-09-2010, 5:25am
hi everone
I have just been looking at a site and it links to a USA site and a UK site


the lens look pretty mush the same But one USM ring is Silver the other is Gold ????

Also the price is ( if you allow for the Pound to US dollar change about 1.5 to 1) quite different.

it seem the poms are paying around $200 more

so the question is -
Is there a difference in the Lens? :confused013

I want to know because it is one of the Lens i want for my 50D.


08-09-2010, 6:24am
From the specifications shown they appear to be exactly the same lens. Just as a matter of interest I checked the lens at a Sydney online retailer and it shows a silver ring and retails for AU$1,165.00. Cheers

08-09-2010, 7:10am
I have this one and it has the silver ring. It was $983 from an Australian online retailer.

08-09-2010, 11:29am
I have this lens and use it for Architectural Photography.
It is of high quality in performance, and the reason why I think this is not an L lens is because it is an EF-S lens which is for cropped sensors. It should be an L lens.
Mine has the gold banding, and the text "ultrasonic" branding and logo are also in gold.
I think it's only in the photo in the catalogue that the banding rings turns into silver?

08-09-2010, 3:27pm
There is only one version of the Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.4-4.5 USM.

The photo on Amazon's site is in B&W. The "ft" designation on the distance gauge is actually green.

08-09-2010, 3:54pm
Mine also has the gold banding and writing, same as Raoul's. All I can say is buy it Allan, you certainly won't regret it! It is a brilliant lens.

08-09-2010, 5:41pm
Why not get this ? It's wider & optically better!

Allan Ryan
08-09-2010, 5:43pm
thanks for the replys
i assumed the color of the ring isn't important
Interesting that some people have the silver and some the gold.

but it's probable just a marketing thing
Can't wait to get on as i'm going to TASSY in a couple of months - i'm sure to need one :)

Allan Ryan
08-09-2010, 5:52pm
thanks Wobbles
I didn't know that one existed.
Have you tried one?
I want WIDE but not too much fish eye -

my lenses are a 24-105L 70-300 tamron ( cheap )
18-55 and a 500 prime worth about $250

i havent tried a good wide lens yet..

08-09-2010, 5:57pm
I have the Canon 10-22 wide angle lens and I love it. I have also heard good reports about the Sigma version, but after having a bad experience with a Sigma 70-200 2.8 lens, I am a bit wary of buying Sigma again.

08-09-2010, 6:21pm
thanks Wobbles
I didn't know that one existed.
Have you tried one?
I want WIDE but not too much fish eye -

my lenses are a 24-105L 70-300 tamron ( cheap )
18-55 and a 500 prime worth about $250

i havent tried a good wide lens yet..

Unfortunately haven't had a chance to try one yet. I trust reviews here and it looks very good http://www.photozone.de/canon-eos/515-sigma816f4556apsc . I was originally tossing up between the Canon 10-22 and the Toki 11-16 but this (apparently) beats both.

14-09-2010, 7:21pm
Ive owned two version of the Sigma 10-20mm and found them to be tack sharp! Would highly recommend this lens :)

15-09-2010, 11:00am
Yes great lens, check out camera direct. It's great site, shipping only takes 1-2 days (QLD).

Allan Ryan
15-09-2010, 7:46pm
thanks everyone

will have to make up my mind soon :)

10-20 sigma
10-22 canon
100 macro usm

they all look good to me :)

16-09-2010, 6:27pm
The gold stripe around the end of the lens barrel indicates the lens has a USM (ultrasonic) drive, all the L lens' have a red stripe around the barrel and does not necessarily indicate USM ultrasonic but the majority do....The 10-22 Canon with the gold stripe is a particularly good lens for the price which has very good image quality. Good luck...:)))

Bear in mind this lens is an EF-S lens and can not be used on a full frame camera should you wish to upgrade down the track ...

18-09-2010, 12:42pm
I"ve seen this lens on an internet site DWI, dont know much about the company, maybe some one else can shed more light on that, but their price is $768, here is the linkhttp://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/product.asp?idProduct=81
I assume it is the same lens.

20-09-2010, 1:21pm
Also check out the Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8.. From what I've read, it's one hell of a lens..

Probably my next purchase..

06-01-2011, 6:23pm
By chance I was reading this earlier today - shows side by side demo pics from most of the WA lenses mentioned here - worth a look I reckon
