View Full Version : iPad kiwi review

07-09-2010, 5:57pm
I've been an iPhone devotee for awhile now, and so naturally picked up an iPad last week and have been having enormous fun so far

One practical example was a wedding I shot on Saturday. While the guests dined and I had a beer, I hooked the camera kit to the iPad and sucked in 513 photos....took 24 minutes for the jpegs (I shoot raw + jpeg)

The delight and amazement the guests then had (especially the oldest and the youngest) in handing it around for an hour was very encouraging. Of course none of the photos were edited in any way at all, but they hardly mattered

07-09-2010, 6:19pm
I agree. I think the simplicity of the device is the key. People who are technophobes soon get the hang of swipe and rotate etc, it is all very intuitive, whereas those same folk balk as soon as you try to get them to use a touchpad and click buttons of a laptop etc.

07-09-2010, 6:22pm
if my 3 y/o can handle an itouch, an ipad would be easy.

but it would make a great tool

07-09-2010, 6:26pm
I recently got an iPad as well and love it. It's great for showing friends and family recent holiday photos and using it as a picture frame when it's in standby mode.

Gotta love some of Apples ideas.


07-09-2010, 6:56pm
Hmmm ..... interesting!

I still don't like them!. no matter how good people reckon they are(or can be, or may be, or ...)

Apple is Apple, and Windows stuff doesn't work on Apple computers(very well).
I'd love one, if it were just a barebones mobile PC and I could install whatever I wanted onto it, and not what they want me to install onto it.
That's just the way I am.
I have to say tho(in my defence), I like to multitask, and I prefer if my devices can do the same. My mobile computing needs exceed simple image viewing, and sometimes I need vehicle maintenance(literally!.. as I have PC based software to tune up my car) from the same device that allows me to view a few jpgs from time to time.

At the moment, from what I've currently seen, the Toshiba Libretto looks to be the goods(but the price is all wrong! :rolleyes:)

See.... what I hate about these deliberately limited devices is(where you said) ....
"I hooked the camera kit to the iPad and sucked in 513 photos....took 24 minutes for the jpegs.."

I hate wasting 24mins just to view a bunch of images.

I can do the same thing(albeit on a smaller 4" screen) on my 8yo Toshiba PDA, where I simply slot the CF card into the CF card slot on the PDA. Images therefore 'download' at a pace that can only be described as instantly! :th3:
I can then transfer them from the CF card to the SD card, via the SD card slot if I need(and I have), and also, I can also transfer them to a portable HDD(I got a 500G drive courtesy of the lovely folks at Seagate :th3: .. as the Toshiba PDA also acts as a USB host.
Backing up photos from my camera to a 500G backup device has never been more portable, nor cheap.
PDA cost me about $200 way back when.. those 500G Seagate Go drives cost a hundred or so.. simple computing that's actually feature rich, by virtue of simple necessary hardware items that actually makes sense.

had these things had a few basic, and much needed standard fare hardware ports, I'd be in the market for one too.
I would have to find out how to format the hard drive to clear the system of it's OS so that I could fit the one that makes sense to me.. but until they produce the goods, this thing doesn't make it to my list of must haves.

ps. how come it took so long for the images to transfer? And doesn't it read raw formats?.. thankfully it doesn't either, iPad v4 would have been out before they had time to finish transferring :p

07-09-2010, 7:02pm
lol, ak, yes it does accept raws

there are a couple of nice image editors on ipad too, the best allows quite a number of adjustments and you can then directly resize and email or FTP the resultant image.

Of course it doesnt replace a laptop. Not really meant to I suspect.

07-09-2010, 7:26pm
oh.. and apologies if I sounded abrasive too.. not meant too!

I'm looking to get myself(and at the same time, for the kids use too) a laptop.
But I don't want a laptop. We currently have a small piddly lil thing that does... 'just enough' to make it still worth keeping. I've been looking and I've seen half decent lappies(with i7's) for about or under $1k.
I dont; really want to spend $1K, as I'd prefer to spend that kind'a money on 'proper gear' ;)

Had Apple been smart and at least provided on board ports, that are commonly provided for by everyone else.. I'd have been interested too. Hardware size limitations(such as hdd's and so forth) are not normally a problem, as I'd rip it apart and install a larger sized hardware item as the need arised.

The lack of common on board hardware ports is a big no no .. as I see it.

To put it into perspective.

if Nikon produces their next range of cameras with idisyncratic proprietary format connector ports for things like connectivity and storage... I'm off their bandwagon immediately!

I mean.... how hard is it to install a simple 10c(to Apple) SD/microSD/SDXC card slot into such a device?! :rolleyes:

The HP Slate may be worth a look if the hyperbole is anything to go by.. but that Libretto with it's proper CPU is what I really want.

07-09-2010, 7:30pm
Oh, for the ipadsters the photo editing software is called filterstorm

Ak, there are many pros and cons for both

I guess one only has to look at the worldwide adoption rate of both sorts of devices to see what's winning the hearts and pockets of the consumer

07-09-2010, 8:32pm
mass consumerism??

well, we know that this kind of human behavior only leads to landfill sites full of seriously harmful, technologically advanced materials that leach into the ground... but of course that's not the topic of the day.

HP Slate is yet to be released.

07-09-2010, 8:38pm
Oh, for the ipadsters the photo editing software is called filterstorm

Ak, there are many pros and cons for both

I guess one only has to look at the worldwide adoption rate of both sorts of devices to see what's winning the hearts and pockets of the consumer

Have a look at Photo FX ultra (it is the Tiffen filter set).

07-09-2010, 10:34pm
I think an iPad would be great for sitting back in my recliner, surfing AusPhotography etc..

But I keep asking myself ...Will it blend? :D:D


08-09-2010, 5:34am
I think an iPad would be great for sitting back in my recliner, surfing AusPhotography etc..

But I keep asking myself ...Will it blend? :D:D


And I keep asking myself... why do people keep posting that link :confused013

08-09-2010, 6:00am
The lack of common on board hardware ports is a big no no .. as I see it.

come on AK .. dont be naive ... thats what Gen 2 is for :D

08-09-2010, 7:25am
come on AK .. dont be naive ... thats what Gen 2 is for :D

I think that's a bit of iWishfulThinking...

08-09-2010, 7:35am
I think that's a bit of iWishfulThinking...

Guess you missed the sarcasm then .. ?? ;)

08-09-2010, 7:55am
not really, you big cheesy smile did give it away, not to mention the fact that Apple will never cease their extortionist tactics of forcing everyone to purchase iCables, iConnectors, iDocks, iSoftware...

I love their products, I just choose not to be iControlled

08-09-2010, 8:01am
And I keep asking myself... why do people keep posting that link :confused013

Sorry Rick - didn't realize that link had been posted before. :umm:

08-09-2010, 8:02am
not really, you big cheesy smile did give it away, not to mention the fact that Apple will never cease their extortionist tactics of forcing everyone to purchase iCables, iConnectors, iDocks, iSoftware...

I love their products, I just choose not to be iControlled

yea .. I agree to an extent. It is a little bit silly sometimes with all the peripheral expense of being an Apple user. I enjoy the user experience of their stuff so you know ... whatever. If I need something extra Ill buy it, just like anything else I suppose.

I havent got an iPad (yet) simply because I dont see that I need it. My macbook is all I need at the moment. Ill be interested to see what happens with future generations though ...

08-09-2010, 8:10am
there's apple pc's too ? wow

08-09-2010, 8:27am
no mate .. theyre called macs ... geez.

08-09-2010, 8:30am
hehehe, oops, iSorry

08-09-2010, 8:35am
not really, you big cheesy smile did give it away, not to mention the fact that Apple will never cease their extortionist tactics of forcing everyone to purchase iCables, iConnectors, iDocks, iSoftware...

I love their products, I just choose not to be iControlled

thats similar but different to McBurgers...

any how...

I was about to buy an IPad for a flight to Japan, as the entertainment in flight was worth more than a Ipad... (flying Jetstar) as it had a good life and we could basically pre load it with videos to watch on the way, but we since bought a netbook with the same life and more more usablility

Toshiba NB305 (1Gb ram) 250Gb HDD and a 1.82 Atom... all for under $600, my next thoughts are to get win XP and over write the Windows 7 Starter...

the Ipad does lend itself to all to use, old and young, (i witnessed a 1 yo being able to push and slide a IPhone on the other day) but its ability to interact with other things, the exception of a USB port, SD card reader just made me turn it off the radar of gadgets to buy...


Bear Dale
08-09-2010, 9:39am
I really like my iPad though still haven't been able to purchase the camera kit anywhere.

08-09-2010, 10:25am
I really like my iPad though still haven't been able to purchase the camera kit anywhere.

Camera Connection kit here (http://store.apple.com/au/product/MC531ZM/A?fnode=MTc0MjU4NjE&mco=MTcyMTgxODc) .. in stock ready to go.

Bear Dale
08-09-2010, 10:27am
Camera Connection kit here (http://store.apple.com/au/product/MC531ZM/A?fnode=MTc0MjU4NjE&mco=MTcyMTgxODc) .. in stock ready to go.



08-09-2010, 10:29am
Welcome mate :th3:

08-09-2010, 11:01am
I guess one only has to look at the worldwide adoption rate of both sorts of devices to see what's winning the hearts and pockets of the consumer

Switching to Canon some time soon are we? :)

08-09-2010, 11:02am
I walked into Apple Store in Melbourne, Doncaste Rd ? Last week and they had a stack of them. Apple store here in Brisvegas had none. Go figure.

08-09-2010, 7:36pm
It takes time for viruses to filter through from the south. :D

09-09-2010, 1:19am
didnt know you could do that hook up camera thing to those Ipads, Id only get one for net surfing on the lounge and wifey likes those kinda toys, I like them for the idea of uploading pics to them to show people, that and in my day I spend a bit of time waiting for ppl to turn up so I can work. Great time waster for me just like my iphone ;)
I converted to a 27in imac months ago, gotta say I love it! Nice big screen n all pretty fast and well Im no power user, but I like it now....

Now Ive seen this thread Im more tempted to buy one for wifey, you know really for her, honest! ;)

09-09-2010, 8:52pm
I have had mine for a while now, and I find it very handy to use....
as stated before it is very well accepted to pass around and show off your snaps... I also have an app. that conects to my Qnap box at home that now lets me browse and show of my entire photo collection where ever I am... I have the 3g version ofcourse....
I work in the I.T.industry and work with a lot of narrow minded Pc lovers.... but keeping an open mind and also being quite a techno junkie, took the leap and bought one.... I'm glade I did, it's great...

09-09-2010, 9:17pm
lol, ak, yes it does accept raws....
Hey Kiwi, I shoot entirely in RAW so will the ipad enable you to view and convert to JPG (so I can email)? I'm going overseas in a couple of months and seriously thinking about an iPad but only if it can handle RAW images.


16-09-2010, 12:59pm
People might find this of use, but it's kind of "SD" only (until eye-fi release a CF card).


Some cameras could use adapters, which could have sufficient speed depending on your circumstances.