View Full Version : sling bags

05-09-2010, 4:17pm
Ive just been wondering,does anyone have any views on sling bags. Like most people Ive tried most of the systems out there but cannot help thinking that there must be a better way. Thanks in advance. Wheellathe

old dog
05-09-2010, 5:58pm
I have the lowepro 100AW and its pretty good but not with a full load. My shoulder gets sore. Easy to use though.

05-09-2010, 6:02pm
I have a lowepro passport, and I use it a fair bit if I don't need to cart a heap of gear with me, then the backpack gets a workout

06-09-2010, 10:04pm
My son uses the lowepro 100AW and is really happy with the way he can get his camera out without have to take off the bag. Only down side was when he first got it he didn't clip those 2 little clips on the lid and the camera decided to jump out when he opened the bag.

Lucky only the kit lens was on it and that broke camera being a Canon kept on working ;)



06-09-2010, 10:26pm
I have the Lowepro Slingshot 300AW and other than it is now too small for my gear I love it. Been looking at the Kata 3n1 30 but it's not wide enough to take the 7D with the 70-200 and 1.4TC mounted. So am still looking.
Next bag has to be sling. Couldn't use anything else again.

06-09-2010, 11:17pm
I have the tamrac velocity 9x. I chose this one over the lowepro, simply because it was a top loader (the picture of the lens above is the reason I went with a toppy, not a side loader). I have had no complaints, but at times it would be nice to have the extra capacity of a backpack.


07-09-2010, 8:14am
Thank you for all the information. I will now do the shops with a bit more gusto. Cheers

07-09-2010, 1:03pm
I have the Kata 3-N-1 20 or something like that which can be configured as a sling bag or crossover or straight backpack whenever you like which I find more useful - i.e. as a crossover or backpack when just walking around and not needing to take any gear out (because it's much more comfortable than a sling) and then switch to sling mode when I'm actually walking around taking photos and might need to put the camera away, swap lenses, etc

07-09-2010, 2:53pm
I've got a Lowepro Fastpack 350, use it as a backpack & then swing it around like a sling bag when you want to get your camera.
It holds my D200 with grip & Sigma 70-200 with hood reversed :th3: , but it doesn't have a tripod holder :Doh:

Tamrac have just released a new bag "Evolution" I think it is called. looks like a nice bag & can be accessed from either side as a sling bag + from the front + it has a tripod holder

23-09-2010, 8:53pm
I just picked up a Kata 3N1 30 yesterday, looking forward to giving it a run this weekend. $125 (which is sorta cheap IMO) from a shop in Sydney, a fair bit cheaper than Ebay.

Transferred all my gear over, it holds my 7D & 70-200L + 3 other lenses pretty easily, with still a fair bit of room left. All the more reason to get out and buy more glass! ;)

24-09-2010, 6:25am
G'day KT

New bag eh!!! - more space available - .... don't forget the bottle of water mate so as ya don't die of thurst :-)

Regards, Phil

24-09-2010, 7:27am
I have the Lowepro Slingshot and though it is a great back pack, the single strap becomes very uncomfortable when you a packing.
I have a speedlight, 400D, 50D both gripped, 70-200L f4, Tamron SP AF 17-50 f2.8, nifty and my shoulder starts to hurt after a short time. The other thing I find is the bag tends to distort a little with a lot of gear when you use the quick access method which makes it a little difficult to zip up once you have removed your camera. I very rearly use the feature now and just choose to sling the camera when out and about.
Looking at a new bag but still un-decided.

24-09-2010, 11:39pm
I settled on the Kata 3n1 30.
The 70-200 has to stay off body but that's only a minutes work to retrieve and assemble.
Been wearing it daily for two weeks and it is so comfortable. Double straps in the X configuration means I can never go back to a single strap bag again.
Easily undo one strap, sling it around, ferret gear out and sling it back to two straps.

10-10-2010, 11:06am
late reply, but I used to use sling bags exclusively, but after a year of using them im going back to backpack style bag. they are no good if your relatively active as they dont sit well and move around if you need to get places quickly. they are out of the question if you want to ride a bike comfortably or need to run a bit with a full load. the main reason i bought one was quick access to the camera, but in the end you have to ask yourself if you really need 'quick' access. half the time its not that much quicker and is the discomfort worth a little extra speed? a well designed backpack can be just as quick and way more comfortable. if you can handle the disadvantages of the sling then maybe the 2 or 3 seconds of extra speed may be worth it, but yeah for me it no longer is. oh and my back hates me for using it, lol.

19-10-2010, 7:08am
I've got the Fastpack 350 as well; and I've had the Nova 280aw for a while before deciding to buy a backpack style.

Loving the easy access on the side, but it's still a bit cramped and too easily 'grabbed' by others from the back I'd reckon (i.e when o/s). And the lack of a tripod holder is a really sad thing!

12-11-2010, 7:09pm
Hi Ric, I am also looking at the same bag.

I need something that is small and can flatten to a low profile when I am not carrying much in it.

Just needs to fit a body with standard zoom and occasionally a 200mm telephoto or something and some basic small items. Is it big enough?

At some stage I will be riding around on a motorbike as well i wonder how good sling bags are to wear backwards? (so I can dink someone and they can hold onto me. From what I remember the cargo stow under the seat isn't that big unfortunately.

16-11-2010, 6:33pm
Gee I obviously don't go trekking. I have two Lowepro's. A Magnum AV and a TX 500 and I have had both for ages. I got a back pack and hated it - just because I did - it was fiddly and I was scared my camera would fall out when I opened the back. I got the magnum because it holds a serious amount of kit, and you could sling it over your shoulder to get to a shoot, and it sits nicely in the boot of my car. When walking I take a little kit with a camera and lens, a flash and cards and batteries. Its so totally unobtrusive, so you can take it to social occasions and not look silly. If I do go walk about I am happy to take my little bag. each to their own - serious bush walkers need a good back pack, but if, as some readers might not be, I'd think inside the square (case!).