View Full Version : Shooting up at an overcast day

02-10-2007, 12:06am
Greetings folks

Over the last couple of weekends I have been heading down to the local MotoX track to capture some of the events going on there. I've found a nice little jump to camp by and once the riders know there is a camera about they tend to show some of there air skills. the main drama I'm having is if the sky is overcast I'm stuggling to get good lighting on the subject as they seem to be shadowed out. Once I get to post processing I can fix them up OK but I would prefer to get it right from the camera not the computer. If I take the photo with say 50% of the background being land they are fine but once I get underneath the rider and have majority sky about I have dramas

Any help greatly appreciated


02-10-2007, 4:02am
Spot meter, sound's like your using matrix metering.
Flash would help too.