View Full Version : If I was starting in photography, what OTHER brand would I choose?

30-08-2010, 10:09pm
I was just looking at Snappytom's thread - http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=65709 - and thinking about his question - he wants to know what brand we would go for today if we were just starting out in photography.

It's a good question, but I fear he will simply get answers that reflect the prevailing market shares of the major brands - i.e., all the Nikon owners will recommend Nikon, all the Olympus owners will recommend Olympus, and so on.

So my question is a little different. What other brand would you go for? Pick any brand you like, except the brand you shoot.

30-08-2010, 10:13pm
Remember, I'm trusting you not to vote for the brand you own. (If you own several brands, use your own judgement as to what is a fair thing.) If you are so pigheaded set in your ways that you wouldn't use any other brand, ever,, don't vote, just go away.

30-08-2010, 10:15pm
I chose Pentax, I would, am quite interested (not to the point of purchasing) in the 645 medium format, so that's where my vote went

30-08-2010, 10:45pm
To be totally honest, I would need to research to give an answer. Only because that is what I do when buying something.

But, thinking back to when I first started I was quite taken with Sony, but would go Nikon - cause I know they will be around for a while and have a choice.

Not canon loyal - but I do like my current stuff. Oh, Tony I ordered the 7d today....:o my reason - i need a back up camera as I would be totally sad if my 50d died while on a birding trip.

30-08-2010, 11:04pm
You won't be sorry. 7D is a grerat camera. :)

30-08-2010, 11:11pm
I use canon but I chose Nikon to see what the fuss was all about.... ;) :D :confused013

31-08-2010, 6:37am
I chose Sony. I think Sony are working hard to be a progressive player in this market and pushing hard to develop stuff that stands out from the pack. I would be interested in going along on that ride.

And the Pentax 645 does seem rather inviting toooooo.

31-08-2010, 7:28am
Nikon (but don't tell anyone :p )

31-08-2010, 7:54am
Canon, just so I can tell that Cannon/tripod joke. As a pentaxian, I'd love that 645 too.

31-08-2010, 8:21am
I chose Canon (made me a little sick in my mouth though)

I firmly believe if you dont choose either Nikon or Canon you've got rocks for brains.

Lance B
31-08-2010, 8:49am
It's a little tough as I have both Nikon and Pentax gear, so the only other camera brand I can recommend is Canon. :)

31-08-2010, 9:00am
Probably Canon, to get access to that longer focal length L glass (and so I could borrows other peoples lenses!)

I @ M
31-08-2010, 9:02am
This week it would definitely have to be Pentax as I firmly believe that the K7 is the best bang for buck DSLR on the market with reliability and lens choices to match Nikon. Then there is the "new" 645 that is certainly worth aspiring to for when you progress in your photography.

That said, my choice is based on if I was entering into photography this week --- next week or a month or 2 down the track may well see some very tempting offerings from other manufacturers -----

31-08-2010, 9:11am
Well I'm a Canon girl, so if I had to switch I guess I'd go Nikon. Ick. :D

31-08-2010, 9:15am
I voted Canon, mainly because it seems, when I'm hunting for Pentax stuff, Canon gear seems not only cheaper but far more common. Nikon obviously is up there too in those regards...

31-08-2010, 9:17am
I've always bought Canon, but have seen some nice photos from Nikon users, so I suppose if i have to pick it would be Nikon. :Doh:

31-08-2010, 9:21am
When I was considering purchasing my gear it was between PENTAX and NIKON. PENTAX earned my money on that round and, so far, I've been happy with my K-x and assorted lens purchases. If I had to choose another brand for my next camera, I'd obviously pick a NIKON to see what I missed out on. Oh, and it would probably be a D90. :D

31-08-2010, 9:22am
I use Nikon. If I have to choose different brand, I'll go with canon :)

31-08-2010, 9:38am
I currently have Fuji but I'm saving furiously for a Canon 7D to kickstart my venture into DSLR.

Back in the 70's I had a Pentax SLR and loved it but Canon has grabbed my attention this time.

Art Vandelay
31-08-2010, 9:46am
It's a hard call. I haven't researched much on other brands.

I just stick with Canon for most gear like cameras printers etc. It's entrenched from when doing my apprenticeship fixing office equipment, particularly photocopiers. Canon always had good gear, and were fair to deal with.

If I had to make the call it would Nikon for cameras. Epson for printers.

31-08-2010, 10:14am
I would choose a brand (or brands) with the most lenses and accesories.
Right now there are only two.
To me both of them are leaders in the field and they are equal.

31-08-2010, 1:01pm
I use Nikon, and my preference would flow to Canon. It seems easy and cheaper to buy Canon gear second hand, not to mention that a few of my friends use it and I have played with their cameras, and have been very satisfied with the results achievable and the ease of use.

31-08-2010, 2:19pm
Kiwi - your comment brought a huge grin to my face - thanks.

I'm a long-term Nikon user and have mostly bought second hand. Nikon new prices sh1t me to tears and I believe, but don't know for sure, that Canon are more progressive than Nikon while being a little more reasonable price wise. That is the main reason I voted Canon.

31-08-2010, 7:07pm
Thanks Tanin for clarifying the questionaire, these are the answers I was after. Cheers
PS I particularly liked to hear people squirming as they voted for 'the enemy' :D

31-08-2010, 7:15pm
I chose Sony. I think Sony are working hard to be a progressive player in this market and pushing hard to develop stuff that stands out from the pack. I would be interested in going along on that ride.

And the Pentax 645 does seem rather inviting toooooo.
What do you think of the Translucent mirror technology in Sony SLT 55 and Slt 33? do you remember it from when Canon introduced it?. As a new player I am not sure whether to be brave and follow new trends or stay with the tried and tested. It's just that I like the size and weight (from specs) of the SLT and mirrorless/prismless cameras. But are they as versatile as a DSLR?

31-08-2010, 7:17pm
Don't tell anyone I told you this, but I would choose Nikon.

(I shoot Canon, and my last six cameras have been Canon cameras.)

I've never owned a Nikon and don't know my way around one, but the range of cameras (including full-frame availability) and range of lenses is large and for the most part comparable to Canon.

31-08-2010, 7:34pm
what a great thread and intial question
thanks for asking it in such away that provides some valuable info for prospective camera buyers
i have done some research into a new camera and this validates my choices
cheers :D

31-08-2010, 7:42pm
It pains me to say this.... but.... Nikon.

The lovely whirring sound of the Nikon's mirror as opposed to the crash of the 5DII mirror.

Then there's the 14-24 Nikon lens, Canon has no equal for FF, to top it off proper wireless flash triggering.

Now where did I put that bucket, I feel sick...:action003:

31-08-2010, 7:45pm
I firmly believe if you dont choose either Nikon or Canon you've got rocks for brains.

yeah well they are both good cameras for shooting sport and wildlife.

I couldn't choose Other (Mamiya, Rollei, Leica, Holga, iPhone), Nikon, or Olympus, so I chose Canon. It was a tough choice between them and Sony. I've said it before, I think that Canon and Sony will be the two big players in five or ten years. But with Canon's large and versatile lens mount, and factory support programmes (such as Nikon's NPS), they got my vote. But how many members shoot with only one brand, or one style of camera?

31-08-2010, 8:04pm
Interesting question, I went Pentax, but would have chosen Nikon if not for 645.

31-08-2010, 8:33pm
Interesting to see all the squirming people are doing, especially from the Canon people voting Nikon, and perhaps even more so from the Nikon people voting Canon. Great to watch. :eek: (Is there an evil smiley? Can't be bothered hunting for one, just imagine it here please.)

Me, I voted for Pentax*, and I was happy to do so: I really like the company, and the products, and they just can't be beat for all-round value. I could have happily voted Nikon too - I don't care for their prices, but there is nothing at all wrong with their cameras, and I'd very happily shoot with one. I've actually pondered buying one as a second body now and then.

Rocks for brains if you don't go with C or N?

Not so! If you are a pro or an aspiring pro, or you have a specialist field that needs things only C or N make (big birding lenses, for example, tilt/shift lenses for food photography as another), then I agree with Kiwi - they are the only two in town.

If, on the other hand, you are a hobbyist, anywhere from casual user to dead-set keen, then there is a heap to be said for buying the other brand. Pentax simply try harder, they think outside the square more often than the big two, and they make great lenses too. You pay less and get more. How can that be bad?

Err ... did I vote for Pentax? Maybe I went Nikon. :eek: IO'll be forgetting my name next, which is, err .... Can I get back to you on that?

31-08-2010, 11:41pm
Such a tricky question. I'm just glad I have already chosen so I wouldn't have that dilemma today.
I would seriously consider Canon, Sony and Panasonic but not necessarily in that order and not necessarily just one brand.

01-09-2010, 6:33am
What do you think of the Translucent mirror technology in Sony SLT 55 and Slt 33? do you remember it from when Canon introduced it?. As a new player I am not sure whether to be brave and follow new trends or stay with the tried and tested. It's just that I like the size and weight (from specs) of the SLT and mirrorless/prismless cameras. But are they as versatile as a DSLR?

To be honest I haven't really investigated brands much in recent years, though reading a bit here and there just to get a bit of knowledge.

My thoughts are this. If you see a nice garden in your street, and want a nice garden yourself, what questions do you ask the garden owner? I have yet to hear of someone ever saying "Nice garden, what brand is your spade? I need to get one so I can have a garden like yours". The tools of your 'trade' are just that, it is how you use them that is the key!

01-09-2010, 3:57pm
Personally, I don't pay a lot of attention to cameras.

A full-frame sensor is important to me, however, but I've been shooting with full-frame sensors for almost four years now.

Cameras these days have an obsolescence rate which is getting to the point of rivaling that of computers. The manufacturers keep willing punters in the vicious, never-ending upgrade cycle.

For what I shoot and how I shoot, I don't need all sorts of fancy features that cameras provide these days; I just need the thing to have a full-frame sensor, produce a clean image and not much more.

I've had my 5D Mark II since May and I still haven't even tried the video mode. :-)

I've well and truly lost touch with the specs (and even the pixel counts) of all of Canon's cameras, and I wouldn't know the difference between a 40D and a 50D, or a 450D and a 500D. Given that I rarely buy a camera, I don't have much of a need to be familiar with all of them.

In my experience, from having moved from a 5D I had since 2006, to a 5D Mark II which I've had for only a little over three months, I shoot the same way I shot before, so the user experience has been the same. I haven't even made much use of the live view mode. Old habits. :-)

Personally, my concern lies more with getting a great image than fussing much about gear, as gear is not a limitation for me. Stunning light and the wow-factor image is more elusive than gear.

Just my 5c.

01-09-2010, 6:54pm
They all do very well with image quality, pick one out of a hat.

18-10-2010, 10:28pm
I have Olympus and have since OM1 OM2n OM4 but now only an OM2N and an E520. If Olympus stop making/suporting SLRs I would choose Nikon for a replacement.

18-10-2010, 11:56pm
Probably a medium format Pentax if I had lots of spare cash.

19-10-2010, 12:15am
I use Nikon and wouldn't buy any other brand. Had stacks of Pentax over the years but they don't have a service centre in Uganda. :)

JM Tran
19-10-2010, 12:56pm
I use Nikon and wouldn't buy any other brand. Had stacks of Pentax over the years but they don't have a service centre in Uganda. :)

oh but you could trade your camera gear for a well worn and loved AK47 with a few hundred rounds in Uganda though, and it shoots too!

19-10-2010, 1:21pm
love the Kalashnikov's, but not great for shooting stuff far away, you'll still need a 2.8/300 for that.

19-10-2010, 2:45pm
When I originally stepped up from my P&S to the DSLR I did a lot of research and finally narrowed it down to two Canon and Nikon, this was mainly because of the much larger choice and availability of lenses and other accessories for these two. The final choice went to canon and I have been very happy with that. So in this pole I voted Nikon.

19-10-2010, 2:54pm
Typical me, I didn't read the question.

Anyway, I have had Nikon, Pentax, Fujifilm, Konica, Chinon, Kodak, Balda, Robot, Sony, Bauer (cine), Sanyo (video) and probably a few others that seem to have slipped my mind. The only camera brand of note that I haven't owned is Canon so by default that would be the one I would have to recommend. Mind you, it is hard to go wrong with any of the current generation but there are some cameras that are better for certain people - it just depends on needs.

19-10-2010, 5:19pm
oh but you could trade your camera gear for a well worn and loved AK47 with a few hundred rounds in Uganda though, and it shoots too!
Give it a break. I could get five new AK47's for the price of a body alone and all the ammunition I need in trade for my 70-200 f2.8. :)

07-11-2010, 8:27pm
I have a bag of canon gear and yes I love the long L lenses but I would be happy with a bag full of Nikon! I like gadgets and hate my creativity to be stifled by a lack of gear. I started out with Carl Zeiss, switched to Minolta Film gear but they seriously dropped the ball with digital so I switched to Canon and on my 4th Canon digital. I would like to try a decent Nikon set up to see what all the argument is about.

09-11-2010, 5:20pm
Nikon is the only other camera I really know much about. Good question.

09-12-2010, 3:05pm
I picked Other because although a 645D would be nice, a Hasselblad would be nicer, or a Leica, or a Linhof Technika, or a Sinar... the list goes on, and not necessarily for '35mm' type format. As for DSLRs, I currently use Nikon and probably really wouldn't consider swapping systems after 20+ years with them.

06-04-2011, 1:32pm
who bumped this old thread?

anyhow i picked canon... but in retrospect if i didnt have nikon i would give up photography :p

(ps, i totally envy the mep65)

06-04-2011, 6:59pm
I know your all going to laugh but I wish I could go back to my old Zenit with a Carl Zeiss Jena 80-200mc. Solid,simple and manual .Only problem is that in 2011 the sniper kit might be a bit of a issue at airports