View Full Version : Canon 5D obsession

30-08-2010, 3:30pm
I think I am obsessed by the 5D! I already have a 50D and I know the 5D is gonna cost some me some serious $$$. Is the upgrade REALLY worth it? Just how much better is the IQ on 5D than the 50D? I'm heading off to New Zealand in November where there are some seriously stunning landscapes.... Can someone please tell me something bad about the 5D so I can put my obsession to rest. However, if the good far outweighs the bad then I might just have to bite the bullet………..

30-08-2010, 3:49pm
Can someone please tell me something bad about the 5D

They cost a lot and they're heavy.:D

30-08-2010, 4:15pm
Well, now that is very true about the cost but the weight isn't an issue - whats an extra 80gm here or there :D

I like the fps of the 50D for wildlife photography which I do a bit of here & there when I go bush but predominantly I am taking portraits (for our work website); landscapes & storm photography. I thought the 5D matched up with my 24-105 & 70-200 may perform better. Just how much better is the question.

30-08-2010, 4:35pm
I think the biggest thing will be the wider fov but also the increased depth of field.

30-08-2010, 4:58pm
Wouldn't it be just easy to rent out a 5D, so that you can experiment with your lenses??

30-08-2010, 5:13pm
Are you refering to the 5DMk1 or 5DMk2?
Those are very different in terms of specs and compatibility.
The 50D and 5DMk1 combo is very good because they share the same battery.
The 7D and 5Dmk2 share the same batteries.
The 5DMk1 is great for low light.
It has the biggest pixel size of any full frame Canon Camera. The 1Dmk2 has the same size pixel size but it is not full frame.
The colours of the 5DMk1 sensors are beautifully rendered. It is almost like Nikon...:rolleyes:
(you will notice this when you compare the 50D and 5DMk1 images side by side, even on camera...)

31-08-2010, 7:54pm
Buy the 5D Mk II :)
I bought mine last week. There are some good deals available on the 5D Mk II. I came from the 40D and I have similar lenses to the ones you mentioned. I have been very much impressed with the 5D Mk II, its just such a different camera to the 40D.

I am not sure if the 50D and the 5D batteries are compatible, however the 7D and the 5D mk II are compatible. Have a play with it and see if its right for you.

I spent 6 months psyching myself into the making the purchase and so far I have been very happy with it.

31-08-2010, 7:58pm
I think the biggest thing will be the wider fov but also the increased depth of field.

The DOF is decreased.

31-08-2010, 8:49pm
Are you refering to the 5DMk1 or 5DMk2?
Those are very different in terms of specs and compatibility.
The 50D and 5DMk1 combo is very good because they share the same battery.
The 7D and 5Dmk2 share the same batteries.
The 5DMk1 is great for low light.
It has the biggest pixel size of any full frame Canon Camera. The 1Dmk2 has the same size pixel size but it is not full frame.
The colours of the 5DMk1 sensors are beautifully rendered. It is almost like Nikon...:rolleyes:
(you will notice this when you compare the 50D and 5DMk1 images side by side, even on camera...)

Actually I was leaning a little towards the Mk1 because of the compatibilty with the 50D battery but I definitely wouldn't say no to the Mk2 if one came up! I was checking the D_D_Photographics site and they have the 5D Mk2 brand new for $2,799.00 which is pretty good but still a bit pricey for me - thus the decision to try for a 2nd hand camera. Is there much difference in the Mk1 & Mk2 as far as high ISO performace goes?

31-08-2010, 9:57pm
Actually I was leaning a little towards the Mk1 because of the compatibilty with the 50D battery but I definitely wouldn't say no to the Mk2 if one came up! I was checking the D_D_Photographics site and they have the 5D Mk2 brand new for $2,799.00 which is pretty good but still a bit pricey for me - thus the decision to try for a 2nd hand camera. Is there much difference in the Mk1 & Mk2 as far as high ISO performace goes?

Here is a comparative chart:

01-09-2010, 8:50am
Actually I was leaning a little towards the Mk1 because of the compatibilty with the 50D battery but I definitely wouldn't say no to the Mk2 if one came up! I was checking the D_D_Photographics site and they have the 5D Mk2 brand new for $2,799.00 which is pretty good but still a bit pricey for me - thus the decision to try for a 2nd hand camera. Is there much difference in the Mk1 & Mk2 as far as high ISO performace goes?

I got my 5D II from DWI not too long ago, it was a fair bit cheaper than DDP and others around.

02-09-2010, 3:05pm
I have both the 50D & the 5DII. I must admit I've always been a little disappointed regarding the IQ on the 50D but the fps make it a great camera for capturing fast action shots. The 5DII on the other hand has fantastic IQ & great video should you like to discover that world as well. If you have the money, the 5DII is worth it. (IMO great NZ landscapes = 5DII photos). Unfortunately never owned the 5D so can't give you an opinion on that model.

I too purchased my camera's from DWI... good price & great service.

02-09-2010, 3:57pm
Ive had a 50d a 5d I've now got a 5d m2 and a 7d.
Was always disappointed with the 50d, frame rate was good for motor sport and it gave me more keepers than the 5d BUT the 5d's shots that were keepers were so much better than the 50 d's.
Not having had the 7d long only used it for one event so fare would not like to comment to strongly but am happy with it at the moment. As for the 5d m2 all I can say is if you can afford one and frame rate is not important to you get one.

03-09-2010, 9:04am
Unless you are shooting super fast sports that 5D II frame rate is still rather capable. I shoot all my climbing photography with my 5D and it's fine for that, you just need to be a little more selective when you shoot and not just use a spray approach.

04-09-2010, 9:00am
Have used the 30D/40D and moved onto the 5D. Won't go back to the crop bodies :o

07-09-2010, 9:23pm
Have used the 30D/40D and moved onto the 5D. Won't go back to the crop bodies :o

I agree with this. Have had all of those cameras and now have a 5DII. The image quality from both models of the 5D is far better than the crop bodies. However, the images are so good that they do show the faults of cheaper lenses a lot more. L lenses are they way to go.

08-09-2010, 6:58pm
Say something bad about a 5D / 5D2? Never. :p

They are exceptionally great cameras. I recently bought a 5D2 as an upgrade from my 20D and it has blown me away how good a camera it is. I have long forgotten the cost of it.

The only thing I miss is my 400mm lens is now rather shorter thanks to fullframe. But a 7D should fix that problem ...

08-09-2010, 10:11pm
Are you refering to the 5DMk1 or 5DMk2?
Those are very different in terms of specs and compatibility.
The 50D and 5DMk1 combo is very good because they share the same battery.
The 7D and 5Dmk2 share the same batteries.
The 5DMk1 is great for low light.
It has the biggest pixel size of any full frame Canon Camera. The 1Dmk2 has the same size pixel size but it is not full frame.
The colours of the 5DMk1 sensors are beautifully rendered. It is almost like Nikon...:rolleyes:
(you will notice this when you compare the 50D and 5DMk1 images side by side, even on camera...)

just that point about batteries has gotten me double thinking my plans.
i'm selling my 40D now (for no other reason other than it still has a half decent resale value), and will get the 50D new because they are going for dirt cheap at the moment.
but within the next few months, i'm also going to get the 5DMKII because i've wanted FF for a long time.
i'm really only getting the 50D because it is good value, and i want a crop frame for when i do surf photography (the crop is nice on the 100-400), so it will be my second body most of the time.
but that'll be a bit of a pain with batteries...
i can't justify spending twice the amount on the 7D though, especially seeing as it will only be my "cheap second body"
hmmm just when i thought i had it all worked out...

09-09-2010, 1:53pm
The 50D is an absolute keeper. Don't listen to people who knock it. Avoid being a Measurbator. Make more prints from your 50D; stop pixel peeping at 1:1 on computer screens. Spend the price of the 5D on lenses, tripods, or a stunning printer. Or an outdoor photography course. Buying a theoretically slightly superior body is almost the lowest value per dollar to your photography output I can imagine.

Am I putting your obsession to the test? Arg

09-09-2010, 6:55pm
I would consider looking at a 1ds as well. There are some sacrifices to make for some of the benefits gained. The 5ds compared to the comparitive 1ds have little bells and whistles that make life pleasant but also miss some important features. I love mine and chose it over the 5d. Sometimes I wish it had some of the features i missed but when i shoot it the way I meant it for its superb. Colour rendition is incomparible.

09-09-2010, 8:46pm
I have a 40D and a 5Dmk1. Great combo. Going from your 50D to the mk1 you will notice a massive decrease in speed. The 5D is reeeeally slow. It takes superb images and still punches above its weight in low light for such an old camera, but definitely not something you'd want to use for sports. When I say slow I don't just mean frame rate, I mean the time it takes to write images to the card (this is using a 4gb Sandisk ext IV card too) too. But the image quality will have you coming back for more, trust me :D

13-09-2010, 1:40pm
Just replaced my 450D with 5D mkii, image quality improved heaps - mainly on DOF and ISO controls (with the same Sigma 50 1.4 lens).

:party5:first post........

14-09-2010, 4:24am
Migrated to the 5D Mk II from a Canon 50D too. The colours are awesome on the 5D and you'll love the low noise performance on high ISO settings. You'll have to get rid of your EF-S lenses though .... and start to get the itch for "L" glasses !

14-09-2010, 7:14pm
Using a 5DMKII now, have used the 5D/50D/40D/30D/400D

I found the 5D to be a fantastic camera! Solid camera, works a treat. Lacks the new age gadgets of live view, video etc but Im old school. Havent found myself using the video yet with the MKII.

I would highly recommend a 5D, can get some bargains online. Worth the dollar. I would not go back to crop bodies, although the 7D is a sexy little thing!

The 50D, though great, didnt really impress me from the 40D.