View Full Version : sony NEX 5

29-08-2010, 9:55pm
hi there
just wonder about the NEX5 i like it for the HD video, panoramic sweep, compact size etc etc etc but now concerned about the horseshoe thing i've seen people talk about on other threads? does this mean there is no inbuilt flash? i notice in the kit it includes a flash thing so i now assume i would have to attach this in situations when i needed a flash.


31-08-2010, 7:05am
That's 100% correct ^^

31-08-2010, 11:37am
I've just purchased a NEX 5 as my carry around camera. Its great and with the APS-c sensor is a good alternative to DSLR in many situations. As for the flash unit I leave it on the camera all the time and simply flip it up when I want to use it. This way it is virtually a built in flash. Roger

31-08-2010, 4:47pm
hi roger
excuse my ignorance, still learning all the lingo but what's the APS-c sensor?
originally i was looking at the NEX5 but now thinking of just the NEX3 as i'm told that's the only difference between the 2 is the NEX5 does better HD video? i've already got a video camera and thinking it's probably better just to carry that around instead of getting a camera that does it?
what were your reasons for teh NEX 5?

31-08-2010, 5:16pm
Roger, does it have shutter lag or is it instant activation?

31-08-2010, 6:00pm
APS-C sensor is the larger size sensor used in most DSLRs except for the more expensive models that have full size sensors (ie same size as 35mm film). Most point and shoot cameras have very small sensors - the larger sensors give a much better quality image with less noise.

I chose the NEX 5 over the NEX 3 because it had a better feel (easier to grip), it has a metal case and the HD video. Each of these reasons are only minor but so is the price difference between the two models.

There is no perceivable shutter lag with the NEX 5 unlike earlier point and shoot cameras.

31-08-2010, 10:14pm
I have an NEX-5.

The only difference between the 5 and the 3 is the alloy body, and the HD video. Thats it. The ergonomics are slightly different, but not much.

There is no built in flash but it comes with an attachment flash which attaches nicely to the camera. You can leave it on or take it off .. either or ... up to you.

There is no shutter lag on this camera. It fires instantly.

I have a full frame A850, and find it cumbersome to travel with. I also have a JVC HDD camcorder.

Im off to Europe in 8 weeks and I wont be taking either. The NEX-5 will be the only camera coming with me.

JM Tran
31-08-2010, 10:26pm
Im off to Europe in 8 weeks and I wont be taking either. The NEX-5 will be the only camera coming with me.

I reckon u might regret that Darren:)

I would just bring the DSLR too, as there will be a lot of moments where you wish you had it with you. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and and not have it blah blah blah

Im coming home tomorrow after 2 weeks in Mongolia in the Gobi desert and grasslands and mountains, and 1 week in China - around the cities in China I was using the EP1 PEN most of the time, and in the wild it was the 5D2.........as much as the EP1 or NX5 is good for a lot of things, it just cannot replace or do things a DSLR can.......

31-08-2010, 10:33pm
fair point Jackie, and I agree with you about the limitations ... but Im purposely leaving it behind so that the photography doesnt take over the enjoyment of the actual trip. Im approaching this one purely as a happy snapper ...

It is my honeymoon and when Ive got the big camera in my hands Bella tends to spend a lot of time loitering around footpaths about 10 metres in front of me shaking her head ... :D

JM Tran
31-08-2010, 10:38pm
fair point Jackie, and I agree with you about the limitations ... but Im purposely leaving it behind so that the photography doesnt take over the enjoyment of the actual trip. Im approaching this one purely as a happy snapper ...

It is my honeymoon and when Ive got the big camera in my hands Bella tends to spend a lot of time loitering around footpaths about 10 metres in front of me shaking her head ... :D

AHHHHHHH! Now I get ya, honeymoon!

Of course, no serious photography there! :D

happy days in Europe for sure

01-09-2010, 4:30am
Although .... Things may change if I press the go button on a CZ 16-35 in the meantime :D

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-2010, 7:57pm
I guess the question is - what do you want to do with it? Do you have a lot of cash invested in any other DLSR stuff? If not, there are a range of other cameras. I have an A900 and a 20-70 Zeiss lens which weigh fair bit. But I ended up buying an E-PL1 as a travel camera because it had a built in flash and image stabilisation built into the body. The NEX-5 has the flash attachment but the IS is in the lens. Because both the NEX and PEN cameras have no mirrors, a lot of old lenses can be used with adaptors fairly easily. I use an old Canon FD 50mm 1.4 lens on mine to great effect.

Anyway, I went overseas recently and took both the A900 and the E-PL1. While the E-PL1 took generally great pics, there are a number of captures I wished I'd done on the A900. Bottom line - if you can afford only 1 camera I'd be inclined to try and find a smaller DSLR. Or be a little patient and some of the newer Alphas (A33 & A55) might give you a better result for not much more money and you'll have a much bigger selection of lenses down the track.

08-09-2010, 8:34pm
I have an A900 and a 20-70 Zeiss lens .

Typo I presume ?? 24-70 ;)

09-09-2010, 1:46pm
hi all,
any one heard of the nex5 18-200mm kit?
i'm thinking of getting one, lens is better than the 18-55mm .
it was released in US, but couldn't find it in au.
it shouldn't be cheap, at its price i can get a canon eos 550d or d90. but it is so handy, and looks good.

09-09-2010, 5:27pm
hi all,
any one heard of the nex5 18-200mm kit?
i'm thinking of getting one, lens is better than the 18-55mm .
it was released in US, but couldn't find it in au.
it shouldn't be cheap, at its price i can get a canon eos 550d or d90. but it is so handy, and looks good.

18-200 isnt available until next month. Its about $950USD I think .. quite $$$$.

09-09-2010, 5:58pm
as much as the EP1 or NX5 is good for a lot of things, it just cannot replace or do things a DSLR can......

this may be true, but there are certainly advantages to the EVIL cameras that you simply miss with a DSLR. No contest, my EP-1 is a better camera than my D3 (that's my opinion for my style of shooting).

22-09-2010, 4:17pm
I guess the question is - what do you want to do with it? Do you have a lot of cash invested in any other DLSR stuff? If not, there are a range of other cameras. I have an A900 and a 20-70 Zeiss lens which weigh fair bit. But I ended up buying an E-PL1 as a travel camera because it had a built in flash and image stabilisation built into the body. The NEX-5 has the flash attachment but the IS is in the lens. Because both the NEX and PEN cameras have no mirrors, a lot of old lenses can be used with adaptors fairly easily. I use an old Canon FD 50mm 1.4 lens on mine to great effect.

Anyway, I went overseas recently and took both the A900 and the E-PL1. While the E-PL1 took generally great pics, there are a number of captures I wished I'd done on the A900. Bottom line - if you can afford only 1 camera I'd be inclined to try and find a smaller DSLR. Or be a little patient and some of the newer Alphas (A33 & A55) might give you a better result for not much more money and you'll have a much bigger selection of lenses down the track.

Did you buy the VF-2 for the E-Pl1? I found it almost impossible to use the LCD to focus with manuel lenses in bright light. People say the VF-2 will help a lot.

22-09-2010, 4:36pm
i have the ep-1, and use manual focus lenses almost exclusively. It is a breeze to manual focus. I love my EP-1, in fact I think it is a better camera than the Nikon D3. People may say that a full frame SFDSLR may produce better image quality, but that all depends on how you define image quality, and what your intended results are. the ep-1 is not perfect, but it certainly suits me, and its ability to use normal lenses is a real advantage, and this is where it can offset a lot of disadvantages of an slr camera. these EVIL camera's have a 40% market share in Japan, so I think we are witnessing the decline of the SLR before our very eyes.

as for the VF-2, i would love to try one, but I think the refresh rate may be a drawback. i'd love to hear from anyone who has used one; i think they run at about 60hz. obviously i can't use one on the ep-1, but i think the next generation of EVIL cameras will be a big step forward from the current models.

29-09-2010, 11:46am
Tried the VF-2 already. very good to MF. Very bright and clear. I love it. I can't use the E-PL1 without it for all my legacy lenses.

04-10-2010, 9:04pm
Tried the Canon Macro lens 55mm f3.5 on the E-PL1. Lots of fun and love it.

11-12-2010, 6:17am
Hi all, I just bought a Nikon D5000 and had to send it back. It was too bulky and heavy for me. I seem to have a problem with my wrist I wasn't aware of..... So now I'm looking at a Sony Nex-5.
I've done lots of research and think this might be the best camera for me.... however..... I want to shoot Macro. I am just upgrading from my little Sony Cybershot point & shoot and want something I can grow with and love the idea of being able to add lenses. But Macro is my passion and that's what i will be doing a lot of. Do you think this camera will suit me? I see that Sony is going to release a Macro lens in 2011 along with a few others.
But would another Macro lens be able to work on this Nex? If so, any suggestions as to which lens? Also does anyone know if I have to get an adapter to use the kit lens that comes with the Nex? I've done enough research to be confused and on overload now..... :eek: Thanks for any input.

11-12-2010, 7:51am
The beauty of the mirrorless cameras is the ability to take the widest array of lenses. With the right adaptors, you can add a Canon 600mm, a Leica M 35mm, or a Nikon 105mm micro.

13-12-2010, 8:07am
To Raledo

My wife has just got the NEX 5 as DSLR's are to heavy for her.

Got the 18-200 lens and is still trying different settings.

We checked this morning and it has Macro setting's in camera along with a lot of other settings. She tried out Macro and was very happy with the results.

Hope this is of some help.


13-12-2010, 9:16am
Thanks Tom & Derek for the info. Good things to consider. Tom would the adapter that comes optional with the Nex-5 work with the lenses you mentioned?

13-12-2010, 4:17pm
We tried the Sony adapter that allowed us to use Minolta lens.

Only trouble was we had to manual focus. I think you will find its the same for all lenses.

Hope this helps.


13-12-2010, 10:44pm
hey raledo, I'd guess no. The Leica uses the M mount, the Nikon uses their F mount, and Canon has their own mount too. You need an adapter for every type of mount, so it's best to stick with one or two mounts. I use a native m4/3rds lens on my Olympus, and the rest of the lenses are M mounts. I may try to get an adapter for some of my Mamiya 6x7 glass too.

05-01-2011, 3:00pm
My missus got me a NEX-5 Dual lens kit for below $700 just before Xmas :D (Myer 15% discount + Myer gift voucher discount + Sony $100 cash back + GST return due to travelling)

I find the NEX-5 is quite outstanding in many area. Fully customizable and lots of features you would only expect to be found on a SLR. It shoot RAW and it can do 7fps if quality and AF is not first priority in a particular situation (Canon SX30IS doesn't, which was another "convenient" camera I was looking)

While the 16mm f/2.8 pancake is not really a very outstanding lens, the 18-55 OSS doing just fine and the size make it quite easy to carry. The feature I LOVE the most is the sweep panoramic and the Full HD video is quite handy.

Even after the firmware update, I still do no find it quite a lot easier to access major functions like ISO, WB etc. But due to it's much small size and the APS-C sensor, I have been carry it around a lot more often than my 1DMkIII. (Which is gigantic in comparison)

I know I am not comparing apple to apple, the reaction speed of the NEX5 is kind of slow, slower than my 500D IMO, focusing is a pain even with "flexible point". AF in low light is impossible; Again, the menu navigation is rather painful for me. Plus it is quite easily buffer up if shooting continuously, even using a Class 10 SDHC.

But it also come with a few clever features that no other SLR can do. i.e. Handheld Twilight mode.

If I want absolute quality with my landscape or family portrait, I will still go for the 1D. But the NEX will ALWAYS be with me, maybe it is for the sweep panoramic when I am doing the landscape; or going out dinner with friends (and I don't want to lung a 1D and all the Ls in this case).

And its quite easy for my missus to "out facebook" her girlfriends with my photos :p

04-02-2011, 11:01am
Just got my Nex 5 yesterday with the kit lens 18-55mm. I have to say so far .... I love it! It's solid and easy to use and the more I use it, the better I like it. I am not a professional, but hope to get better with experience and feel I made the right choice after months of research. I did get a Sony Alpha adapter from Amazon and also got a Sony 55mm f1/8 lens that I haven't used yet. I still want to get a good "inexpensive" macro, but am doing more research before I pull that trigger. I just want to thank everyone who gave me input and answered my questions. If i can figure out how, i will post my 1st shot of a bird. As always, CC gratefully accepted. :)

04-02-2011, 11:03am
If i can figure out how, i will post my 1st shot of a bird. As always, CC gratefully accepted. :)

We cannot critique your photo here in a gear talk forum. You need to post it in the Members Photos : Bird : forum for critique.

05-02-2011, 3:56am
Thanks for letting me know Rick.... I'm still learning my way around so any tips and help is highly appreciated. :)

10-02-2011, 5:40pm
raledo: congrats on your camera purchase, I love the nex-5, I've been using the alpha adaptor and 30mm macro.. the focal length is a bit short.. but it suits my needs for macro at the moment. The cupcake photo below was taken with this combo
The camera really comes alive with rangefinder lenses mounted... :)




01-03-2011, 9:40am
Thanks Dan, I'm still in love with the NEX 5, although am still researching a macro lens for it. I want to take photos of insects, so need a little longer range, but your set up looks great! I hear Sony is coming out with a macro lens soon for the NEX 5, but haven't heard anymore about it lately. I'm waiting to see what it will be. I like your cupcake; it turned out really clear; it's making me hungry. :) I'm posting a photo I took the other day in the snow with my NEX 5 on my kit lens 18-55.

18-03-2011, 10:58am
The camera really comes alive with rangefinder lenses mounted... :)

Ah... the range finder lenses... the forbidden place where I have to forbid myself.... if I ever get myself one of those for my NEX5, I know I will stack up 50 of them in no time.... which might introduce divorce and after effects..... :D

27-03-2011, 6:09pm
BTW just saw a notice that Sony have ceased production of the NEX series..in Japan anyway.

08-04-2011, 12:44am
They ceased production of the NEX series? Good thing I bought my NEX 5 before the stock run out. I love everything about it. It is almost as small as any point and shoot but the quality is as great as most DSLRs out there. 14 megapixels, full hd recording, interchangeable lenses, what's not to like about it? Oh, and the panorama sweep. everything is sweet. And to make it sweeter, the price is not that bad either.

08-04-2011, 5:54am
BTW just saw a notice that Sony have ceased production of the NEX series..in Japan anyway.

Along with lots of things, production in Japan has had to cease in the wake of the earthquake. I suggest this may only be a temporary measure. Other camera brands have had to do the same, due to damage to their production plants etc.

20-04-2011, 8:24pm
Hi guys,
Just wondering if you can help me with a decision on a lens for my Sony Nex 5.

Im tossing up between this one

Voigtlander Nokton 40mm F/1.4 SC Black 40 f1.4 Leica M

Voigtlander Nokton Classic 35mm F/1.4 SC f1.4 Leica M

There is about $200.00 difference between each lens so I am really not sure which one to get. I currrently just have the NEX 5 Twin Lens kit.
I want a lens which is good for street photograph.

Can anyone shed any light which one they would go for and would I notice a significant difference in quality of photos compared to the standard nex lens?

Thanks for your advice

02-05-2011, 8:13pm
Hi guys,
Just wondering if you can help me with a decision on a lens for my Sony Nex 5.

Im tossing up between this one

Voigtlander Nokton 40mm F/1.4 SC Black 40 f1.4 Leica M

Voigtlander Nokton Classic 35mm F/1.4 SC f1.4 Leica M

There is about $200.00 difference between each lens so I am really not sure which one to get. I currrently just have the NEX 5 Twin Lens kit.
I want a lens which is good for street photograph.

Can anyone shed any light which one they would go for and would I notice a significant difference in quality of photos compared to the standard nex lens?

Thanks for your advice

I'm looking at the same things as well..... any suggestions from others? Or samples?

24-05-2011, 12:09pm
i thought id get some answers for the nex here. ive been contemplating on making the switch to nex + M mount lenses as well.

and im after either the 35 or 40 1.4 voigtlanders too! samples anyone? :D