View Full Version : D700 + AFS300 f4 + 2x TCIII sample pics

Lance B
29-08-2010, 12:44pm
I decided to try out the AFS300 f4 + 2x TCIII on my D700 just to see how good the IQ was and also whether the AF would be fast enough.

Firstly, AF is quite slow, even in reasonable light. It will lock, but it is just a tad slow, so no good for fast moving subject matter.

Secondly, the IQ is quite amazingly excellent, sharp as a tack, colourful, quite contrasty and with few "aberrations".

In a pinch, using fast shutter speeds and shooting static or slow to move subject matter, you can get some exceptional results from this combo. I would suggest using a monopod as well. I hope these are of value to any potential purchaser of these products.


D700 + AFS300 f4 + 2x TCIII @ f10 (f5 2 x convertered), 1/1250sec, ISO1600, handheld.


Crop of above:


D700 + AFS300 f4 + 2x TCIII @ f9 (f4.5 2 x convertered), 1/125sec, ISO1600, handheld.


Crop of above. There may be some very slight camera shake due to the slowshutter speed and 600mm focal length.


D700 + AFS300 f4 + 2x TCIII @ f10 (f5 2 x convertered), 1/12000sec, ISO1600, handheld.

29-08-2010, 12:53pm
Shows how good that new tele is. Thanks for sharing.

Take a look at some of the shots by user "Sarnop", he stacks 2x TC's and gets some amazing results.

Lance B
29-08-2010, 1:01pm
Shows how good that new tele is. Thanks for sharing.

Take a look at some of the shots by user "Sarnop", he stacks 2x TC's and gets some amazing results.

Thanks for the tip. I have seen some of Sar Nop's work and it is excellent.

01-09-2010, 9:00am
These are sensationally sharp given the configuration.

Mongo stole a 20EIII some months ago and must say it does not disappoint. Also use it on an old 400mm f5.6 ED-if manual focus with excellent results.

Mongo Says – thanks Lance. This has been a very useful post to confirm some suspicions.

PS were these shot in Raw and processed and were they full frame or otherwise?

Lance B
01-09-2010, 9:14am
These are sensationally sharp given the configuration.

Yes, I was very pleasntly surprised, too! :)

Mongo stole a 20EIII some months ago and must say it does not disappoint. Also use it on an old 400mm f5.6 ED-if manual focus with excellent results.

If you get a chance, I would love to see some samples.

Mongo Says – thanks Lance. This has been a very useful post to confirm some suspicions.

No problems and thank you for your nice comments. They are very much appreciated! :)

PS were these shot in Raw and processed and were they full frame or otherwise?

FF, no cropping other than the crops, as indicated, to show detail. They were shot RAW, then converted to 16bit TIFF in Capture One Pro 5. In Photoshop CS5, they were resized for web and sharpened using Power Retouche plug in.

01-09-2010, 8:39pm
lookn' good Lance. I'm using mine with a 1.4 teleconverter with good results:




Lance B
02-09-2010, 2:17pm
Excellent examples, Gordon. :th3: I am glad that the 300/4 with 1.4x TCII is working out for you! :)