View Full Version : Err 01 on 50D.. HELP!

28-08-2010, 3:56pm
just wondering if anyone has had this error before, It's saying the contacts are dirty, so I took the lens off, and cleaned the contacts, both in the camera, and on the lens ( Tamron 70-300 LD Di Macro) and it's still not working. All the other lenses work fine..

28-08-2010, 4:02pm
When you say "not working" what is it not doing ??

Have you checked the AF/MF switch ??

28-08-2010, 4:07pm
ok, I try and take a photo, and i get an error message up on the screen, says "Err 01 camera communications between the camera and the lens is faulty, clean the lens contacts" I cleaned them, and still getting the error :(

28-08-2010, 7:56pm
ok, updated the firmware, and it seems to be ok for now, will give it a workout tomorrow when the sun comes up, and see how it goes :confused013

28-08-2010, 8:45pm
A friend had this same error at a major sporting event (for NT anyway!) - I cleaned the contacts between camera and lens and no luck - same error. I took the battery grip off and cleaned those contacts and it was right as rain! Poor dear nearly had kittens :) Of course the manual didn't have much in the way of help. Hope your problem is sorted.

28-08-2010, 8:52pm
I got same error when I first got the 50D and when I used my Tamron 70-200, everytime it came up I did the same as you and went away for the rest of the day, I checked the firmware and mine was the latest so no updating was required.
Over time I stop getting them so I assumed for some reason the canon didn't like the tamron but got use to it. Now the body and the lens seems to be happy talking to eachother so maybe the contacts on the tamron may need a bit of wear for the contacts seat better.
Good luck with it

28-08-2010, 8:55pm
Thanks guys, it's pretty scary lol, specially since I spent my lens fund last week on a 10-20 and don't have money for a new zoom right now :-s.
Hus, I cleaned the contacts too, this lens has been on this camera on and off for the last 4 months, you'd think if it was going to play up, it would have done it by now :confused013 lol.. oh well, I can only give things a run tomorrow and see how it's going.

28-08-2010, 9:00pm
I heard firmware update solved majority of the err01 issues so fingers crossed.

29-08-2010, 6:03am
thanks! I'll let you know how I go later today!

29-08-2010, 6:47am
ok, so have just taken the camera out to take some pics with it.. it's working when I only wind it out to about 200, as soon as I wind it all the way out to 300 I get that error again, and it's not working at all on the macro setting.. looks like I'm up for a new lens ... :confused013.. oh and I tried it on both cameras .. same thing on both *sighs*

02-09-2010, 12:02pm
It is most likley caused by a crack in the ribbon cable that connects to the power diaphram inside the lens. It will be intermittent but gradually get worse, I would suggest you take the lens for repair.

02-09-2010, 12:06pm
thank you! I rang around first thing monday morning, and was told that it would most likely cost more to repair the lens than it would to buy a new one, being that they're now under $200 to buy, so that's what I did, but this time got a sigma :)

02-09-2010, 9:40pm
this is interesting Kirsty, I have had the a similar issue with my 40D and 17-85mm kit lens since the Currumbin meet on Sunday error 01(lens camera communication error- clean contacts)though this morning I took about 15 shots and not a problem. I was about to put it in for service but I think I'll give it another test tomorrow.
I cleaned the contacts with contact cleaning fluid ( isopropyl alcohol ):confused013

02-09-2010, 10:34pm
I did all that too David, even upgraded the firmware, all my other lenses are working fine on the same camera, and the tamron doesn't work on the 1000D either, I made sure I tested it on both cameras. One of those things I guess?

02-09-2010, 10:40pm
yeah I've got my fingers crossed but feel in my water its the lens....hey its Fathers day on Sunday.... whats the chance of a new lens:eek: none:(

02-09-2010, 10:42pm
:( I know how you feel!! thankfully hubby put a little more money in the new lens fund last week and I was able to replace it... got myself a sigma 70-300 now i just have to wait for it to show up lol

02-09-2010, 10:48pm
wish I lived next door... I'd bring it back:D