View Full Version : Nikon CaptureNX2 update - v2.2.5

26-08-2010, 10:43am
See HERE (http://nikonasia-en.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/nikonasia_en.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=sYvdZn8k&p_lva=&p_li=&p_new_search=&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_srch=&p_sort_by=&p_gridsort=&p_row_cnt=191%2C191&p_prods=0&p_cats=224&p_pv=&p_cv=1.224&p_search_type=answers.search_nl&p_nav=foot&p_trunc=0&p_page_head=5&p_page=1&p_page_foot=1) to get it.. but be warned!!!!

Apparently there is now an issue with using some Picture Controls on non Picture COntrol capable cameras.

Andrew are 'ya listening!!!! :lol2:

apparently if you have NEF's saved that have been edited with any of the D2x mode Picture Controls on the image, the Picture Control edit is no longer seen by CNX2 v225!
The NEF is ok, but you lose the D2x mode Picture Control.

Have no idea as to why they'd do that.

Just had a quick squizz, and you now no longer get the option to use a D2x mode on older cameras(and I think from Nikon's release notes, nor with the D3100??? :confused013)

I think the bottom line is that if the camera is older or lower in the range, then the D2x camera mode is not usable.
I tried it on my D70s and it's no longer an option.

Mind you, you can still use a 'mock' D2x mode on the older cameras tho!

you simply create copies of the D2xmodes via the Picture Control Utility, save it with a name that describes it correctly eg. I]D2x MODE Ia[/I] .. and (ab)use it to your hearts content :D

Apart form that, I think there may be some speed improvements to the software, but this is now impossible for me to measure.
CNX2 on my current system, with fast hdd's is lightning quick.
Everything just happens instantly, and it's impossible for me to see any speed improvements.

best quality NR did seem to process a little more quickly for me in this 2.2.5 version, but then again it was amazingly quick after the two new hdd upgrades anyhow.

There are no new features with v2.2.5 ... simply a few performance/tweak upgrades and support for the D3100.

if you have images saved with D2x Mode Picture Controls.. be warned.
Don't do the upgrade until you sort through the images saved with the Picture Controls, and edit them with a new user created D2x mode Picture Control.

I suspect that this may be an inevitable and foregone conclusion.
I doubt that future Nikon software will allow the reversal of this D2x mode issue, unless there are enough complaints from those that use it.

NOTE: if you use CNX2(and I suspect VNX2 as well now), and you have a modern Picture Control compliant camera there is no issue with using, or having used, D2x Mode Picture Controls. They still work(if you have them installed) and will be recognized with images edited in that manner.. it's only the older non Picture Control capable cameras that are now the problem.

I @ M
26-08-2010, 10:52am
I saw that lack of D2x modes in the release notes. :(

I installed it anyway and there are a few subtle differences. D2x Mode 1 renders differently to previously.
No, I am not imagining it as I have saved to NEF files, one edited in the previous version of NX and a copy of an original that when opened in the new version has a lot more colour to it than the old edit.

I did keep the install file for the previous version and I may go back to it and dump this new version.

I am not impressed and have already sent an email. This may be the end of my relationship with NX.

26-08-2010, 11:10am
This is on your D200??

the D700 should be fine.

The other problem is that there's no way of knowing what files have been edited using the D2x modes, so that you can batch process them to an updated copy.

Bad form from Nikon.. agreed.

I'm not personally affected, as I don't use Picture Controls all that much, and I can't think of any images I've saved using D2x modes at all.

Can't understand their logic either. If there was never any problems with that Picture Control style, why change it? :confused:

26-08-2010, 11:21am
The other curio...

why isn't the new D3100 not supported(with D2x modes)? :confused013

I @ M
26-08-2010, 11:32am
No, files from the 700, different colour levels between the two NX versions. :confused013

I will look into it later.

26-08-2010, 1:11pm
OK! something I didn't check before I updated, and considering I have no reason to backdate, I'll never see it.

Is this for all Picture Controls, or just the D2x modes versions?

And FWIW, ViewNX2 doesn't allow D2x mode Picture Controls with the D70s any more.. where VNX v1 did.

I @ M
26-08-2010, 4:33pm
Just the D2x presets seem to have gone, I will have to figure out how to load them up from the card again.

26-08-2010, 4:48pm

I have the D2x mode presets loaded for some reason??.... and I haven't 'reloaded' them in any way.

They appear in the Utility tool via CNX2.2.5, but not via the VNX2 access method :confused:

I'll open up the Utility in VNX2 and see if I can reload them from there too.

One other thing that really irks me with this Nikon/Nik Software relationship:

Nik have just released a HDR addon (for photoshop)... not that this is badly needed as CS has it's own HDR methods anyhow(whether good or bad is irrelevant really).

BUT for some inexplicable reason, they haven't made a version for CaptureNX :confused013

These people(at Nik) must be morons(or stupid or both)

I realize that this new plug in is also available for LR as well, but what makes them think they'll get any sales for the Photoshop version?
It's a feature already available in photoshop, and considering some of the limitations in CaptureNX in relation to these kinds of souped up features, you'd think there would be a sale or two right there.
I know I'd at least be interested to see how it works.(apparently not very good compared to the proven specialist programs like Photomatix).

26-08-2010, 4:50pm
I am not impressed and have already sent an email. This may be the end of my relationship with NX.

Use you anger Andrew, come to the dark side :)

Ironically all of the picture control presets in Lightroom (imitations though they are) work with all Nikon cameras.

I don't know if this helps but I thought I read (or more likely skimmed) somewhere that there could be an issue if you try and start the program too soon after installing 2.2.5. For some reason, the install for the picture control utility does not start for 30 seconds or so after NX itself appears to have installed.

I @ M
26-08-2010, 5:10pm
Use you anger Andrew, come to the dark side :)

Tony, when you mentioned DARK, I immediately thought of LIGHTroom, hell will freeze over, I will convert to Pentax, Sony, Leica, Samsung, Olympus and Canon ( strictly in that order) for my photographic needs before I part with one red cent for an adobe product. :D

For some reason, the install for the picture control utility does not start for 30 seconds or so after NX itself appears to have installed.

That has always been the way mate, I am sure that the software engineer that Nikon hired to write the Capture NX installation code was the same bloke that developed the Canon focus system, you know the one, press the button, wait 5 minutes and hope. :p

I @ M
27-08-2010, 6:33am
Update on looking closer at the new version.

Pictures taken last week with D2x mode1 loaded into the camera look as they should in View NX and the data says that they are taken with picture control "m1 D2x mode 1" but when opened in the new version of CNX they look bad, really really bad.

If I then go and reselect the D2x mode 1 picture control in CNX and apply it, they suddenly look as they should.

CNX is simply not recognising the in camera picture control!!!!!! :action:

Too bad if you wanted to shoot jpeg eh.

27-08-2010, 8:54am
BUT for some inexplicable reason, they haven't made a version for CaptureNX :confused013

These people(at Nik) must be morons(or stupid or both)
AK I doubt that anyone at Nik software is either a moron or stupid. I don't use any of their add-on products (because I use CNX2 :( ) but from what I read they are widely used and well regarded. Their "U-Point Technology" alone is sufficient reason for me to use CNX2 despite some of its shortcomings. From what I've read it is Nikon (who "own" CNX/VNX) that won't allow Nik to provide add-ons for CNX2 (although for some reason Viveza is an exception :confused013). I don't know why Nikon would take this approach - I'd think that Nik themselves would love to provide add-ons for CNX2 and could do it quite easily and seamlessly.

So perhaps your statement should read "These (software) people(at Nikon) must be morons(or stupid or both)". :)


I @ M
27-08-2010, 9:00am
I'd think that Nik themselves would love to provide add-ons for CNX2 and could do it quite easily and seamlessly.

Errr, they do already.


27-08-2010, 9:01am
It also makes sense for Nik to not plough a bunch of resources into 6% of the market but rather to concentrate on the other huge slice, I would have thought.

27-08-2010, 9:41am
Errr, they do already.


...won't allow Nik to provide add-ons for CNX2 (although for some reason Viveza is an exception :confused013).

:Doh: Oops you are right, I should have said "Color Efex" is the exception. But as far as I can determine the other more "basic" apps (noise reduction, sharpening) are not available for CNX2.


I @ M
27-08-2010, 1:44pm
The results of experimentation,

D2x Mode 1 set as the picture control in camera with no sharpening.

The same unedited NEF image saved as a jpeg 3 different ways.

Image opened in View NX2 and saved as a jpeg

Image opened in Capture NX and supposedly rendered as D2x Mode 1 as set in the camera.
Note the saturation and sharpening.


The above image opened in Capture NX after changing the picture control from "unchanged" to D2x Mode 1

27-08-2010, 10:16pm
:Doh: Oops you are right, I should have said "Color Efex" is the exception. But as far as I can determine the other more "basic" apps (noise reduction, sharpening) are not available for CNX2.


OOps! sorry that's what I meant too.

They do have only one addon piece of software(which I also have and use sometimes).
I'd like a higher quality NR add-on, and the native CNX2 NR is ok.. but only OK.
having spent a little time with LR3, the NR tool was simply amazing, and made ISO6400 images from the D300 look clean. CNX does really offer the same ability without a loss of IQ.

of course not being an insider we're not privileged enough to know the extent of Nik-Nikon dealings, but I highly doubt that Nikon would actively discourage Nik in developing value added add-ons to CaptureNX!!

That'd be commercial suicide, on Nikon's behalf.
If Nikon want CaptureNX to be taken seriously, they need to see why other software succeed.
CaptureNX is catering to a very select market(Nikon users!) and non Nikon users would never look at it seriously.
As there are a plethora of software options that have now caught up to CaptureNX's ability to create high quality image outputs from NEF files, CNX has no advantage(to most users).

I'm an avid CNX user, have been from the days of Nikon Capture 4.
Will not use anything else on my NEF files, as I want final edits on those NEF files, and not some other file format.
Once I edit an NEF, to me, It's basically finished. As long as Nikon's (future)software still allows me to open and view those edited NEF files in the years to come, I believe I've used the correct workflow for my purposes.

PS/CS's greatest advantage is the ability to load and use the various add-ons/plug-ins/actions etc, plus all the various tutorials and so forth.

take away all the add-on paraphernalia for CS, and you have what??
(in my mind, a very convoluted image editing software suite!.. It's probably OK once you get to learn it, but a minefield of mind altering steps and processes to arrive at that point).

Nikons about face with this D2x mode is not good form.
My experience with their software since the days of Nikon Capture4 through to CNX2, has always been positive, because they've maintained backward compatibility.
Images I've edited in both Capture4 and CNX v1 have looked/rendered and processed identically in the latest software.

note though, and as to be expected, if you edit an image in CNX2, some edits may not render properly or at all, in CNX1.. let alone any of the Nikon Capture versions from yesteryear.
This is only to be expected as some of the edits available in CNX2(eg. clone/heal tool) on NEF files, simply can't exist in earlier versions of the software.

Remember that NEF files are not images, but a collection of data.
Images saved to a bitmap format such as jpg or tiff, will of course render properly.

Andrew! If you shoot in jpg format in camera with the D2x mode, then any software(even those evil dark forces from Adobe!! :p) will see that resultant jpg image as the camera processed it... ie. with the D2x mode Picture Control.
The issue is only going to be an issue on NEF files.
Once a jpg or tiff file is created, with whatever Picture Control settings enabled... it's set for life.