View Full Version : Manfrotto tripod

23-08-2010, 1:34pm
I got a mate in the US to get me one of these on his way home, man talk about rock solid!!!
the 190xprob version with that groovy centre column thingy that comes up out and sideways, now im 6'1 weight areound 90k and i can almost swing off this thing and it doesnt move!

Ok so Gremlins just a little bit excited ;) and wanted to share!

23-08-2010, 1:39pm
Congrats, and know what your saying. I've had mine for a few years now and glad I spent a little extra and got a decent tripod first up. Couldn't see the point in spending thousands on camera and lens just to put it all on a $50 tripod.

23-08-2010, 1:45pm
ok in my delirious demazin influenced state(flu meds) I tried putting all my weight on it for giggles, it hardly moved! lol I hope i dont break it hehehe

And you right Allann, no point in spending good money on gear to use a 50buck tripod, my old ones now relegated to be a flash holder or coathanger now ;)

All excited with his new toy!

23-08-2010, 1:50pm
An old tripod can be really useful for holding a reflector if you are doing outside portrait work. You just need to fix some sort of clamp to the top.

23-08-2010, 2:05pm
Ive actually used it to hold a cactus and the 430ex on occassion usually use a light stand for reflectors, but the trip would defintely hold it better,, thanks Analog :)

Ok so Gremlin got up to some mischeif

sorry guys I just had too!

23-08-2010, 3:41pm
I got the same tripod recently and have had a ball with - seems very sturdy:)

(Mine didn't come with a gremlin attached though!)

23-08-2010, 3:55pm
Gremlin likes to get into everything ;)

29-08-2010, 10:56pm
Thanks for the info guys. I'm looking into spending some money on a decent tripod. This certainly helps!

30-08-2010, 1:17am
the quality of this is great, I cant speak for the different heads thou, mines still in transit, but Im getting a ball head for this.
Hopefully one of the others can lend their knowledge on their experience with the different ones.

Glad I made a post that was useful for once ;)



30-08-2010, 6:53am
Gemb81 Vanbar imaging still have a great special on this tripod - the head isn't spectacular for video panning - but other than that it is a solid combo and cheap!


31-08-2010, 11:24am
I got a alternative ball head today, once I stop playing with it Ill get some pics and post em.
Days like today I love aussie post ;)