View Full Version : Rule of thirds

21-08-2010, 2:32pm
If I'm taking a macro of a flower, how would rule of thirds come into play? would I just place the flower slightly off centre?

old dog
21-08-2010, 2:45pm
it all depends Brad.....on so many variables. Never forget that rules are meant to be broken.
For me....it depends on...

1. where the light is coming from...I usually like it from the back and to the side..if back lighting best suits the subject or it`s a drop hanging off something.

2. the subject itself....usually leave more room to the front of a flying bee/insect...in the direction it is facing.

3. the background (b/g) ...usually you want it to be blurred out, with a good bokeh.

4. do what you think looks the best and then post them on here and see what the others, with lots of experience with macro...(myself not included..:rolleyes:)...say/suggest.

Hopefully there will be others with better suggestions than my meagre few. Just have fun.

21-08-2010, 3:53pm
The rule of thirds is really just a guide. It doesn't have to be adhered to all the time. For flower photographs have a look at the ones I took today (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=64989). I like to place my flowers off centre, but don't necessarily adhere to the rule of thirds. I tend to think more space 'in front of' (ie the direction the flower is facing), looks good and gives the flower space in the frame.

David Woods
21-08-2010, 5:05pm
The rule of thirds is really just a guide. It doesn't have to be adhered to all the time. For flower photographs have a look at the ones I took today (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=64989). I like to place my flowers off centre, but don't necessarily adhere to the rule of thirds. I tend to think more space 'in front of' (ie the direction the flower is facing), looks good and gives the flower space in the frame.

Hi Rick

Loved the Rose and the Protea on your link, very nice.


Steve Axford
21-08-2010, 7:10pm
It is worth remembering that these rules of composition were defined by people who thought about composition a lot. They were also defined by people who created art, not photographs. This means that we are limited by what is there to photograph, and try as we might, we cannot always fit the rules. So, we do the best we can.

It as also worth remembering that the rule of thirds is not the only rule applying to composition. Just think of the great artworks. Is the Mona Lisa stuck away in on corner of the canvass? Did Van Gogh paint his vase of flowers in the corner of a canvas? Of course not. Composition is much more complex than that.

22-08-2010, 6:29am
G'day Brad

Like others above - "rules don't always have to be followed" etc etc
If you wish - have a look at 100 or so flower/macro etc pix on my flickr site (see below)

Regards, Phil