View Full Version : Backup Body ?

19-08-2010, 5:31pm
At the moment I don't have a backup body to my d3, I sold the d300 a few months back

If I'm doing an important job I have access to another d3 as a backup, but it's a bit of a pain

I'm also liking the idea of a more compact dslr with video too as a general family pic snapper. But it also needs to be good enough to be a wedding backup if necessary. I don't mind second hand but I really don't want to spend more than $1000 or so

I'm thinking a d90 ?

Whatcha reckon ?

19-08-2010, 6:18pm
Coming from the ther side of the fence, I think a D90 would be ideal.

1/1000 sync speed for flash, on board CLS control.

And I am sure I have seen them advertised for about 1400.00 new, then a $200.00 cash back

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19-08-2010, 8:01pm
Depends where you are willing to buy them from Kiwi, second hand D90s still seem to be going for close to a grand, but grey you could probably get one close to 700-750.

19-08-2010, 8:35pm
aint seem them that cheap grey, got a linkie ?

19-08-2010, 9:18pm
Here Darren. http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/browse.asp?idCategory=20&brand=4


19-08-2010, 9:22pm
$1,025 after cashback, local stock here:


Just one correction to Mark's post - flash sync speed is 1/200th. And there is no reason why it wouldn't make a great backup, IMO, but then I'm biased :)

19-08-2010, 9:26pm
Currently $829 at DWI (http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/store/product.asp?idProduct=1792) but pretty sure they were well below $800 last time I looked - probably sensitive to movement in the dollar.

You'll need to factor in the cost of some SD cards if you don't already have some.

Given todays announcement of the D3100 - 14mp CMOS, 12800 ISO (HI 2), 1080p video, etc - I'd be inclined to wait till the anticipated announcement of the D90 replacement next month. But you won't get one for a $1K ! (Est. $USD 1200)


19-08-2010, 9:29pm
DDE have em for 785 atm...were down a bit lower than that but bounce around

19-08-2010, 9:43pm
Kiwi - do yourself a favour & get a Canon bwah ha ha :lol:

19-08-2010, 10:04pm
D300S only a bit more than your budget used and mint if you look around and are prepared to deal on the spot. Weddings? Not sure how the D90 will compare to D300s at Hi-ISO. You will also have FP flash sync speeds.

20-08-2010, 9:51pm
D300S only a bit more than your budget used and mint if you look around and are prepared to deal on the spot. Weddings? Not sure how the D90 will compare to D300s at Hi-ISO. You will also have FP flash sync speeds.

I think they use the same sensor or at least tweaked versions of the same so high iso should be quite similar (at least in RAW). Funny enough the D5000 also has a variant of the same sensor but the user interface is a significant downgrade so even though IQ may be up to scratch, the UI will likely not. The D300s has a higher number of readout channels too so its definitely got the advantage in speed.

Kiwi: If you believe the rumours, a replacement for the D90 should be announced soon so that means the fire sales should happen soon, if not already started.

JM Tran
20-08-2010, 11:58pm
ZOMG u dont have a back up body!!!?????? no way!!!!!


21-08-2010, 8:28am
Darren, thought I'd chirp in as I have both the D90 and D700. There are a number of compromises for me that will see me getting either another D700 or its replacement as a back up camera next year.
Here's why (note some or all of these may not be important to you, just what fits my needs)

1. High ISO - If you don't need to go above 1600 the D90 sensor is quite usable. Obviously NR software has improved of late so you may be comfortable going even higher than this - but unless I plan on doing mono prints and I don't mind some grain 1600 is about my limit. With the D700 I am comfortable going to ISO6400.

2. AF - The 11 point AF system of the D90 is ok - in fact perfectly fine for portraits, still life, landscapes and most general street shooting situations - but I wouldn't rely on it for sports shooting.

3. The viewfinder - This is a big one for me. I've been spoilt by a full frame viewfinder and frankly every time I pick up my D90 and look through the viewfinder now, well - it just sucks. There is nothing quite like that big, bright viewfinder - even more important for me with some manual focus lenses. I hear the D3/D3s/D3x finder is even better than my D700.

4- Different media. If you don't mind having a mix of SD and CF cards, this may be a moot point for you.

5- 1.5x crop factor: May work to your advantage, particularly if you want the extra reach. I'd prefer to have a back up with the same crop factor so my lens coverage is optimised for a full frame camera.

6- Same control interface - Although all the Nikons are similar - there is more diving through menus in the D90 level camera, I prefer to have more manual, physical switches / buttons. Once you get used to them they become second nature.

7- Better weather sealing - I've never had a problem with the D90, guess it depends how weather resistant you need you gear to be.

Personally if I was a paid professional that was relied upon for my work I'd want a back up as close as possible to my primary camera.



21-08-2010, 8:34am
A D90 will topple over if you put the 400 2.8 on it!

21-08-2010, 8:45am
A D90 will topple over if you put the 400 2.8 on it!

haha reminds me of a photo I saw somewhere of a 600mm with a Panasonic m4/3 camera attached:D

21-08-2010, 2:06pm
thanks all, kaiser

Id get a d700 if I could justify a $3000 camera Id hardly ever use.

Maybe i'll wait to see what a D90 replacement does and keepy my eye out for a bargain

and those that suggested a canon, lol, dreaming

JM, I have a backup D3 when Im doing "proper" jobs, so, dont worry, Im not letting the team down :-)

21-08-2010, 4:11pm
Can't go wrong with a D90 as a backup Kiwi. I use mine as my main and it's paid for itself many times over.

21-08-2010, 9:10pm
I think it's imperative to use the same quality body as your main, and preferably the same body. If you want to go smaller, then I think you have to go D700 (or the current equivalent).

22-08-2010, 4:59am
i think a d90 as a backup would be just perfect! bet the lighter weight is gnna be a plus when u need a lighter kit to lug around too!

22-08-2010, 5:48am
Live life of the edge Darren. Save your money and only take one camera when you go out..:lol2:

22-08-2010, 1:18pm
yeah, I do (apart from weddings)