View Full Version : We banned a spammer today... What do you think?

18-08-2010, 10:39am
We banned a 1st post spammer today.
As members know we have a zero tolerance for spammers.

The post was dumped and I've copied a redacted version of their 1st and only site post...

I run a national magazine called xxxxxxxxxxx. I am seeking creative images of xxxxxxx across all genres for our magazine.

In return for using your images you will be credited in the magazine 2 ways.
As a 6pt byline on the image itself acknowledging you and the model, plus as the back of the publication in the credit section.

You will also receive a 1 yr subscription to our online xxxxxxxx website entitled xxxxxxxxx.com.au as a preferred photographer.

You can submit images to me using yyyyyyy.com with the following email address: advertise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com.au

Deadline for 1st edition is this Thursday 19th August.

So this guy gets images for free, but!! you get 'credit'

Seriously? :Doh: What is he smokin?

I subsequently had an email dialogue as it really p'd me off...

You're a Spammer

I don't normally tell SPAMMER's why they got banned from AusPhotography as they are usually Russian, Chinese, Nigerian or Indian.

But as you're an an Aussie you should know better, but it looks like you want to be in with the viagra, get rich quick, and knock off watch sales people.

Your blatant breach of our site rules and disregard for our members has led to your email, IP etc. being lodged with a global anti spamming database which will make joining other forums difficult.

You have also lost any possibility of contact with 1000's of Aussie 'togs. Well done!

From xxxxxx....

There was no intend to spam

A simple reply in good faith rather than blocking or reporting may have been easier and led to a better outcome.
I'm trying to help promote photographers work not annoy them.

Well done for blocking me and stopping your client base from getting an opportunity.


My Response....


If you had approached us first before spamming then things would have work out better.
'Intend' to spam? It is spam plain and simple.

Our site rules and introductory materiel's are clear i.e. nothing commercial without permission.
It's your disrespect for us that has inflicted these consequences on you.

Take this as an opportunity to re-think your approach to photography forums, we are not a random marketing channel.

No further correspondence to be entered into.

This is the bit that really got me...
... Well done for blocking me and stopping your client base from getting an opportunity.

Like what value is this to AP members in the first place? :Doh: :lol2:


Maybe it just happened on one of those days, but for the life of me I wonder why people do this.

18-08-2010, 10:48am
I should mention the site/magazine in question also charges for advertising but does not pay for your content.

18-08-2010, 10:49am
We banned a 1st post spammer today.
As member know we have a zero tolerance for spammers.

The post was dumped and I've copied a redacted version of their 1st and only site post...

So this guy gets images for free, but!! you get 'credit'

Seriously? :Doh: What is he smokin?

I subsequently had an email dialogue as it really p'd me off...

From xxxxxx....

My Response....

This is the bit that really got me...
... Well done for blocking me and stopping your client base from getting an opportunity.

Like what value is this to AP members in the first place? :Doh: :lol2:


Maybe it just happened on one of those days, but for the life of me I wonder why people do this.

Whether or not the spammer should or should not of made this approach is ... well... I don't really care either way; I have the power to ignore.

However, I agree with the ban for the following reason; it would not have hurt the spammer to at least ask the mods / Rick first. Esp if it is for a commercial enterprise.



18-08-2010, 10:52am
However, I agree with the ban for the following reason; it would not have hurt the spammer to at least ask the mods / Rick first. Esp if it is for a commercial enterprise.

Thanks! Which is per the site rules and the primary reason for the ban. We treat all spammers equally. :angry0:

18-08-2010, 11:01am
Very fair call - some here may have enjoyed the opportunity but since you had to make a blanket decision either way, I think you made the right call. :)

18-08-2010, 11:03am
At least I now know why when I clicked on the Post, I got redirected to a message telling me I didn't have access. I thought ###, I'm a member now. I thought I had full access.



18-08-2010, 11:05am
Oooh, I said a naughty three letter acronym. :lol2:

18-08-2010, 11:10am
A couple of thoughts

1 - There are probably plenty of photographers out there who would be willing to accept the terms and conditions of his offer and they now will not get that opportunity. He will get his content for the advertised price non the less, just not from here.

2 - Stupid idiot deserved to be banned for a blatant and intentional breach of site rules, which was done because he did not have faith in his offer, he was scared that if he had used the proper channels he would have been denied.

Is reporting him to the Anti spam data base warranted, hmmmmm, don't know maybe a bit harsh, but he did bring it upon himself, new members are warned in the information sent to them during sign up that this is what happens to spammers caught here.

So he just has to suck it up and take responsibility for his own actions. And isn't that a novel idea in these times.

Art Vandelay
18-08-2010, 11:12am
I was about to reply to that post, but was then 'terribly inconvenienced' by a work matter. :D

The reply was along the lines of,

Hey guys,

I'm opening a clothing store very soon, and as funds are tight I'd like you all to make and send me an item of clothing. I'll be selling them to help my business, but you wont get paid for supplying them.

You can however add your name in fine print on the tag for exposure purposes.

An opportunity too good to miss !! :D

Please forward articles to....P.O. box..

18-08-2010, 11:18am
Is reporting him to the Anti spam data base warranted, hmmmmm, don't know maybe a bit harsh, but he did bring it upon himself, new members are warned in the information sent to them during sign up that this is what happens to spammers caught here

1. At the top of the rules which we all agree to on joining...

IMPORTANT: Ausphotography is an active member of a global anti-spamming network. By registering as a member on Ausphotography, you agree that if you place Spam on Ausphotography, any/all all information recorded about you and held on the site databases, can be provided to the anti-spamming network, by the Ausphotography administrators or moderators. You will also be banned immediately and permanently from Ausphotography. We reserve the right to refuse or remove any member from Ausphotography, with or without reason. Ausphotography is privately owned and membership of the site is not a Right.

2. AP treats all spammers equally ;) We don't discriminate.:cool:

Steve Axford
18-08-2010, 11:19am
Got to agree with your actions here. You can never stop it all, but that was pretty blatant.

18-08-2010, 11:21am
Rules is Rules !! You did the right thing Kym, I saw it on the introduction thread , and thought this wont last long , It did'nt , Well done :th3:

18-08-2010, 11:51am
Absolutely agree with the response - thanks Kym.

The thing that amuses me, is the deadline for images - tomorrow. Thats as ridiculous, as the so called opportunity !

18-08-2010, 12:05pm
This is the bit that really got me...
... Well done for blocking me and stopping your client base from getting an opportunity.
As a member of that "client base" I'd like to add my thanks for keeping this forum clear of sharp operators and exploiters. "Well done..." indeed! I certainly think so!

Even if the "opportunity" was of genuine benefit, ignoring the site rules requiring permission for commercial posting meant the ban was well deserved IMHO. I'm just amazed you, Rick and the crew give so much to the forum and the AP community without asking anything back except to abide by a few simple, sensible rules. :th3:

18-08-2010, 12:16pm
If the spammer, as spammer they are, has such disregard for this site rules as to breach them on their 1st post, it doesn't bode well for the fair management of their own site.

I also agree that you have done the correct thing

18-08-2010, 12:20pm
FWIW we get a few of these each week.
Not to mention the 100+ a day spammers (mainly overseas) that get blocked by automatic technological means.

Mostly we don't bother mentioning them or even corresponding with them.

This one was a bit different being Aussie and so obviously trying to get free content that he would make money off.
Most spammers are just selling cheap (non existent?) iPhones, 5DII and D3s etc.

18-08-2010, 12:34pm
Thanks Kym,

Must say we are always amazed how they seem to think they are not spamming the site. Here is one I actioned a few days ago:

First post -

I represent ####### Australia and our service as an example costs A$72pa and will allow you to backup everything on your PC for that one amount. We offer a free 30 day trial so you are welcome to test it out.

When I banned him and removed the thread, I got an email saying that he is not a spammer and was offering a service to my members, and that in no way did his post constitute a promotion of his business....HUH?? It was at that time I added his details to the anti-spamming database as well.

18-08-2010, 12:37pm
:rolleyes: I've got a name for these guys, And It's not nice ;)

18-08-2010, 12:37pm
Whilst I agree and support the removal of the spam content, I'm not convinced your email to him aligning his activity with Nigerian scams, etc, was appropriately worded. Yes, he should have asked first, as some people may have considered it an opportunity to have their work exposed (not mine in that fomat).

My 20c worth anyway

18-08-2010, 12:49pm
......So this guy gets images for free, but!! you get 'credit'

Seriously? :Doh: What is he smokin?........

Sort of like a blaze of glory but in 6 point text.

Pity I missed the OP, I enjoy messing with their heads in my spare time :th3:

Well done Kym

18-08-2010, 12:57pm
damn, that exposure would have fed my family too for a week

18-08-2010, 1:10pm
Whilst I agree and support the removal of the spam content, I'm not convinced your email to him aligning his activity with Nigerian scams, etc, was appropriately worded. Yes, he should have asked first, as some people may have considered it an opportunity to have their work exposed (not mine in that format).
My 20c worth anyway

SPAM = SPAM = SPAM (There are no grades of it, every tin is the same)

We have a standardised method of dealing with spammers.

Ban the user
Dump the content (we don't deleted it, just move it to the Bad Thread Dump which is invisible to all but mods)
Stop Spam (the global anti spamming database)
Managed !

The exception in this case was the email dialogue.
I really don't think he got why his actions were just downright rude and disrespectful to AP members.
Maybe he will learn from this experience? Somehow I doubt it.

18-08-2010, 1:33pm
why does a Monty Python song come into my head now.....SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM........

Well done Kym!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18-08-2010, 1:59pm
Without the proper and strict enforcement of rules and guidelines, a great forum could easily degenerate into a quagmire of unpleasant activity which changes the culture of a website.
Kudos to the AP team, and to Kym, for setting things in order.

18-08-2010, 2:43pm
all the AP mods deserve a huge pay cheque for this! ;)

go team AP!

18-08-2010, 2:47pm
We banned a 1st post spammer today.

Always a good deed.

Personally, though, I wouldn't bother engaging in any dialogue with a spammer.

Best to zap and move on.

18-08-2010, 3:01pm
Always a good deed.
Personally, though, I wouldn't bother engaging in any dialogue with a spammer.
Best to zap and move on.

And we do 99.999% of the time. This one made for a good case study.

Paul G
18-08-2010, 3:16pm
I saw that post this morning just after it appeared too and was going to submit a response. Unfortunately not as witty as Mr Vandelay's fine comeback!! Art Vandelay...what a legend!

18-08-2010, 3:19pm
Lucky Kym you were out of your pirate mood..:)
Avast ya scurvy dog. You bin spammen me site, and me crew be ready to keel haul ye to the mast.
Ain't no treasure to be got here ya mangy octopus, now you bin added to Davey Jones's locker.

Seriously Kym.. Well done. We don't need that sort of thing here.

18-08-2010, 3:21pm
Spam baiting is alive and well on the net
http://www.419eater.com/index.php is one of them but there are others. Its potentially a bit risky but does make for hilarious reading.
Good move banning this one. There is no opportunity here, except an opportunity to be ripped off.

18-08-2010, 3:54pm
if members are interested, we use a site to check new member registrations against : www.stopforumspam.com

When a member tries to register on AP, the site checks their IP address, email and username against the database of reported details on that site. It a match occurs, they get a message saying Ausphotography actively blocks spammers from joining the site, and they cannot proceed. It a spammer does regisister on AP and posts offering their wares, we ban them and at the same time get the option to add their details to the stopforumspam database, meaning that instantly their email address etc is then un-usable on thousands of sites worldwide.

Art Vandelay
18-08-2010, 5:44pm
I saw that post this morning just after it appeared too and was going to submit a response. Unfortunately not as witty as Mr Vandelay's fine comeback!!

I'm humbled, thankyou.

Wasn't really trying to be witty, just trying to relate it to something more day to day.

Whilst not a 'pro' photographer (whatever that is :D), I speak from being self employed for the last 14yrs. If someone's using someone elses product or service to make money, then that money has to be shared around. That's the way the world works. Photography should be no different. It seems a common problem in some understanding that though from what I've seen in the short time snooping around photography sites.

Those thoughts prompted me when I had the opportunity to sell a handful of images last month to a business for their advertising/commercial use. Thanks to some advice from a member on here via pm, I charged them a 'market' rate. (thanks to para, a fine fellow North Qld'er). :D

Whilst not in this to make money, if the opportunity arises from time to time, I aint giving them away.

18-08-2010, 5:58pm
I saw this thread come up on the RSS feed, and I thought at the time, "there's one that will get dumped".

Glad it has, keep up the good work! :th3:

18-08-2010, 6:36pm
but, but, but.. now we miss out on getting an opportunity :(

18-08-2010, 7:11pm
but, but, but.. now we miss out on getting an opportunity :(

:rolleyes: :confused013 Ok, here is an opportunity! (http://shop.ausphotography.net.au/product_info.php?products_id=60) :th3:

18-08-2010, 10:37pm
Spam, spam, spam, sausage, egg, bacon and spam.

He sounds just like that mob that trawls through Flickr and sends messages to people asking to use their photos in their publication "with a credit to you! Whoohoo!"

Nope, sorry. You want my stuff, you pay for it.

I would have gotten narky at the line about lost opportunity too.

Paul G
18-08-2010, 11:12pm
:rolleyes: :confused013 Ok, here is an opportunity! (http://shop.ausphotography.net.au/product_info.php?products_id=60) :th3:

Just on that Kym; will there be any more sizes coming in the Navy polos? I don't know if I'm a sky-blue kinda guy, although people do say the colour makes my eyes handsome :lol:

19-08-2010, 12:17am
Avast ya scurvy dog. You bin spammen me site, and me crew be ready to keel haul ye to the mast.
Ain't no treasure to be got here ya mangy octopus, now you bin added to Davey Jones's locker.

:pirsmile:I vote this become an automated message for spammers!:pirmad:

19-08-2010, 2:28am
Just on that Kym; will there be any more sizes coming in the Navy polos? I don't know if I'm a sky-blue kinda guy, although people do say the colour makes my eyes handsome :lol:

I have to order more polls in at some stage. Send me a pm about them and I will see what I can do about the size you want.

19-08-2010, 8:30am
Kym Great response in protecting the fine members we have here... thanks for being our guardian angel :)
and ART Vandelay oh you are too funny .. and a great way of looking at it from that angle..
Geofsta oh my .. what a cracker you are

19-08-2010, 9:42am
:rolleyes: :confused013 Ok, here is an opportunity! (http://shop.ausphotography.net.au/product_info.php?products_id=60) :th3:

Hey you're not kidding, I didn't even know you could buy shirts and such as well! :cool:

19-08-2010, 11:13am
I spotted this post the other day and got the no access message then I immediately knew the titles clue to spammer was correct. Good work Kim he got what he deserved.