View Full Version : Canon or Sigma wide angle lens ?

17-08-2010, 9:09pm
Which lens do you think i should buy the Canon 10-20mm or the Sigma i read great reviews about both lens.:rolleyes:

17-08-2010, 9:56pm
One vote here for the Canon 10-22mm. I bought it for a trip to the Canadian Rockies and it was awesome.


17-08-2010, 10:03pm
I actually went for the Tokina 12-24mm although it's not f2.8 I have been very happy with it so far:D

18-08-2010, 10:01am
Please let us know which way you go and why... will be my next purchase too.

18-08-2010, 10:04am
I ordered the Canon yesterday. Anxiously awaiting its arrival, hopefully tomorrow! :D

18-08-2010, 10:08am
I had the Sigma and it was excellent. When I made my purchase (a couple of years ago now) the general consensus seemed to be 50-50 and I doubt that's changed much. Pick one and go start shooting - you'll have some real fun with the super wide angles.

18-08-2010, 12:01pm
Welcome to the widey club, You'll have some fun with this lens , Just watch Vertical distortion , Your feet , Your shadow , Use about f8 to f10 which is around the sweet spot for heaps of DOF , I have the Sigma and it is sort of 50/50 , But in the end cause of the price difference , The sigma got it Bang for bucks !! - Bill :)

18-08-2010, 12:14pm
Same as Richard, the Tokina 12-24mm. Pro construction and an excellent lens

18-08-2010, 2:21pm
ive had the 10-20mm. beautiful piece of glass but sold it since its underused. most places i see will advice to go canon if u can afford it! :)

18-08-2010, 4:07pm
As long as it fits the UWA focal range i'm sure you'll enjoy it, either UWA you choose.
There's really not much difference between the two.

I've owned and used the Canon 10-22, Sigma 10-20/4-5.6, and the Tokina 10-17 FE for APS-C.

If you can justify the premium price, go with the Canon as it offers a tad more flexibility in shooting speed and focal length. My general impression is that the colors are a little more contrasty, a very marginal advantage in edge sharpness and its lightweight is nice for travel.
I found the 10-17 FE the sharpest of the 3 esp at the borders, although the distortion outgrew my use.

Now i shoot UWA on FF, and use both a 17-40L and 16-35LII for UWA.

Hope my costly experience helps you decide :)

18-08-2010, 8:38pm
Thanks for all the advise mmmm im edging for the Canon at this stage Tax man be nice to me.

18-08-2010, 8:57pm
Thanks for all the advise mmmm im edging for the Canon at this stage Tax man be nice to me.

Had the Sigma then Canon, found them both very good for landscapes and other wide angle work on a 1.6 crop frame body. Go with Canon if you can afford the extra dollars. I only sold my recently because I went to FF body and got use the 17-40 mm L as my wide angle lens now.

I have not heard a bad word about the Tokina wide angle range by the way: it really is up to you and your wallet.

19-08-2010, 5:54pm
Another lens to consider is the Sigma 8-16mm.
There is no other UWA this wide for APS-C to compare it to.
It may not be a fast aperture lens but its sharp wide open (from mtf charts) and the distortion is quite well controlled.

20-08-2010, 8:43am
I got a Tamron 10-24. Can't complain (too much) to be honest but I would prefer Canon. Check reviews and cameralab.com. This would give you some more info :)

20-08-2010, 9:27pm
mmm i really dont know what to buy now i am also thinking about the Canon 17-40mm or do i go for the 10-22mm as they are both similar in price give or take a few dollers?

20-08-2010, 9:54pm
I see that you have 50D. It is a cropped one (not a full frame) hence the focal length will have to be multiplied by 1.6. So, if you have 10-22 on 50D it will actually work as 16-35 on a full frame. If you are planning to upgrade soon to 5D get a 16-35 or 17-40 as 10-22 doesn't work with this model. check cameralabs and Cambridgeincolour web sites if you would like more thorough info :))

20-08-2010, 10:05pm
mmm i really dont know what to buy now i am also thinking about the Canon 17-40mm or do i go for the 10-22mm as they are both similar in price give or take a few dollers?

If you are looking for an Ultra Wide Angle lens, on your 50D the 17-40mm becomes effectively a 27mm lens at the wide end and 64mm at the other. ie Not a wide angle lens, effectively.

It would defeat the purpose if you are looking for a wide angle lens to buy the 17-40mm to use on a 1.6 crop body, in this case your Canon 50D. Go with the 10-22mm if you are keen on the Canon and can afford it and not planning to go to a full frame body. If you are going to a full frame body...17- 40mm would be the go in IMHO.

21-08-2010, 8:30pm
thanks for advise i have made my mind up yippee at last canon 10-22mm it is now mmmm wheres the best place to get it ?

21-08-2010, 10:19pm
I went with the Sigma 12-24 as I have both FF (5D) and crop (1D/7D) and this is the widest zoom available for full frame. Have had excellent results with mineand can highly recommend it.

27-08-2010, 3:55pm
Thanks for all the advise tax man has been good to me so on Tuesday im picking up the Canon 10-22 for a great price as well $1106.

27-08-2010, 4:54pm
For a 1.6x crop I'd go Sigma 8-16mm, to get the extra width.

08-09-2010, 10:50pm
The Sigma is a great lens

17-09-2010, 10:20pm
Can we have an update on the lens. I'm looking at this one as well and would be keen to know your first impressions.

19-09-2010, 11:17pm
consider the tokina 11-16mm f/2.8.

20-09-2010, 7:36am
Well i have got the Canon 10-22mm and very pleased with it so far there are a few shots i have uploaded on night forum called fire twirlers if you would like to view .
I cant compare this lens with any other as its my first lens but i love the balance of it also on mu Canon 50d.

05-10-2010, 3:38pm
If you haven't brought the lens yet, try this link. http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/sigma_10-20_4-5p6_n15/page4.asp

05-10-2010, 3:41pm
Have you got this lens, and if so, what body do you use it on?

08-10-2010, 10:07pm
Hi yes i got the Canon 10-20 and i use the 50d love it so far so good.

06-11-2010, 8:26am
I just bought a Canon 17 - 40 L and it is absolutely exceptional. The pictures are so sharp, and I have been looking, but I cant see much, if any barrell distortion.

Dr Zeus
19-12-2010, 7:16pm
If you haven't brought the lens yet, try this link. http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/sigma_10-20_4-5p6_n15/page4.asp

I can't say I haven't used this lens and I've got a Tokina 11-16

05-01-2011, 3:49pm
go the sigma. great lens

08-09-2011, 9:13am
I have the Sigma 3.5, It is amazing. Used a friends Canon, Didn't seem as sharp on the same subject :/