View Full Version : Re-touching an image - How much to charge?

13-08-2010, 8:22am
Yesterday I was handed an old, out of focus print of a person who'd recently passed away and asked if I could do anything to fix it up. There was also conciderable age and fungus damage done to the image (thankfully it was mostly in the background and not on the subjects)

I spent about 3 quarters of an hour to retouch this, sharpen the subject while masking the background. (I was actually quite pleased with the results concidering the original state of the image)

Originally I was going to be doing this as a favour for the man who owns the shop that I get lunch at every day (he's a nice bloke) but now he's offered recompence for my time.

How much would you charge for this service?

13-08-2010, 8:24am
Dunno, how much is your time worth ? Only you know the answer

13-08-2010, 8:26am
Thanks Darren, but I was asking how much would YOU charge?

13-08-2010, 8:33am
But that's my point, I might value my time because of a myriad of factors at $100 per hour. You might value your time as you normally are unemployed or work at macdonalds at $13 an hour at $20 an hour.....only you know, what anyone else charges for their time is totally abstract.

13-08-2010, 8:52am
How about 1 free lunch?

13-08-2010, 8:55am
Well to be honest, I would be happy with a free lunch. :D

I was more then anything else curious to see what the going rate is for a half decent job like this.

Fyi, I do not now nor have I ever worked for mcDonalds! :action: :lol:

13-08-2010, 9:08am
I would get the free lunch, because if you charge him and he isn't happy, he may just pay you, but I would be eating elsewhere after that....

Adrian Fischer
13-08-2010, 11:25am
do it for nothing but ask him if you can hang some of your photos in his eatery (at your cost also) so you get the exposure and possibly more work. Gotta be worth more than 3/4 hours work.

13-08-2010, 11:45am
....only you know, what anyone else charges for their time is totally abstract.

No, it's a reference point, and that's all he asked for - and fair enough, this being the business of photography forum.

rattus 79 - I was more then anything else curious to see what the going rate is for a half decent job like this.

I can't help you with that, rattus, but if you can't get a useful response in here, google a few professional phot sites and see how they charge for this sort of work.

cheers, Diogen3s/Jeff

13-08-2010, 1:23pm
do it for nothing but ask him if you can hang some of your photos in his eatery (at your cost also) so you get the exposure and possibly more work. Gotta be worth more than 3/4 hours work.

Now this is an idea that I hadn't thought about! Even better then that, He's just painted his walls pure White only last week! Thanks I'll talk to him about this!

13-08-2010, 6:09pm
Sounds like a restoration job rather than a retouch. There's a huge difference between the two, IMO.

I used to do restoration of photos for an organisation that arranged help for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Never charged for that but I'd spend many, many hours on a single image. I've recently been asked to restore a class photo from the 1930s which has been through the mill. It's going to take ages so I'll be charging $20/h for it.

In comparison, with retouching, it's usually about an hour or less per photo because you're only enhancing rather than fixing.

You need to decide what rate you feel conmfortable on. For my fantasy retouches I charge $50 commission and $25/h. Usually doesn't take me more than 2 hours and people are comfortable paying that much for a reworked image of themselves. Plus I only want to be compensated for time, I don't make a living doing this stuff at all.

Depends on how much your time is worth to you, really. Since you're friendly with this guy, I'd go the free lunch or getting some pictures up on the wall options. :) Good luck!

16-08-2010, 6:31am
I agree with Adrian, get him to hang your stuff ... youll probably make more from sales in the end ;)

FWIW, just the other day I retouched 4 glamour images for a model for $100.

Normally I will do 3 for $100 or 5 for $150, usually spending an average of about 20-30 mins on each. Its good pocket money.

16-08-2010, 11:46pm
id agree on try the hang things on the wall, its that old, one for free but the word of mouth thing too that doing this free might be pathway to more work, he gets something for free, maybe some nice imagery to hang on his wall, possibly offer tochange them on a semi regular basis, you get exposure he gets free wall hangings, win win.

17-08-2010, 7:32am
Well I spoke to him yesterday and He's agreed to provide me with a space on his wall! YAY!
After a brief chat we agreed that he wants some "action" shots as their clientelle is mostly factory workers.

Thankfully I have a selection of shots from round 3 of the Australian Super Bikes and a couple of my mates are flaggies at the event, so I'm getting a free pass to round 5 too.
Anyone else going to be there?

17-08-2010, 4:36pm
Nope, but congrats on the outcome.:th3:

Dave Clifford
17-08-2010, 7:32pm
Well I spoke to him yesterday and He's agreed to provide me with a space on his wall! YAY!
After a brief chat we agreed that he wants some "action" shots as their clientelle is mostly factory workers.

Thankfully I have a selection of shots from round 3 of the Australian Super Bikes and a couple of my mates are flaggies at the event, so I'm getting a free pass to round 5 too.
Anyone else going to be there?

Nice work, ASBK should give you nice shots for sure. Look forward to seeing a coulpe of images from the event.

As for retouching / restoring pricing, as Darren said it is very subjective as to what you want to eventually make out of it i.e a full time in come or some pocket money to spend on new kit.

18-08-2010, 9:54am
Makes sure you put a stack of flyers or business cards on the counter if you can at the same time you put the picks up - this way when people comment he can say take a flyer if you are interested in buying them, seeing more etc.

18-08-2010, 2:55pm
Makes sure you put a stack of flyers or business cards on the counter if you can at the same time you put the picks up - this way when people comment he can say take a flyer if you are interested in buying them, seeing more etc.

Yup, I already discussed that with him and It's all ok :D YAY! :D

19-08-2010, 12:07am
good stuff :D

Max Milne
02-11-2010, 4:31pm
I charge $50 per hour for post production work.


Yesterday I was handed an old, out of focus print of a person who'd recently passed away and asked if I could do anything to fix it up. There was also conciderable age and fungus damage done to the image (thankfully it was mostly in the background and not on the subjects)

I spent about 3 quarters of an hour to retouch this, sharpen the subject while masking the background. (I was actually quite pleased with the results concidering the original state of the image)

Originally I was going to be doing this as a favour for the man who owns the shop that I get lunch at every day (he's a nice bloke) but now he's offered recompence for my time.

How much would you charge for this service?

08-11-2010, 3:20pm
You can get photoshopping very cheap via the internet (india, head swap = $2) etc. I would do it for a lunch and the goodwill. The idea of putting up some of your pics might appeal, if not now in the future. Sometimes when we give a little we get so much in return!