View Full Version : Why?

10-08-2010, 9:51am
i was out yestetrday afternoon looking fror some nice evening light.
I took this multi image with camera on a tripod, apeture mode, using a wireless relaese.
this SHOULD have given a sharp image as there was no contact whatsoever with the camera while exposures taken. there was no wind no cause movement either.
So why is it not sharp?
I know i cut off the top of the tower but the sharpness is the problem here.
all help appreciated

10-08-2010, 9:58am
What was your aperture and where was your focus point?

Failing that - maybe the lens has focussing issues?

10-08-2010, 10:17am
Mudman. From your EXIF and description above you could well expect sharpness, even at 1/20s. At first, though, I thought the 1/20s may have introduced some motion blur, which I thought was evidenced by the vertical blur from the little "spars" near the top. I magnified the image in the browser and saw that all was OOF. IMO, that blur is chromatic aberration resulting from a slightly unfocused image (ie, showing lens fault). You wouldn't expect to see that in the vegetation. I'd say your focusing mode was making the AF hunt a bit and it did not focus successfully. If you did have it on fully manual focus then I just don't know. Am.

10-08-2010, 10:17am
How stable is your tripod? You could try the same with the mirror up. The mirror movement can also generate some shake.

10-08-2010, 10:38am
Black Mountain Tower is designed to flex in the wind, although you had little wind on the ground it gets very windy up the top.

The blur in the image appears to worsen as it gets closer to the top of the tower.

10-08-2010, 10:41am
Don't know what went wrong for you, but the tower looks great reflecting the sunset like that.

10-08-2010, 11:21am
Thank you everyone for your interest and comments.
Bax, F8 was used

10-08-2010, 11:26am
Thanks Jungbox, glad you like it. It is the sort of shot i was trying for.
Will go back and try manual focus, with the distance i was from the tower infinity should do it.
will also try mirror up, havn't tried that setting yet. also i will try a faster shutter speed, and anything else which may do the trick.