View Full Version : New to digital

09-08-2010, 12:04pm
Gooday all

I am relatively new to digital photography but have had a simple digital point and shoot for years. While I do not currently have a DSLR I have been out with a friend who does and have been observing and learning heaps so will be asking questions.

09-08-2010, 10:30pm
Well then. Get in amongst it and show us what you've got. You can still learn with a P&S.

10-08-2010, 3:18pm
G'day Greg

Firstly - Welcome to the AP family ... we're an avid lot here and many of us have the addiction called "we love our photography"

You say that you've got a P&S shooter - all well and good - and your mate has a dSLR - again all well & good too ... while you (in the future) have many options as to where to go when you decide to move on, may I suggest that you consider one of the UltraZoom fixed-lens systems as well as the dSLR cameras

While many on this list have never used a UZ, they do provide a very useful set of options to many people ... less weight & size & $ than a dSLR: almost as many "knobs & buttons" as a dSLR; a single, very useful zoom lens; and you still maintain lots of the convenience of the P&S camera

These days, many of these UZ cameras have viewfinders equal in quality to the dSLR cameras [tho some big-name dSLR camera makers do not, sorry to say] and they are, for all practical purposes a dSLR without being an interchangeable-lens system

Something to think about while you're out shooting...
Regards, phil