View Full Version : Macro Ring Flash LED Light

08-08-2010, 5:30am
Hi All,

Looking at getting a Macro Ring Flash LED Light for the Canon 50D camera.

Came across this one on ebay for $62 bucks > HERE (http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Macro-Ring-Flash-LED-Light-Canon-50D-40D-7D-5D-Mark-II-/260598605942?cmd=ViewItem&pt=AU_Cameras_Photographic_Accessories&hash=item3cace32876)

Anybody use these or recommend them at all?
Do they provide adequate lighting? any other recommendations?


08-08-2010, 6:10am
I bought one of these a few weeks ago but haven't had the chance to use it much yet. The trial I did when it first arrived gave good impressions. You can have all the LEDs lit or just either side, depending on what you need. As you can leave it turned on all the time it can make it a lot easier to focus in dark places. I think they are good value for money. Hope this helps.

08-08-2010, 1:46pm
I bought one of these a few weeks ago but haven't had the chance to use it much yet. The trial I did when it first arrived gave good impressions. You can have all the LEDs lit or just either side, depending on what you need. As you can leave it turned on all the time it can make it a lot easier to focus in dark places. I think they are good value for money. Hope this helps.

Thanks Andrew. so they are worth it? with your first impressions did the Macro Ring flash deliver a constant WHITE light or a bluish light (as somebody else mentioned?).
also how far does the LED light go. very short distance l take it?
And are they adjustable in power output?

also did you shot any insects, l take it there not scared away for the constant light?

Do you have any pics of it in action.. by any chance?

sorry for the many questions .. was thinking l ordering one as well, this week :)

Cheers mate

08-08-2010, 3:24pm
Thanks Andrew. so they are worth it? with your first impressions did the Macro Ring flash deliver a constant WHITE light or a bluish light (as somebody else mentioned?).
also how far does the LED light go. very short distance l take it?
And are they adjustable in power output?

also did you shot any insects, l take it there not scared away for the constant light?

Do you have any pics of it in action.. by any chance?

sorry for the many questions .. was thinking l ordering one as well, this week :)

Cheers mate

Hi Robert,

this one was taken using the ring light:


I think the light is white, I just went and grabbed it to take a couple of quick examples for you and couldn't notice a bluish tinge:

Natural light


With the ring light all on


Ring light all on


Ring light one side only


Ring light control


Sitting in my lounge room at the moment, reasonable light, I can easily see the light affecting the far wall about 5m away, so it has quite an effective range.
The only power control is all the lights on or half the lights on. You can choose between left and right being on.
The only wildlife I have shot so far is the spider, the light did not seem to bother him.

I had a walk around but could find no insects to scare :confused013

Snapped off this of our ensuite, near total darkness except for the ring light. The bath is about 5m away and the far wall about 8m.


Hope this helps, only quick snaps but I hope it gives you the idea.

08-08-2010, 3:33pm
I just sent you a PM with my phone number if you would like to call with any questions. If you do I will summarise the questions and answers here for anyone else that is interested.

My original thread of the spider is here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=61802) puts a bit more context to it.

I think it is a great addition to my gear at a very reasonable price. Just have to find the time to use it more! :th3:

09-08-2010, 4:09pm
Thank you so much for your reply and explanation and pictures as well Andrew.
Also for the Pm. Gratefully appreciate your help :)

its looks really good actually, and it too bright, can just display one side of the light.
good example with the model bike, with the light l suppose it would be much easier for the lens to focus .. and thus .. develop a Sharper image because of it.

Cheers mate