View Full Version : Finally reached that 100 post milstone?....then come and celebrate here!

16-09-2007, 1:24am
As you are aware, AusPhoto has started to boom and members are flocking here. With this increase in members comes the increase in members reaching that 100 post milestone. Whilst it can be quite exciting for many, others as well as myself would love to see the forums nice and tidy, without multiple threads about you reaching those 100 posts filling up the off topic forum.

In order to tackle this ever growing sight of '100 post' threads, I introduce to you the official
"100 Posts Celebration Thread"

If you have reached the milestone and are excited about it....then post here! Lets celebrate all together in one nice thread. Congratulate your fellow forum members in unity in this once happy place :p

24-09-2007, 9:06pm
:sport18: I reached a hundred:action5: :D

Craig Miller
24-09-2007, 9:39pm
So you did... :action5:

24-09-2007, 9:41pm
So you did... :action5:

ha ha...sorry Craig. I was compensating for never posting a "Hello" thread when I first joined AP:)

Craig Miller
24-09-2007, 9:43pm
I thought you'd like that. ;)

24-09-2007, 9:45pm
And to think, I traded my/your tubes:rolleyes:

26-09-2007, 9:56pm
Yay! Finally made it ...

:jumping11: :music05: Woohoo!!! :food04: :party7:


28-09-2007, 3:36pm
HAHA, good on ya mate :th3:

28-09-2007, 3:56pm
Yay! Finally made it ...

:jumping11: :music05: Woohoo!!! :food04: :party7:


YAY.....bout time you stopped being a virgin. :D

07-10-2007, 9:50am
Yay i made 100! WoooooHoooooo :party6::party6::animal3:

07-10-2007, 10:46am
Congratulations Sam

24-10-2007, 8:59pm
Today I can count 100 ! :D
:food04: Cheers everybody !

25-10-2007, 7:13am
Congratulations. Looking forward to your images. I don't think I will ever get there.

25-10-2007, 6:48pm
Congratulations. Looking forward to your images. I don't think I will ever get there.

Of course you will,it may not happen over night but it will happen

25-10-2007, 6:52pm
Yay I have just hit 700:sport18:

25-10-2007, 6:53pm
Now I have

25-10-2007, 7:48pm
The lasts few posts I have been doing still have me at 76.

26-10-2007, 5:00am
Hey Jan

Some of the threads have been removed from the post count tally, as other new members were using them incessantly to get their count up quickly.

Best way to get it up there is to make comments on image threads. ie, some critiqueing. I know you are probably a bit unsure about commenting on others images, but I have seen you photography improve so much in the past 12 months and I value your input, so would others.


26-10-2007, 6:10am
Thanks Rick. I do feel uncomfortable commenting on other people's images when they probably know alot more than me. I have already found this out. I will though.

04-11-2007, 9:46am
:party7: FINALLY MADE IT it has taken me a month an a half
:jumping11: :violent10: :animal3: :party6: :action25:

04-11-2007, 12:36pm
Im almost there...

07-11-2007, 11:00am
I PASSED 100!!!! didnt even realise..

07-11-2007, 12:13pm
I PASSED 100!!!! didnt even realise..

lol.. same here. I saw this thread, looked at my post count and it was 101.

And it only took me 16 months... :p

07-11-2007, 12:31pm
i may or indeed may not have passed this milestone...:action003:

07-11-2007, 12:41pm
Well, Mr. J.M...(assuming) CONGRATS! haha...

07-11-2007, 1:53pm
Once you're past the 100 you forget to look at the number and it's goes up really fast..

Trust me.............

09-11-2007, 9:02pm
Are you allowed to post in here when you're under a hundred, but rapidly approaching it? Hmm, I hope so. If I do, it will mean I'm only a few measley posts away from coming back in here and posting yet again, this time absolutely legitimately.

<edit> posts in off-topic obviously don't count in the tally :) I'm over now, phew, that's a milestone I thought I'd never reach! :th3: :animal3:

12-11-2007, 11:14am
100... WOOHOO :D


Luke Thompson
12-11-2007, 4:54pm
congrats earthfire, im getting there lol:action003:

12-11-2007, 8:47pm
100... WOOHOO :D


Good on ya Timmie :food04:

12-11-2007, 9:09pm
Wondered why it had taken so long, and then realised 'off topic' posts don't count!

*Must post more useful stuff* :D


15-11-2007, 10:00pm
Althought I've been a member for over a year now I was more of an observer and less of a participant in the forum. So, an overdue milestone has been reached... yippy hooray to me folks :party6: :)

P.S. Being down to earth about this event, you can send your expensive photography-related gifts to my address, which I will readily provide you via PM. :D

16-11-2007, 10:30pm
Woo Hoo for me...lol

Luke Thompson
20-11-2007, 3:42pm
yeeeeeow the big 100 finally
:party7: :party7: :party7: :party7: :food04: :party7: :party7: :party7: :party7:

29-11-2007, 12:11pm
Thanks Rick. I do feel uncomfortable commenting on other people's images when they probably know alot more than me. I have already found this out. I will though.

Hey Jan, don't feel uncomfortable. I've got NO technical knowledge on photography. Like zero, zip, nada. But I do know what I like and what I don't like. Sometimes this type of feedback is more welcome than the tech support. After all, if someone is serious about breaking into the commercial world of photograhy, it's going to be the average joe who buys their work, not a pro photographer (they'll take their own shots).

Some of the best (technically speaking) photographers have limited creativity. That's where people like me come into play. I contribute to the forums, but stay clear of responding to the tech stuff. Having said that .... the tech stuff is my food to help build my knowledge and without it, I'd be in the poop.

A website that caters for everyone and knows no boundaries. I think that's what this site set out to achieve, and achieve it has ..... beyond anyone's wildest dreams. And I remember when the "Most users on line at once" sat at 33.

19-01-2008, 10:15pm
I have made 100 posts, only 2 of them any good :)

Helen S
19-01-2008, 10:46pm
Not true Andrew, you've made some great posts. :D Congratulations on your 100, the first of many, many more. :party7: :music05: :animal3:

20-01-2008, 5:39am
yey! passed 100!

21-01-2008, 10:05pm

:party6: :party6: :party6: 100 :party6: :party6: :party6:



Go Me! :rolleyes:

Luke Thompson
21-01-2008, 10:07pm
hehehe Etchd off topic post dont count lol quick go post somewhere

21-01-2008, 10:42pm
hehehe Etchd off topic post dont count lol quick go post somewhere

Well, didnt i just do the equivilant to pissing myself in public! :o

Cheers Lukey Luke ;) :sport18:

Me = :crzy:

27-01-2008, 6:47pm
Yeah, Finally made it and did not even realise. :action66:

27-01-2008, 8:35pm
Hey I didn't even realise I passed 100 :D

27-01-2008, 8:40pm
Me too, 104* woohoo.

02-02-2008, 4:41pm
finally....post 100

03-02-2008, 8:47am
Ok at 100 I think I am officially ADDICTED!

06-02-2008, 12:37pm
yay for me :)

I made it :)

20-04-2008, 1:01pm
Here I am! Wo Hoo!

20-04-2008, 1:23pm
Here I am! Wo Hoo!

So you are a Senior now Nick...getting old mate!:D

23-04-2008, 12:12pm
I have just joined the 100 post club, in less then 1 month of being a member, is that some sort of record????? :sport18:

Maybe I need to get a life :crzy:


06-05-2008, 6:17pm
errr i just hit a hundred as well, it only seems like i just joined, does this mean i am addicted to AP and photography? :eek:

07-05-2008, 8:56am
It seems I got into here too.... and I haven't even been using my camera that much! :eek: God knows how much I'll post when I actually start taking photos more and sharing...

07-05-2008, 8:57am
Hey cool... just realized I've trickled over the 100 mark too.

07-05-2008, 7:29pm
God i feel like Gilly (adam Gilchrist) (but not paid near as much)

I might have joined yonks ago but only got active in February so i'm Happy !!!!

08-05-2008, 2:09pm
hmm well it looks like i was over for a while, but never realised.

30-05-2008, 9:49pm
I made it too:party7: :grinning: :sport18:

05-06-2008, 9:35pm
I'm nearly at 1000 :D

Okay so I'm about 150 off, but still :sport18:

22-06-2008, 11:54am

22-06-2008, 3:10pm
I've only just joined and didn't know this existed when I passed the 100 milestone!

So YAY! I suppose!:D


23-06-2008, 6:06am
Finally made it after a slow start :sport18: I'll make 200 much quicker (I hope)

30-06-2008, 10:12pm
Post 100 !!

Almost did not get here with the database problem. ;)

16-07-2008, 7:42pm
Just gone over 100. Never done that before on other forums. I must like you guys!! :action66:

16-07-2008, 9:41pm
my 100th post :action66: :action66: :sport18: :sport18: :action5: :action5: :party7: :party7: :th3: :th3: :jumping11: :jumping11: :music05: :music05: :food04: :food04: :devil6: :music: :animal3:

emoticon overkill?:confused: :D

20-07-2008, 9:09am
ummm I'm a bit slow:crzy:

02-08-2008, 9:34pm
I have done 100 Posts
Thank you to all of you for making one feel so welcome and helpfull

:action66: :jumping11: :food04:

30-08-2008, 5:55pm
Finally, I'm in this group. It only took 7 months.

30-08-2008, 6:19pm
I didn't think it was any thing special because I did it in about a month, and I'm not too sure about this title; senior member; that makes me feel very old. What's the next milestone to look out for? "Old timer" "past it":action66:

Cheers all; thanks for having me; or should that be, putting up with me.:rolleyes:

30-08-2008, 6:22pm
I didn't think it was any thing special because I did it in about a month, and I'm not too sure about this title; senior member; that makes me feel very old. What's the next milestone to look out for? "Old timer" "past it":action66:

Cheers all; thanks for having me; or should that be, putting up with me.:rolleyes:

Ha! Edit your profile and change you moniker! Yung fella or something! :p

26-09-2008, 3:07pm
I dont know if this qualifys as a milestone or not... with only 0.23 posts per day... but I just wanted to holla anyway.

By far this is one of the best online communities I've encountered.

Kudos to everyone, the mods, and Rick.

30-09-2008, 9:13pm
woot woot!!!! Just made 100 posts (1.38/day)...was only really active this month so yay now i cant stop cheers for all ur help and thanks for making me feel welcome!!!

07-10-2008, 1:47pm
This is number 100 and I have really enjoyed being here for that time. I find the members are very helpful and I hope that I can be just as helpful to others.

My Motto:

Helping people help other people

14-10-2008, 12:38pm
Finally got there, this site has been really helpful and has introduced me to some great people. Kudos to everyone for a great site!!

04-11-2008, 10:29pm
Well done

05-11-2008, 12:05am
Don't think I posted here at 100 so noew that I have just got past 500 it must be time.

It has been a great ten months and I have learned heaps, and I hope I have helped a few along the way as well.

05-11-2008, 6:33am
Congrats everyone and thanks for the compliments regarding the site, and what it offers. As it grows we hope to keep the happy, friendly feel that it now has. After all its the great members who are willing to share ideas, techniques and their photography, with a bit of their personalities thrown in, that make the site fun, rewarding and educational to visit. Appreciate everyone's input.

05-11-2008, 6:53pm
Just found this thread, so I thought I would post, and say a big thanks to Rick and all the mods, plus all those helpfull members - it makes it a very friendly place to learn and share. :)

30-11-2008, 5:52pm
Any excuse for a party, so I'm here to celebrate my 100th post!! :party6: :food04: :grinning:
Whilst I don't feel I have the necessary skills/experience to post constructively, I very much appreciate the fact that there are many experienced people on this site who are ever ready to share their knowledge :th3:
I've learnt heaps here and no doubt will learn heaps more :D
Thanks to Rick and the mods for doing such a great job with the site and to everybody who contributes - this site rocks! :music: :music05: :music:

30-11-2008, 5:54pm
And I've just noticed for some reason, I'm stuck on 99 posts? Maybe then this will show as the 100th??

30-11-2008, 11:17pm
I am on 99 - noticed i was a member then became a new member - i wonder what happens now :)

30-11-2008, 11:18pm
I'm stuck - help :rolleyes:

Dizzy Photographics
01-12-2008, 10:26pm
Wooohoooooo i finally got there :)

02-12-2008, 10:17pm
congrats Deb - apparently there is a secret handshake :rolleyes: , i have been told in another thread.......;)

Dizzy Photographics
02-12-2008, 10:27pm
Yeah i read something about that...and like an 'initiation ceremony'??? Maybe i should have kept my mouth shut lol :)

05-12-2008, 11:11pm
Watch out SeeSee i am going to catch you. HA HA:p
I made 100 post Woot Woot:D

08-01-2009, 6:43pm
woot woot 140 odd for me now .. still havent contributed a damn thing though :D

18-01-2009, 12:15am
100 and a bit, it took a while but slow and steady wins the race, too much time trying to learn photoshop i think

18-01-2009, 7:12am
Congratulations everyone, no secret handshake. Well not that would be discussed on the forums, otherwise it would not be secret now would it :p

20-01-2009, 4:55pm
WOOHOO HERE'S MY 100th post.... *CUE Guy Sebastian with Angels Brought Me Here thanks...* LOL... It's been great people...

20-01-2009, 5:30pm
Congratulations! :food04:
(You need one more - posts to this and certain other forums don't count)

01-02-2009, 8:42am
Whoa.....100 posts in my first 30days! Mind you I was on holidays but I hope to keep up the rate now that I am back at work.

05-02-2009, 10:45pm
Did it about a week ago and you could say I am getting addicted to this site

05-02-2009, 11:03pm
I'm up to 187 - didn't realise!

05-02-2009, 11:05pm
Hey Carmen you joined the same date as me and I thought I was addicted.

12-02-2009, 10:57am
Ive made it, Had to check I didn't even notice I have made over 250 posts.

I must not do much at work... Woops

12-02-2009, 12:46pm
:party7: YAY!! I didn't even realise I'd made it to 100 posts.. lol :sport18: :animal3:

12-02-2009, 8:43pm
YAY!! I saved this post for this thread! 100 posts in (I think) 9 days haha.. yeah, I'm hopelessly addicted..

12-02-2009, 8:49pm
Well done everyone

13-02-2009, 6:04am
YAY!! I saved this post for this thread! 100 posts in (I think) 9 days haha.. yeah, I'm hopelessly addicted..

Made me laugh, Its like me. I come to work to sit on AP

19-02-2009, 12:38pm
:party7: OOOO I just ticked over this morning :party7: now I'm not so much of a lurker heheh. This hobby is very addictive,... sigh.... just like my other hobby.... Love to play with glass during winter stained/leadlighting have a few projects to finish from last winter. :)

Jordan Compte
27-02-2009, 11:23am
got it yesterday, discovered this topic today haha

13-04-2009, 6:46pm
Just reached the ton with my Mardi Gras post. Happy happy joy joy ! :)

24-04-2009, 1:51pm
Finally 100 posts in such a short time too.

24-04-2009, 1:56pm
Congrats - onward and upward.

24-04-2009, 2:15pm
Geez Kirsty makes 100 before breakfast each morning .. :D

Onya mate .. only a few more to catch Col .. :eek: :D

24-04-2009, 4:05pm
lmao Darren.. well shucks.. I do try :D

24-04-2009, 4:08pm
Yah, look at the post hog ;) LMAO I don't know how you rack up so many Kirsty LOL I try and post to as many as i can, and don't seem to be anywhere near you!

24-04-2009, 4:23pm
*grins big* 42 to go til I've reached 2000 :D

24-04-2009, 6:13pm
*grins big* 42 to go til I've reached 2000 :D

:rolleyes: Seesee must be worried.
Because in 684 days time you will overtake him as the top poster assuming the same daily post rate.
BTW: you will both be around 17,521 posts. :cheeky33: :eek: :D

24-04-2009, 6:16pm
:rolleyes: Seesee must be worried.
Because in 684 days time you will overtake him as the top poster assuming the same daily post rate.
BTW: you will both be around 17,521 posts. :cheeky33: :eek: :D

LMAO!! holy cow!! that many??!! Omg:eek:
What can I say? I love looking at peoples photos, and learning how to take better ones myself :D
Thanks guys!! :D

24-04-2009, 10:24pm

I've done it - and it was no great effort.

Thanks Rick et al.

25-04-2009, 6:13am
Congrats Shane :D

04-05-2009, 1:50pm
I finally made a hundred posts!! Took me forever because I don't have much to say but oh well.. still loving the site :D

04-05-2009, 1:56pm
yay! i reached 100! :D

04-05-2009, 3:21pm
yay! i reached 100! :D

And you have 51 other times as well as about to do it again :D Congrats David.

06-05-2009, 9:45pm
don't have much to say

That would be a change :D

Missed this one; Good work Sal; 900 and something posts and you will catch me; but you are not that bored


06-05-2009, 10:00pm
I finally made a hundred posts!! Took me forever because I don't have much to say but oh well.. still loving the site :D

Well done.

07-05-2009, 3:18pm
Well I'm not exactly up to 100 posts but thought I may as well make my first post here anyway :confused013

09-05-2009, 8:44am
Post 101...

As discontinued said "I finally made a hundred posts!! Took me forever because I don't have much to say but oh well.. still loving the site"

25-05-2009, 10:23am

100 aka a 'hunge' posts down.many many more to go.:food04:

25-05-2009, 1:55pm
oops!..think I missed this thread :D

25-05-2009, 1:58pm

100 aka a 'hunge' posts down.many many more to go.:food04:

Good work pirate; you should be able to catch Col [seesee] by next week :th3:

Good to have you here; keep'em coming


07-06-2009, 8:44pm
We are very happy to have reached this auspicious milestone ( or should that be Kilometre stone now),:banana: :banana: :banana: and look forward to the next hundred posts (if we can think of anything to say, that is)
Wayne & Di

11-06-2009, 11:33am
:banana: I made it to 100. I've picked up so much knowledge along the way. I'm sure that will continue. Thanks AP. :th3:

03-08-2009, 7:05pm
wooooo!!!! hoooooo!!!! finally got to it.. :efelant: :efelant: :efelant: :efelant:

and hopefully many more will come

03-08-2009, 7:09pm
Congrats on the 100 posts. Im over 600 since April 2009, that must be close to a record inside 3 months :D but quantity does not equate to quality by any stretch here :cool: ,.

I must get a life, na, love AP :)

10-09-2009, 5:08pm
I got there an didn,t realize bit like my birthday starting to foget that as well LOL:efelant::D:th3:

25-09-2009, 10:16pm
I got there an didn,t realize bit like my birthday starting to foget that as well LOL:efelant::D:th3:
same here, somehow I slipped right past 100 without finding this thread...

Paul G
25-09-2009, 10:29pm
Me too! Cheers to us all anyway :food04:

26-09-2009, 7:56am
Adding this post brings me to 250! Woohoo! Where's my gold Rolex? Need another trip to Shanghai to visit the markets - Lolex for $20 - you buy now LOL ... Mine is still working after 2 years!

What David said though about quality, 250 posts - maybe 25 of mine are worthwhile... :D

17-10-2009, 12:44pm
100!! woo =]

Damn it doesnt count in off topic haha still 99 :(

17-10-2009, 12:57pm
lol 100 wow now I'm old!!

18-10-2009, 10:28am
Just realised I'm up to 200 (missed the 100 milestone). w00t!

22-11-2009, 11:54am
100 in less than a week,I need to get a life.:confused013:food04::efelant:

22-11-2009, 1:15pm
I missed the 100 too :o
Never mind I'll just have to celebrate twice as hard now :party6::food04::efelant:

22-11-2009, 1:21pm
100 in less than a week,I need to get a life.:confused013:food04::efelant:

I was wondering if I could transfer my 4,941 from elsewhere to my AP post count :rolleyes:

well done Kev :th3:

22-11-2009, 1:28pm
I was wondering if I could transfer my 4,941 from elsewhere to my AP post count :rolleyes:

well done Kev :th3:

If you can,I want my 1922 brought over,:)

22-11-2009, 1:49pm
I was wondering if I could transfer my 4,941 from elsewhere to my AP post count :rolleyes:
well done Kev :th3:

We can bump your count by 1 - fair trade? :rolleyes: :p :D

22-11-2009, 1:53pm
If we change your count (which is possible), as soon as I run a site cleanup, it recalculates and reverts back to the correct figure. So yes, we can, but no we won't :D

22-11-2009, 1:53pm
Sounds good to me.

25-11-2009, 3:54am
i never realised how much ive got until i saw this thread on top. LOL.. woohoo anyways!

25-11-2009, 5:00am
i never realised how much ive got until i saw this thread on top. LOL.. woohoo anyways!

hehehe. That first 100 seems to take forever and then suddenly you have heaps more.

Dylan & Marianne
25-11-2009, 7:43am
I'm just posting this post to see how many I now have haha

27-11-2009, 2:42pm
Wooooo! 100! I dont look at the counter often but I just looked and it said 99 :D

Kerry Rainer
01-12-2009, 6:10pm
Ooh I finally made 100! ( and 2... 3 with this post!) :efelant::party6:

01-12-2009, 6:11pm
Ooh I finally made 100! ( and 2... 3 with this post!) :efelant::party6:

(off topic don't count so still 102 :rolleyes: )

Kerry Rainer
01-12-2009, 6:15pm
Thanks Kym:)...and oh! :o

01-12-2009, 6:16pm
Good on ya, Kerry!!! :)

Kerry Rainer
01-12-2009, 6:18pm
Thanks Andrew! :)

02-12-2009, 8:19am
Ummmm, I forgot to post here when I hit 100 posts, and I just realised I'm now going on 1000, is it too late to post now? :)

03-12-2009, 9:55pm
Yippeeee! 100 posts! addicted to AP.... love it

11-12-2009, 2:41pm
I just checked my post count and it said 201- yipeeee. been on another forum since 1999 and have struggled to get to 14.

11-12-2009, 3:15pm
YAY!!!! i reached 100 posts :D

11-12-2009, 6:06pm
YAY!!!! i reached 100 posts :D

81 times! :rolleyes:

30-12-2009, 6:45pm
Does 400 count??????:o

30-12-2009, 6:46pm
81 times! :rolleyes:

Show off,:lol:

30-12-2009, 7:52pm
They all count!

01-01-2010, 7:37am
I finally made it. Seemed like a high mountain to climb at first then, suddenly, here I am. Woo hoo!:D

10-01-2010, 6:14pm
Well I got to my 100

here http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?t=47761

Kevin M
27-01-2010, 7:44pm
I have only recently reached 1300 posts (yippee!!) 13 lots of 100 posts ;)

07-02-2010, 9:04am
Hi :D:D:D

just made 100 posts!!

I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to all the people who work so hard to make this forum what it is! I've learned a whole lot in the months I have been a member. :th3:

16-02-2010, 10:48am
Well that's the first 100 up:efelant: got to say the site and people on it made it easy .
Thanks all. cheers Garry

16-02-2010, 11:21am
Yep I found once I got past the first 20 it just got easier and easier.
Its a great community and I feel lucky to be a part of it :)

22-02-2010, 9:28am
Just realised I have too :D

22-02-2010, 8:35pm
just realized i can post here too :D must have passed 100 in the last week or so:party6:

22-02-2010, 11:30pm
Don't know when I did it but I did it!!!

04-03-2010, 3:10pm
Well done !

05-03-2010, 6:05pm
Oh nuts! I missed it! I hit 100 a little while ago.

25-04-2010, 4:49pm
SIGH. I only have a few.

25-04-2010, 4:52pm
SIGH. I only have a few.

hahaha, and this one will not re-activate your inactive account. Post to Out of Focus do not count. So if you are concerned about your low post count, how about joining in, rather than lurking and posting inane rubbish in the hope it will give you more access again?

12-08-2010, 3:32pm
double 100 :D

19-08-2010, 1:33pm
Milestone passed twice :beer_mug:

30-05-2011, 2:16pm
not meaning to brag, but just hit 100 posts! Whaddup!

07-06-2011, 6:41am
Oh; only just noticed this thread :th3:

occifer nick
03-08-2011, 6:03am
Made it, do you have to do a nudi run or something? lol

I @ M
03-08-2011, 6:56am
Made it, do you have to do a nudi run or something? lol

Yep, but you don't need to worry about public humiliation because we only ever send Canon users to record the event and we all know that the focus system in them can't keep up with a good streak. :D

occifer nick
03-08-2011, 1:07pm
lol @ Andrew

24-08-2011, 4:46pm
I made it through!:scrtch::lol:

Film Street
11-09-2012, 5:03pm
hmm I'm late to my own party,.

My grandpa made it to 94, does that count?

12-09-2012, 3:52pm
I'm pretty sure I've clocked 100. *joins conga line*