View Full Version : Tethering iPhone -internet

02-08-2010, 11:38am
Anyone have any experience with tethering iPhones to use the internet?

I'm moving into an apartment closer to town on Sunday, and I'm going to need internet access for uni.

I thought I'd give tethering a try, before making the decision to get internet connected. My iPhone is with Vodafone, and I get 500mb of data included each month. 500mb seems like a lot...I'm on the net for probably about 1-2 hours each day on the iPhone, and I only use 30mb per month. But I don't know if 500mb would be enough once it's connected to a laptop.


If the tethering is a bad idea, then what is a good cheap-ish broadband deal that I can get? [between $25-$40 a month] Internet at my parents house is with Internode, and they seem fairly good?

David Kembrey
02-08-2010, 12:06pm
Hi Amy, we tried teathering when we moved but could not work out how to do it :( but if you have any luck let me know


02-08-2010, 12:55pm
I have never done it Amy, however I would not rely on the optus 3G network (which is what vodaphone use) for a dedicated internet source. The optus 3G network is painfully slow compared to the telstra equivalent (as much as I hate to say it)..

You should be able to get a basic plan from places like iinet and tpg for around $30 a month + line rental if you have it, or alternatively there are naked adsl packages available from around $50 a month...

02-08-2010, 2:48pm
Hi Amy, we tried teathering when we moved but could not work out how to do it :( but if you have any luck let me know


It's pretty easy, just plug your phone into computer on a USB and then go into your phone settings > general > network and the tethering will be in there

02-08-2010, 2:49pm
I have never done it Amy, however I would not rely on the optus 3G network (which is what vodaphone use) for a dedicated internet source. The optus 3G network is painfully slow compared to the telstra equivalent (as much as I hate to say it)..

You should be able to get a basic plan from places like iinet and tpg for around $30 a month + line rental if you have it, or alternatively there are naked adsl packages available from around $50 a month...

Wow, I didn't know that Vodafone used the Optus network...learn something new every day!

I'm going to give it a try on the weekend, and see how it goes :)

02-08-2010, 3:34pm
Amy I use the tethering with my iPhone and Macbook Pro all the time when I'm away from home working on the laptop, it works well for me. If you are worried about data usage, I suggested getting a data usage app. I've got QuotaLite (free version) and allows you to monitor your data usage.

Why not try it and see how it goes?

I've got 1GB on my iPhone (included as part of my plan) but I've only ever used like 700mb, but I don't use it as my primary internet connection.

02-08-2010, 3:48pm
Amy I use the tethering with my iPhone and Macbook Pro all the time when I'm away from home working on the laptop, it works well for me. If you are worried about data usage, I suggested getting a data usage app. I've got QuotaLite (free version) and allows you to monitor your data usage.

Why not try it and see how it goes?

I've got 1GB on my iPhone (included as part of my plan) but I've only ever used like 700mb, but I don't use it as my primary internet connection.

Thanks Mike :)

I would only be using the internet for school purposes really [printing Library eReserve documents, sourcing images etc.] for while I'm doing school work. I can handle using Facebook etc. on my phone itself.

Will definitely look at getting that Data App though, sounds like a good way to keep tabs on it!

06-08-2010, 9:25pm
It's pretty easy, just plug your phone into computer on a USB and then go into your phone settings > general > network and the tethering will be in there

It can also be done via Bluetooth if your computer has BT built-in (and most do).

07-08-2010, 10:09am
Another option ...

Mobile broadband ?