View Full Version : Next lens??? Decision time..

01-08-2010, 4:17pm
Hi im trying to figure which way to go in buying my next lens and was hoping for some advice or your opinions please?

What i have is a Nikon D90 with :
18-105 (kit lens)
50 1.8

I like portraits and macro and also like landscape and sports photography and animals...pretty much all aspects of photography really thats why im having so much trouble choosing my next lens. What im currently looking at getting is:
Tokina 11-16
Tamron 17-50 2.8
Tamron 90mm 2.8 1:1 macro
Tokina 50-135 2.8

The Tokina lenes are pushing the budget a bit due to upcoming wedding and traveling eating all my money at moment, but could strecth to get one tho maybe, any ideas what i should do lol :confused013

thanks in advance for your help guys and gals

01-08-2010, 8:55pm
If your going to be travelling soon maybe the wide angle?
For me it's easier to get interesting compositions and the huge depth of field makes it easier to get both foreground and background elements in focus.
I have a tamron 11-18, I know a a lot of folk here use the sigma 10-20 and I think from the pics I've seen it may be the better of the two.
I have no experience with the tokina so won't comment.

Macros are just plain fun, your backyard becomes a whole new world with one.
Good for portraits too with a narrow depth of field for throwing the background out of focus.
But you're 50mm can do good portraits so I guess it comes down to macro vs wide to fill the gaps.
Once again I hear good things about the tamron but don't own one myself.

As for sports and wildlife, none of lens' below would be as good as your 70-300 for reach, maybe a teleconverter for it?

This is just my opinion but others that have these lens' may be of more help.

I'm sure others will be able to add more.

01-08-2010, 9:13pm
Tamron 90 will take care of both macro and portrait categories in one.

01-08-2010, 9:23pm
What i have is a Nikon D90 with :
70-300VR - OK for sport and animals
18-105 (kit lens) - OK for general travel stuff and most landscapes
50 1.8 - OK for portraits

"I like portraits and macro and also like landscape and sports photography and animals."

so, only thing missing is macro ?

Id grab some 2nd hand kenko extension tubes, whack em on the 50 1.8 and hey presto, prob solved < $150

02-08-2010, 8:20am
so, only thing missing is macro ?

Id grab some 2nd hand kenko extension tubes, whack em on the 50 1.8 and hey presto, prob solved < $150

Mongo must say, for a sometimes controversial stirrer - the KIWI often does makes good sense. Not a bad solution.

02-08-2010, 12:38pm
Thanks for your feed back guys, I'm leaning in the direction of either the Tamron 17-50 or Tamron 90, from what I have seen both can take great shots just not sure still...is the 17-50 a decent everyday lens? and with the 90 would it be just macro and portraits with this lens?

02-08-2010, 4:21pm
I have a D90 and a Tammy 17-50: it is a great every day lens (spends a lot of time on my camera) but the only thing that you will really gain is larger maximum aperture, and a little sharpness (by all accounts the 18-105 is a pretty decent performer, especially at the shorter focal lengths although I have never owned one). Are you finding low light a limitation for you with the 18-105? If not, then it might not be good bang for buck to replace it with the 17-50.

02-08-2010, 5:06pm
have much the same..kit 105 nikon lens, 50 f1.8, 70-=300fr, but have the 35f 1.8 which i highly recommend on crop sensor d90 plus the 105 f2.8 macro which i've had now for a month and have found to be great for portraits and macro stuff!!